Chapter 32

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Moonwhisper padded over to Fogcloud, who was sharing tongues with his mate, Tinyblossom. "Hey," she meowed softly. She glanced at Tinyblossom's belly. It wasn't swollen yet, but Moonwhisper knew in a few moons its would be.

Fogcloud looked up at her. "Oh, hi!" he mewed cheerfully. "Can you just believe it? I'm going to be a father! Have kits of my own! Wow!" Moonwhisper purred. She remembered when she was pregnant with Drizzlekit. It was the greatest and yet the worst thing that had ever happened to her. She shook her head to clear it.

"Yea. You'll be a great father, Fogcloud. And you'll have the most beautiful kits ever," Moonwhisper purred. Fogcloud got to his paws, shooting Tinyblossom an apologetic glance.

"I'll be right back," he murmured.

"Okay," Tinyblossom replied.

"What is it?" Moonwhisper asked when Tinyblossom had gotten up and padded to the nursery.

"Well," Fogcloud began, "all this talk about kits... Will you and Beecloud ever have kits of your own?"

Moonwhisper stepped back, somewhat shocked. "I-I don't know," she murmured. "I never thought about that... Beecloud and I are still-" She stopped herself. She couldn't remember if Fogcloud knew about her and Beecloud's fight and Drizzlekit being her son. "I don't know," she repeated.

Fogcloud purred. "You two would make a great couple."

Moonwhisper dropped her gaze. She had thought so before she met Ravenfrost. She knew she and Beecloud would have been mates if Ravenfrost had never come into her life. But he had, and they had become mates. "I have to go," she murmured, hurrying away to the warriors' den. She curled into her nest and closed her eyes.


Her eyes flew open. "What?" she grunted. She just wanted to be left alone.

"Are you okay?" Beecloud whispered. Moonwhisper sighed.

"I miss Drizzlekit," she suddenly realized. "I hope he's okay, along with Redflame and Bluestripe's kits..."

Beecloud sat down beside her in her nest. He licked her head comfortingly. "I'm sure they're fine." Moonwhisper nodded hopefully.

"You're a good friend, Beecloud."

"I-I had always hoped we'd be more than that," he stuttered, looking away in embarrassment.

Moonwhisper paused. She let her heart flow out to him and closed her eyes once more. "Me too," Moonwhisper purred, rubbing her muzzle against his, and whispered. "Me too."

The next few days were a blur. Redflame and the kits were still gone; Stormstar had announced they would wait a little while until all the cats were battle-fit again before rescuing them. Moonwhisper spent these days in and out restless sleep in the medicine den; one moment she was burning with fever, the next she was shivering with cold. Beecloud often stayed with her to keep her company, lying next to her when she was cold, or fetching soaked moss when her fever was taking over.

"Help!" some cat screeched in the distance. Moonwhisper raced over the dark field, coughing as her throat tightened.

"I'm coming!" she croaked. "Who is that?"

The screeching stopped. Moonwhisper whipped around as the bushes rustled beside her. A grey and white mottled tom stepped out of the bushes before her. His ice-blue eyes blazed with hurt.

"Already?" he whispered. "Have you already replaced me? So soon?"

Moonwhisper stepped back. "Wh-what do you mean?" she murmured. "I haven't replaced anyone, I-"

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