Chapter 9

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I shouldn’t have left the protection of the tress, I should have stayed there. I run, taking long quick strides. I have nowhere to hide in this open land and his footsteps seem to be gaining on me.

“Norah stop! Please stop and listen to me!” his voice is panicked and desperate. I push harder willing my legs not to collapse underneath me; he doesn’t seem to be fast enough to catch me. His footsteps stop then start again getting quieter. I take a peek behind me and see his retreating figure.

The road is a blurry line in the distance; I wipe the tears in my eyes so I can see him and where he is heading.

I start running again but at an easy jog. He will be back, I know he will. After a few minutes at that pace, I can see a fence in the distance, the same one that was surrounding the place I escaped which I still have no idea what it’s called, or for.

I walk up to the fence, it has barbed wire on top meaning I won’t be able to climb over. I jog along the fence hoping to find an opening, but it seems to be going on for ever. I spot the first tree in this open terrain and there are more scattered behind it. My heart skips a beat maybe I do have a chance to get away.

I look back over at the road and see that Luke has reached his car I need to find a way onto the other side of this fence. I look for the nearest tree to the fence and pray that it’s high enough for me to climb it and jump over the fence.

I find a tree its branches hanging over the other side of the fence; the trunk is thick with not much foot holds to help me climb up. The climb up is slow; my foot keeps on slipping taking me back down to the ground. Frustrated a kick at the tree, this is hopeless.

 I look at road; the car is coming towards me at full speed. At a desperate attempt I try to climb the tree one more time, only to end up on the ground.

The car is only minutes away. I ran to another tree in hopes of it getting me over this fence, it’s not as thick as the first tree but its branch reach over the fence as well.

I climb up the tree with no trouble. His reached the previous tree I was at and is getting out. I hurry my movements going from branch to branch as they get thinner.

“Norah! Get down!” his yelling, right under me. I ignore him and put my full focus on the task at hand, my heart is beating so loud I’m sure it can be heard for miles, I wipe my hands on my jeans, to stop them sweating so much, it doesn’t help.

The branches sag under my weight, about to break at any moment. I’m one more branch away from being directly under the fence; I take a step onto the branch ready to jump. Luke’s voice interrupts my focus; I look down at him starting to climb up the tree. I try not to let the panic and fear take over, and instead focus on the height which doesn’t help either, it makes me nauseous it’s not going to be a safe landing if I make it or not.

I hear the first snap of the branch, I’m too heavy. I bend my knees and push off just as the branch snaps falling to the ground. Everything slows down as I’m free falling. The trees stop moving in the breeze, the grass stops moving and my breath stops, when I land on the fence everything speeds up again. The jolt of electricity moving off the fence and through my body throws me off the fence, onto the ground landing on my arm with a thump, bring tears to my eyes.

I clutch my arm to my chest I don’t know if I’ve broken it or not, but I don’t dare look. Even though I’m not touching the fence I still fill the electricity moving through me.

“Shit! Norah” Luke jumps down from the tree and is at my side in seconds. If I have to go down, I’m going to down fighting. I kick and claw with my good hand at him. He grabs a hold of my hand while using the other hand to get something from his pocket. I bring my leg back and kick him right between his legs; he groans grabbing his groin and drops the needle he pulled out.

I pull my hand out of his grip, and try to get up only to end up on the ground again. My legs feel like jelly. Luke is on me again with needle in hand, by now I’ve let the fear take over and am crying uncontrollably, begging him to let me go.

“Please! Let me go please!” he looks down at me with pained eyes then stabs the needle in my neck. “I’m sorry”

All I see before the lights go out are his pained eyes staring down at me, repeating I’m sorry over and over.


I struggle to open my eyes; it feels like they are glued together. I’m not sure if the rest of my body is intact with my head, because I can’t feel anything below.

Minutes or hours pass before my eyes finally open the first thing I see is another bed across from me, navy blue walls and two brown cupboards one is locked up with chains around it making me curious what the person is hiding.

I can’t feel the weight of the quilt on me I can’t move. What did he inject me with? Where am I? I start to panic; I look around the room for anything to help me. There is a large window next to the other bed, large enough for me to get through but getting there is going to be the problem.

With the help of my head I roll off the bed landing with a loud thump, I bite my tongue to stop myself from crying out in my pain, from my arm. At least I can feel again, that’s a start.

There is blood stained bandages rapped all over my arm, I try to stand but my one good arm feels like jelly and isn’t strong enough to push me.

So instead I decide to drag myself across the carpet to get to the other bed. I stop every time I think I’ve heard something, and then continue again.

I reach the edge of the other bed identical to the one I woke up in. I pull my body up dragging along my lifeless legs, only to end up on the ground.

My arm stings, it feels like I’m having my arm torn of my body repeatedly. I bite down on my lip until I can taste the metallic taste of blood.

I give up trying and lie down on the carpet, and wonder how my life could change so fast. From waking up in the morning worrying about what I’m going or have for breakfast, to this. Will I be still alive in the next hour? What does he want from me? There is so many questions wanting to be answered but no one to answer them.

A door opens and then slams shut, my whole body freezes, the footsteps come up some stairs. I panic there is nowhere for me to hide, in time.

So I play it off like I’m sleeping, I slow my breathing and hope my heart doesn’t give me away, nearly beating out of my chest. The footsteps stop right in front the door. I peek through half open eyelids, as locks turn and black boots step in. The door closes and the locks close in place again.

He steps over to me, one hand slides around my hip the other around my neck. I try not to finch from his touch and make my body as limp as possible, but I’m sure his already figured out I’m faking.

He lifts me up with no effort and puts me on the bed; I take a peek as he turns around to grab the quilt off the ground. Just as I thought, its Luke.

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