Chapter 2

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When I finally reach the house I have finished my speech for Lauren and Grace. I don't know when I will do return to school, next week? Maybe? Nick toyed with my heart he was my first love and last, I don't ever want to feel this again, ever.

I don't need boys, their fake smiles, their lies. They are all the same I vow from this day on I won't let a boy toy with my feelings and I won't fall for them either. Can I keep it though?

I open the house door and walk in that uneasy feeling is back again it's so strong I feel nauseous. The house is quiet not a normal quiet but an eerier quiet. Mum and dad both should be home why is it quiet.

I throw my bag on the ground and walk into the living room. Maybe there up stairs asleep. I walk into the kitchen, open the fridge to find something to calm my nerves. Ice creams good for break ups I walk upstairs with the tube of ice creams and a spoon. When I reach the top of the stairs I can see from across the hall that my room is open. Ugh, mum was going through my rom. Again.

I walk into my room to see my bed turned over all my clothes scattered on the ground, it looks like a hurricane went through my room. What happened here?

"Mum?" I call hoping to get an answer. Nothing, the panic is rising fast. I walk across the hall to my parent's room the door is ajar so I open it further.

I want to scream, I want to cry but nothing comes out I am frozen in time taking in the horror right in front. My parent's bodies lie in front of me, all life drained from there fasces their throats are slit open the blood flowing down staining the white carpet. I stand there taking in the horrific sight. My brain is telling me run get help but it couldn't seem to reach my legs, they are glued to the floor.

The sound of the front door opening and closing brakes me out of the trance. Is it the person who did this to parents? Are they back to finish me off? I need to find a phone, I can't go down stairs they will see me for sure.

My phone is in my bag, which is down stairs as well. I need to find somewhere to hide I look around the room trying to keep my eyes away from my parents corpse or I will break into hysterical sobs I can't be found or I will join my parents faith.

An idea pops into my head. My dad's phone he always keeps it in his pocket. My hands violently shake as I slowly make my way to my dad. I place my hand on his right pocket hoping to feel for the bulge of the phone. It's not there.

I have my fingers crossed as I check his other pocket. I feel the phone and slip it out. I look at my parents for the last time their eyes lost looking at the emptiness, I won't cry not here anyway I will be strong for my parents. I grab both their hand and give it a firm squeeze. It's warm. "I love you mum, I love you dad" are my last parting words before I hear loud footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Nora come on out, I'm here to help" a deep male voice calls from the stairs. I freeze on the spot he knows my name. I don't have long before he is at the top on the stairs. So I run into my room hiding behind my over thrown bed I turn on the phone and dial triple zero. It seems like for ever for them to answer.

"Police Ambulance or Fire fighter" the lady asks.

"Police and Ambulance" I whisper not wanting the man to find me.

"Hello what-" I don't wait for the lady to finish.

"Please I need help, there is someone in the house a-and my parents are d-dead p-please help m-me" I plead

"What's the address" the lady asks. Just as I'm about to answer the door is thrown open and I scream from the surprise giving away my hiding place.

"Your home early" the man chuckles I don't dare look up. His voice is all scratchy and deep a smoker's voice smells like one too even from all the way here. He walks over to me and turns over the bed to have a better look at me.

"Hello are you still there" the lady asks still on the phone I pull the phone to my ear to quickly tell her the address but the man is quicker and knocks the phone out of my hand.

"You wouldn't want to do that love" he growls he grips my hand pulling me out from behind the behind the bed.

"No! let go I already called the police there coming right now" I lied hopping my lie would scare him off. I get a good look at him now he has long dirty blonde hair pulled back into a bun, with blue eyes. He looks like he is in his mid-thirties or forties.

"Well then we better get going, love" he seems care free like the police turning up isn't a problem. I pull my hand out from his grip and shove past him through the door and down the stairs. He is hot on my heels, I push myself harder. When I am only meters away from the front door his hands are on my back instead of pulling me to a stop he shoves me forward into the front door with a crunch.

I pull back grabbing my nose to stop the gush of blood. He broke my nose! I yell to myself he takes a hand full of my hair.

"It's not a good idea to run away from me love" he hisses into my ear.

"Just to make sure it doesn't happen again" he doesn't finish his sentence just slips his hand into his pocket and pulls out a cloth and puts it to my mouth. I thought he was going to suffocate me to death but I was slow to realize what his intention are and have already breathed in the chemical he put on the cloth. I can feel my eyes getting heavy fast and I am losing a lot of blood but I am numb to the feeling just sleepy.

He slings me over his back, I kick, scream and scratch as much I can but I have no energy I can feel the darkness pulling me in. I don't fight it I just let it consume me.

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