Chapter 7

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He takes a deep breathe letting the moment drag on. “Promise?” he asks again. I shift my weight from one foot to the other.

“Tell me what it is first”

“To stay here” I look at him confused. It’s not like I have a choice to stay or go anywhere. When he notices my confusion he clarifies “In this room while I get some stuff, if anyone comes in say you’re waiting for Doctor Fred”

“What are you getting?”

“You will see when I come back” he turns and walks to the door. When he leaves I don’t hear the click of the door locking neither do I hear his retreating footsteps. I walk over to the door turning the knob slowly it opens. It’s opened wide enough, for me to see on the other side.

I jump out of my skin when I see Luke standing there, his eyes a shade darker and the vein in his neck pulsing. I swallow the lump in my throat and take a couple steps back.

He walks into the room and shuts the door. When he turns around I feel like his not some stranger that has me captive but something else. I try to grasp at the answer but it slips through my fingers, the more I reach for it the further away it gets.

“I asked you not to leave this room” he growls.

“I know”

“So why did you get up?” I stay silent not really sure of the answer. My silence frustrates him more. “Answer me!” the vein on his neck is sure to explode any minute.

“I don’t know” my voice comes out a whisper. He runs a hand through his curly hair messing it up a little bit. “Stay” he points to the bed. I want to tell I’m not a dog, but I bit my tongue and sit. He leaves the room not locking it again, this time I do hear his retreating steps.

I sit in silence contemplating weather I should leave or wait for him to return. I decide on the second option there’s no way I can find a way out of here without been caught, again.

Luke returns minutes later with a backpack over his shoulder. I give him a curious look before I ask “What’s the bag for?”

He chooses to ignore me, and makes his way over to the bench throwing draws open and putting its contents into the bag. After he has cleaned up most of the draws and cupboards he stands in front of me.

He reaches for my cheeks and I flinch away from his touch. “Just relax” he says. I do as I’m told.

His hands are warm on my face and I could feel the dizziness returning but I pushed it away. He turns my head to the side, examining every inch of it.

“Let your hair down” he says a bit breathless.

“Why?” he steps away from me and shakes his hands.

“And keep your head down” he didn’t answer my question.

“But, why?”

“Don’t ask question put your hair down and keep your head down when we leave.

“No” I cross my arms over my chest “Tell me why, first”

He lets out a deep chuckle “Stubborn as always” he runs a hand through his hair still laughing to himself. “I will tell you everything when we leave”

“W-what?” I heard him loud and clear but my brain needs time to register the words that left his mouth.

 “Leave as in we’re out of here” he clarifies. I just stare at him not sure how to feel about this information.

“Home…. You’re going to take me back ho-” home to whom? My parents are gone and I never had any other family. Mum and dad would never tell me when I asked.

“No, Not exactly just away from here”  there is a million question running through my head at the moment but all that come out is “oh”

The thought of not having any parents and how I saw them last, flashing in my eyes no other family to go to, my life won’t ever be the same when I return. If I return, I don’t have to go back I can start a new life somewhere else. But Nick what do I do without him; I don’t think I can be without him. He means everything to me.

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