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Leader: Maplestar: light brown she-cat with amber eyes

Deputy: Stormshadow: black tom with brown eyes

Medicine Cat: Emberfur: tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes


-Robinfeather: brown and white tom with dark brown eyes

-Strongheart: dark grey tom with dark eyes (senior warrior)

Apprentice: Falconpaw: grey-brown semi mottled tom with amber eyes

-Grasspelt: brown tabby she-cat with an unusual white patch above her hazel eyes.

-Stormfoot: reddish tom with amber eyes

-Swiftclaw: grey and white she-cat with orange eyes (senior warrior)

-Oakleaf: tom with colored patches and blue eyes (senior warrior)

Apprentice: Redpaw: red-brown tom with hazel eyes

-Muddypelt: brown tom with amber eyes

-Sandfur: fawn-colored tom with green eyes

Apprentice: Forestpaw: grey she-cat with green eyes

-Laceleaf: chinchilla-colored she-cat with dark grey-ish eyes

Apprentice: Tinypaw: smoky-colored she-cat with dark blue eyes

-Lavenderpelt: lavender-colored she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice: Beepaw: orange tabby tom with dark yellow eyes

-Weaselnose: chocolate colored tom with a long nose and light brown eyes


-Littlerose: tortoiseshell with green eyes; mother to Scarkit, Darkkit, Duskkit, and Beaverkit

-Vinestripe: grey with blue eyes; mother to Moonkit, Sunkit, Fogkit, Bluekit, and Sparrowkit

-Raintail: blue-ish grey eyes with blue-grey fur; mother to Tulipkit and Iriskit


-Littlestripe: black and white striped tom with brown eyes

-Windpelt: roan-colored she-cat with blue eyes

-Buttonweasel: strange, wall-eyed brown tom with a very pointy nose like a weasel


Leader: Creekstar: grey tom with brown eyes

Deputy: Mossyfoot: lilac she-cat with amber eyes

Medicine Cat: Rushingface: grey and white tom with amber eyes


-Blossomnose: cream tabby she-cat with brown eyes (senior warrior)

-Dapplepelt: cream spotted tom with brown eyes

-Haretail: brown she-cat with grey eyes and a rather short tail

Apprentice: Wormpaw: cream tom with brown eyes

-Oakclaw: grey tom with green eyes

-Piketail: greyish tabby tom with a rather short tail

Apprentice: Lizardpaw: grey she-cat with silver eyes

-Goldenriver: ginger she-cat with amber eyes

-Lynxwhisker: sandy tom with blue eyes

-Elmleaf: brown and white she-cat with blue eyes

Apprentice: Flightpaw

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