Chapter 9

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Bluepaw was woken by the rustling of dry moss next to her. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Moonpaw slip through the warm apprentice den.

"Moonpaw?" Bluepaw jerked around, "Are you okay?"

"Oh. It's you. I'm fine." She sat and started grooming herself. Bluepaw wasn't convinced. She curled back into her warm nest and slowed her breath, pretending to be asleep. She heard Moonpaw pause grooming and look at Bluepaw carefully, then turn and push through the den entrance. Bluepaw waited for a few heartbeats then followed, slowly making sure she didn't make any noise. Stalking out, she watched as Moonpaw poked her head into the medicine cat den. Bluepaw moved closer, and watched Moonpaw go all the way in. I hope she's okay, she thought. Turning, she walked quickly to the fresh-kill pile, recently stocked by the dusk patrol.

She glanced up from her vole when Maplestar came out of her den and started sharing tongues with the Stormshadow. She started hearing voices of other cats waking from the cold night.

"Bluepaw? Bluepaw, what are you doing up already?" Fogpaw's meow made her turn.

"Just hoping I can go on the dawn patrol." Bluepaw licked her lips, and heard Moonpaw walk out of the medicine cat den. She walked over to the fresh-kill pile, chose a squirrel, and gulped it down. Stormshadow walked over just as Sunpaw walked out of the den.

"Do you all want to go on the dawn patrol?" the deputy asked. Muddypelt rushed out of the warrior den before anyone could reply.

"I need to take Bluepaw training; she missed a bit," Muddypelt said.

"Of course, go ahead." Stormshadow looked at Bluepaw expectantly.

"Oh yeah. Sure, Muddypelt, I'll be ready whenever you are." Bluepaw looked at her littermates. The other apprentices finally came out of the den.

"Hi Bluepaw!" Redpaw meowed in greeting. "How are you?"

"I'm good." The apprentices briefly began to talking and sharing tongues, when eventually Muddypelt came and told Bluepaw it was time to go.

At the training hollow Muddypelt explained Bluepaw that they would be learning how to fight badgers.

"Once they are close enough, leap over your opponent, turning in the air. Then bite their leg." Muddypelt demonstrated. He leapt over Bluepaw, and spun around, ready to nip her back leg.

"Can I try?" Bluepaw was excited.

"Of course. Remember to leap as high as you can." Bluepaw jumped over Muddypelt easily, and turned mid-air, and as she was falling, she held her paw, claws sheathed, on Muddypelt's pelt. She landed and nipped his hind leg gently.

"Great job, Bluepaw. That part you added to will be helpful too, with your paw."

They continued training until sunhigh. Finally, Muddypelt stopped.

"It's time to hunt. Come on." He signaled her with his tail, and she followed. Bluepaw caught three small mice, and they decided to head back to camp. It was nearly sundown, and the dusk patrol was about to leave.

"Muddypelt? Can I go with them?" Bluepaw wanted some time with the other apprentices.

"Ask Stormshadow if you can go."

Bluepaw nodded and walked toward Stormshadow, who was a few tail-lengths away.

"Stormshadow?" she mewed politely. "Can I go on the dusk patrol as well?"

"Sure, Bluepaw. As long as you aren't too tired. You and Muddypelt were out almost all day."

"Thanks, Stormshadow. I'm not tired at all!" She walked over to where the patrol was waiting. Tinypaw, Redpaw, Falconpaw, Sandfur, Strongheart, and Oakleaf were waiting by the gorse entrance.

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