Chapter 6

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Bluepaw brought moss in through the gorse tunnel. She had to get more so that she could make her nest in the medicine cat's den. At least the apprentice den won't be so full now, she thought. She knew already that she would miss the warmth of her siblings. She walked through the brambles covering the medicine cat den and put down the ball of moss, pushing it around to make a nest for herself next to Emberfur's.

"Bluepaw," Emberfur called out from the storage area by the boulders. "Could you come here for a minute? I need you to take more borage leaves to Littlerose."

"Coming, Emberfur!" Bluepaw rushed to the back of the den and picked up two borage leaves. Emberfur was busy inside.

"Are two okay?" Bluepaw talked through the herbs in her mouth.

"Yes, Bluepaw. That's perfect. There is a bit of honey on them to make them taste better."

"Okay." Bluepaw walked out of the den and padded into the nursery. The scent of warm milk flowed around Bluepaw. Sandfur was in the nursery with his mate, watching his kits suckle. Bluepaw felt a little strange, knowing that one day she would have to deliver kits by herself. Of course, I could give the queen raspberry leaves to help ease... her mind snapped back to the present. She had heard Emberfur mention that at some point, but couldn't place where  

"Littlerose, I brought you more borage leaves  with a little honey on them. Is it okay if I check the kits? Emberfur wants to make sure they are okay."

"Of course Bluepaw, thank you." One of the kits was done suckling, and started wandering around the den. He came up to Bluepaw.

"Hi. I'm Scarkit, and I'm going to be the best warrior ever," Scarkit's voice squeaked. Bluepaw looked down at him, letting out a mrow of laughter.

"I'm sure you will be." Bluepaw walked over to the other kits who were all still nursing. She looked them over.

"They all look fine, Littlerose. They are beautiful kits," she reported.

"Thank you, Bluepaw. Tell Emberfur that my paw has been feeling sore ever since I went outside to stretch this morning." Littlerose finished the borage leaf as Bluepaw left the den, and Bluepaw padded into the shady corner where the medicine cat was busy organizing  

"Emberfur?" Bluepaw asked as she entered the medicine den. "Littlerose told me her paws are sore. What herb do you use for that?"

"You chew up dock leaves, and put it on the sore pad. Here," she handed Bluepaw a leaf. "Make sure you smell it well so you can remember the scent." Bluepaw nodded, opening her jaws to take in the scent, then picked it up and started chewing as she padded to the nursery again.

It was past sunhigh by the time Bluepaw was done training for the day, and was free to get fresh-kill. She hadn't eaten at all that day, so she chose a rabbit. Sunpaw and Moonpaw walked through the entrance of camp just as she finished the last morsel. They were talking, and didn't seem to see her until they reached the fresh-kill pile.

"Hi Bluepaw! How was your first day as medicine cat apprentice?" Moonpaw dropped a vole and squirrel into the pile. 

"It was great."

"Are you sure? You don't look very happy," Sunpaw mewed.

"Yep! Positive. I'd better go see if Emberfur needs anything."

Crickets chirped in the cool twilight. Bluepaw was finally able to rest. 

Bluepaw looked through trees, not knowing where she was. Then she spotted movement, and soon a group of cats walked up to her.

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