Chapter 34

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"Flintpaw, Patchpaw, Beecloud, Oaklea-," Stormstar stopped as he realized what he had said. "I mean, Weaselnose, Tinyblossom, Beaverpelt, and-" a old cracked voice sounded from across the camp.

"Stormstar, I'm going too. I've locked away in there an' I'm gonna fight." Buttonweasel croaked his message out.

"Very well, Buttonweasel. I will respect your decision. Stormfoot, Falconwing, Sandfur, Scartooth, Duskfeather, Acornpaw, and Fogcloud, wait awhile, then follow our scent trail to the battle. We might need you for reinforcement. The rest of you, guard the camp," Stormstar grunted the orders. Looking at his patrol, flicked his tail. Heading out of the camp, the other warriors milled around aimlessly.

"I scented it over -" Beaverpelt made his way past the sandy training hollow. After awhile he finally stopped, and indeed, a badger set had been dug into the soft forest floor.

"Warriors, form a large half circle around the entrance. Not too close. Then start yowling and making noises to draw its attention." Stormstar watched Buttonweasel carefully, as the elder moved his creaky old joints. Why had he wanted to come? The warriors assembled themselves, Buttonweasel standing at the entrance. Stormstar flicked his tail.

"Come on out, you cranky ol' badger!"

"Get your stinky breath out-"

"Come out or I'll kill you-"

"No use staying here, it's-" The patrol started yowling toward the entrance to the set. A rumbling shaking noise shook the ground. A huge badger lumbered slowly out, looking at the warriors with small beady eyes. Letting out an indignant grunt, the badger lunged toward the ring of cats. Stormstar looked at the thick fur, seeing many long ugly scars. He motioned the others to attack. A swarm of cats suddenly attacked the badger, who lashed out at the cat in front of it. Stormstar watched the fight from the corner of his eye as he nipped and leapt away and, before he knew it, the badger was nearly on top of Buttonweasel, who was slashing viciously at the two little black eyes. It roared in pain as Buttonweasel lashed out at its face, scoring its mark, while he yowled,

"It is time to re-live the wondrous days of Buttonweasel the Great and Powerful!" lunging out one more time, Buttonweasel slashed out one of its eyes. The other warriors cheered - but were silenced as the badger batted the fighting elder out of the air with its massive forepaw. A sickening crunch could be heard over the deafening sound of the struggle.

"Buttonweasel! No!" Patchpaw squealed, and launched herself at the badger, clawing its ugly face. But it was too late. The badger picked up the dead elder in its bloody jaws, and started lumbering back to its set, but not before the second patrol arrived.

They fought till nearly sundown, many of the cats taking serious injuries. Finally, just as the sun was sinking into the horizon, the badger gave up and left.

"Patchpaw, Flintpaw, go into the set and see if-" Stormstar's eyes filled with pain, "if you can find Emberfur's body." The two apprentices nodded and slipped into the set. Stormstar waited patiently. Suddenly, a head popped out. Then, Flintpaw pulled out a bloody, mangled body. Patchpaw appeared after him.

"Let's go," Stormstar whispered. He turned and led the cats back to camp.

Darkspot treated wound after wound, and finally, at nearly sunup the next morning, got to prepare Emberfur and Buttonweasel's bodies. That night, their vigils were held.

Two sunrises later, Bluestripe was awoken from a strange scent in camp. Slipping out of the nursery, she saw Timberstar, and two other ShadowClan cats in the camp. She recognized Ferntail, and Brokenleaf, their medicine cat.

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