Chapter 4

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"Did you change his fluids?" Dr. Pattson asked the nurse. She nodded and continued to write on her clipboard.

"Great. Alert me if he wakes up or if something goes wrong." The doctor said as he walked out of the room. Nurse Carrie walked quickly over to check the machinery.

All of a sudden, the patients heart rate began to pick up. She gasped when his arm moved, but remembered her training and remained calm. The nurse walked out of the room to find Dr. Pattson.

"Dr. Pattson, we have a problem. The patient in room 305 is waking up, but his heart rate is racing very fast. I think he's having a heart attack, sir." She spoke quickly as the doctor rushed into the room once again. Nurse Carrie followed as quickly as she could. When she entered the room, she was shocked to find it empty except for Dr. Pattson.

"Where is the patient?" Dr. Pattson asked. Nurse Carrie looked in the bathroom and found nothing. She searched the hallway and the adjoining rooms. When she returned to the room, she saw Dr. Pattson gazing out of the window.

"Call the police, Carrie. Our patient was just pulled into a black van, there was a struggle." The doctor said softly.

"Yes sir." Carrie said as she ran out of the room. She found her cell phone at the desk and dialed the 3 digits. "Yes, this is White Oak hospital. I am reporting a kidnapping. One of our patients was taken from his room and forced into a black van." She said as calmly as she could into her phone.

"Did you see the license plate number?" the dispatcher asked. Nurse Carrie gasped and ran back to the room and asked Dr. Pattson if he saw the license plate. He nodded and he told the dispatcher the numbers.

"Alright, remain calm. We will send some assistance A.S.A.P." And with that, she hung up.


Whoop Shawn was kidnapped! Again! Will they find him?

Have a nice day! (:


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