Chapter 29

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Moonwhisper jumped into the heat of the battle. How could RiverClan even dare attacking ThunderClan in their own camp? She thought they had more sense than that! She let out a furious snarl, jumping onto Lynxwhisker's back. He yelped in surprise, losing his footing. Moonwhisper growled in defiance. Take that, mange-pelt! But the sandy warrior soon regained his footing, sinking his claws into the ground. His lips parted in a snarl, and he reared up, knocking Moonwhisper from his back. She landed with a thud in the dust. Lynxwhisker stood over her, a grin forming on his face.

"Sunningrocks is ours!" he yowled, raising a paw to swipe at Moonwhisper's silver face. She rolled away just in time, and the RiverClan warrior's claws swiped at the air instead. He stomped back over to Moonwhisper, yowling furiously. Moonwhisper rolled under him, batting at his stomach with her paws until she felt the fresh spray of blood splatter on her face. Lynxwhisker shrieked in pain, clutching his stomach with his paw. Blood soaked his pale fur.

"I'll get you, someday, you fox-heart!" he croaked before fleeing out of the camp. Moonwhisper let out a pleased growl. Another RiverClan cat was soon on top of her.

"How dare you harm my father!" the cat shrieked. "How. Dare. You!" The RiverClan cat swiped her paws violently at Moonwhisper, who yowled in pain. She threw the cat off to get a good look at her. An apprentice. Her calico coat was matted with sticky blood.

"My father might die because of you!" The apprentice's words came out in a sob. Moonwhisper rolled her eyes.

"Got a medicine cat, mouse-brain?" she taunted. "Can they not heal your father?" The she-cat yowled and leaped onto Moonwhisper, who staggered under the apprentice's surprising weight.

"Our medicine cat can't heal a wound that deep!" she retorted through a mouthful of Moonwhisper's fur. Moonwhisper clawed her off her back. The small she-cat tumbled onto the ground, but sprang up immediately.

Moonwhisper crouched, ready to meet this cat head-on. The RiverClan apprentice did the same. Moonwhisper pounced, pleased to feel that her claws had met flesh. The young cat yowled in pain as Moonwhisper ripped out a large clump of her calico fur. She turned tail and fled out of camp.

Moonwhisper heaved in breaths, her gaze wandering the battle scene around her. Redflame tussled with a large grey and white tom, fur flying everywhere. Moonwhisper winced as she saw Redflame gasp in agony as the grey RiverClan warrior raked him across the side. She threw herself in front of Redflame, slashing furiously at the tom. She slashed at his face, and he stumbled to the ground as Moonwhisper's claw caught his eye. Blood oozed from the eye she had cut, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. But when the warrior looked up at her, she gasped in horror when she realized he only had one eye. She must have completely taken his eye out. Scarlet blood splattered the tom's grey face, and it dripped slowly to the ground, staining the melting snow red. He growled menacingly.

"Fox-heart," he whispered before his Clanmate dragged him out of camp by his scruff. The now one-eyed warrior continued to shriek in agony, and Moonwhisper screwed her eyes shut.

"Moonwhisper..." She whirled around to see Redflame still standing beside her. He had a pure look of horror on his face. "You just..."

"I know," she snapped bitterly. "I-I can't control myself anymore.... And I severely wounded another warrior, I think..." She gulped in panic. "Redflame, I-I..."

"It's okay," he murmured carefully. "Battles are fought like this. For... some cats..."

"But I can't fight like this!" Moonwhisper yowled. "How have I become so - so savage?" she whimpered.

"Moonwhisper, you were defending your camp!" Redflame pointed out. "Accidents happen! And you were defending me. You may have just saved my life. So I thank you."

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