Chapter 15

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The frigid winds blew. Moon after cold moon passed. Leaf-bare had come, although it was becoming less harsh. All four Clans were weak, and some cats did not survive the worst of the perilous season.

"ShadowClan is sad to announce that one of our elders, Morningclaw, hunts with StarClan, and is no longer with us," Timberstar meowed gravely. "Our remaining elder, Snuzzleberry, is recovering very well. We will mourn Morningclaw for moons to come." Timberstar nodded to the gathered cats and stepped back for another leader to speak. Maplestar stepped forward following the encouraging nods from the other Clan leaders.

Maplestar stepped to the front of the rock, dipping her head at the other leaders.

"ThunderClan is strong. All ill cats have been treated and are all on the way to recovery. We have three new warriors: Redflame, Tinyblossom, and Falconwing are full warriors of ThunderClan." Maplestar paused, letting what she had said sink on him as the other cats cheered for the young warriors. She continued, "Less than one moon ago, ShadowClan cats attacked our dusk patrol." Her meow turned into a yowl, commanding all cats to listen. "This will not be tolerated!" Mews of dismay rose from the gathered cats. Timberstar stepped forward and waited for the cats to quiet, then he spoke.

"I was not aware that my cats were on your side, but ThunderClan was on mine!" 

Shocked mews rose from the two Clans. Stillpaw padded up to the ShadowClan deputy and whispered into her ear. Nightfoot's eyes grew wide and she nodded. She leaped up to Timberstar and whispered into his ear. Then she jumped down.

"It appears we have had a miscommunication of what had happened. Stillpaw just informed me that a ShadowClan patrol was actually on the ThunderClan territory." He turned towards Maplestar, "I sincerely apologize. I will ensure that our warriors do not pass the borders again." He looked back down in time to see Ghostwhisker bowling over Stillpaw, pinning her down, hissing. Dark clouds started to cover the full moon, and he hissed once more and let her go. The cats were silent. Finally Dewstar stepped up.

"WindClan is strong from leaf-bare. None of our cats grew ill." She stepped back. RiverClan reported. The Gathering was over.

* * *

"How was the Gathering?" Buttonweasel was at the entrance of camp as the ThunderClan cats walked through. His cackle lifted their weary spirits. Bluepaw stepped forward, away from the other cats.

"Morningclaw didn't survive leaf-bare," Bluepaw meowed carefully.

"Awww... She was a nice little she-cat, wasn't she? Well, now she's in StarClan." He bowed his old mangy head. Then he lowered his mew, "I heard Maplestar talking about maybe making Forestpaw and Beepaw warriors soon, and maybe considering you because you fought those flea pelted ShadowClan warriors. Heh! And they call themselves strong!" He started padding towards the elders'' den, and Bluepaw heard him muttering, "They think they are so strong and they call themselves warriors... They can't even take care of their elders and kits..." Bluepaw hurried away toward the apprentices den.

Bluepaw fell asleep beside Fogpaw. Sunup came, and she woke from a fitful sleep. She stretched and padded quietly out of the den. She headed for Emberfur's den to see if she could help with anything. Buttonweasel's words still rung in her head: and maybe considering you, because you fought those flea-pelted ShadowClan warriors.

"Good morning, Bluepaw!" Emberfur mewed to her.

"Hi Emberfur." She replied back, her jaws splitting into a huge yawn.

"Could you check the elders for fleas and take Littlestripe catmint?" Bluepaw gathered the mouse bile and catmint and headed toward the elders den. A musty, rancid scent hung in the air, but the herbs and mouse bile blocked the scent. She padded in. Littlestripe and Windpelt were sleeping soundly. She put the bundles down and checked on Buttonweasel. Bluepaw bent down, and was swept into a vision. 

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