Chapter 21

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Sorry for the long wait I was too busy to write hope this chapter is enjoyable though:) I will be uploading a bit more frequently now.


All eyes turn to me, and I feel as if a rock has taken place in my throat. As the silence drags on I feel more and more like an exhibit at a museum, even Luke is staring with bewilderment.

"Yes?" I finally speak. It's like my words set a boob off. I'm in the arms of the boy before I even have time to blink.

"Holy shit, you're real" I push him off me surprised by his sudden outburst of affection. It doesn't take long for me to be surrounded by the rest of the people. I'm surrounded by four boys one is tall towering over all of us his smile reaching either end of his face and a dimple piercing on the right side of his cheek. Another boy is almost teary-eyed, his wearing a plain white singlet, his muscular arm inked all the way down to his wrist, I can't help but smile when I see jelly beans tattooed on his knuckles, that's a strange thing to get tattooed.  

"How? How did you bring her back from the dead?" the last boy turns to Luke, and then realization hits me, that's right I supposedly died.

"Maybe if you all get in and stop exposing us I might tell you" Luke scans outside before closing the door. The boys put down their bags and suffocate me in hugs from each one of them, I get funny looks when I don't hug back. 

"We thought you were dead, Norah" the last boy breathes as he pulls me in for a hug. His bright green eyes stand out on his face complementing the rest of his features.

"Yeah, that's what I'm told" just as his about to reply his face looking confused, Luke speaks up.

"She's been wiped" The joy and relief that was written on the boys' faces seconds ago is nowhere to be seen. A tense silence takes over the room.

"What?" the boy with the jelly bean tattoo asks. "Wiped, as in her mind has been wiped?"

"Yes, Daniel" another silence drags on this one longer than the one before. "It's reversible right?" Daniel asks.

"No, I've never heard of someone getting their memories back from being wiped" says one boy whose facial features look quite similar to Luke's.

I let out a long breath feeling exhausted from all that's happened today, my brain at full capacity unable to take any more information, still trying to process what Luke told me before. Luke's eyes flicker towards me.

"She's had a long day, let's continue this in the morning" Luke takes a hold of my hand and leads me out of the room, we leave the boys looking confused and shocked, we end back in the bedroom Luke took me before. I take a seat on bed, feeling relived to be away from the boys.

He stands there eyes searching around the room until they land on me, his in only the cut jeans looking like short shorts, I would laugh at this If I wasn't so drained. He takes a seat beside me on the bed.

"Have you had any other dreams?" he asks. I consider not telling him then change my mind maybe he can help clarify what they mean.

"No" I lie, I don't want him knowing he was in my dreams, again.

He lets out a tired breath and runs a hand through his hair. "How did you remember his name?"

"Who?" I ask, not sure which name I remembered.

"Jai" his tone is frustrated. "You said his name when I opened the door, how?"

It's as if the blood has drained from my body, I open and close my mouth like fish gasping for oxygen. "J-jai" I stutter I feel numb all over, when I look over at Luke his face is furrowed in anger.

"You remember him?" he gasps almost breathlessly. I shake my head and in that moment I realize Luke wasn't lying, everything he said was the truth, I feel so lost, so confused. Who am I? Who was I?

"Is that his name?" I try to slow my heart but it doesn't help. "I didn't know"

"What do you mean?" 

"I don't know, I don't know" I grab onto his arm. "I don't know why I'm here, and not at my own home. I don't know why my parents were killed. I don't know how I knew his name. I don't know why I keep having these dreams. I don't know anything." I don't hold anything back; it feels as if my mind is coming to terms with everything that's happened these past few days. And I cry real tears that drip down to my chin.

Luke's expression transforms into one of shock, before understanding takes over. In a blink of an eye I feel disgusted at myself for crying in front of him. He moves closer till our arms are slightly touching.

"I'm the one to blame for that." He shakes his head, "I shouldn't have put too much on you in one day, I got excited." He laughs; a kind that comes from deep within, it sends every hair on my arm standing tall.

"I have so much questions." I sigh, rubbing at the tears that now have stained my face. "So much that needs explaining."

"I will answer anything you want answered." He grins. Relief washes over me, hopefully I won't be so clueless anymore. "In the morning." I frown up at him grinning down at me.

He pushes off the bed and walks to the door. "There are clothes in the wardrobe if you want to change."

"How are you able to walk around perfectly with those injuries?" I point out, looking at my bad bandage work. The grin on his face grows reaching both ends of his face. "All questions are to be answered in the morning." I roll my eyes at his amusement in keeping me in the dark.

"Goodnight." He takes a couple extra seconds gazing at me on the bed before closing the door, I don't hear the click of a lock been closed which surprises me that he would trust me to stay in the room.

I pick up the photo album off where I left it, slip off my shoes and get in the comfort of the blankets with a sigh. I look through the photos again and again astonished by them I look closely at each person hoping for a spark of remembrance but get nothing. The drag of sleep gets too much for me to resist after hours of looking through the photo album, and I'm taken into a much needed slumber and dreams of Nick.

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