Chapter 2

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"Where have you two been?" Sunkit hissed, her green eyes glinting maliciously.

"Exploring," replied Moonkit nonchalantly. "Come on, Sunkit... Since when have you ever minded a little bit of rule-breaking?"

Sunkit puffed herself up importantly. "Normally, I haven't," she replied, "but we're nearly apprentices. You should both start growing up." She scowled and stretched.

"Maybe she's right," squeaked Fogkit.

Moonkit rolled her eyes. "Furbrain," she muttered.

"We're going to be apprentices," mentioned Fogkit, trying to change the subject.

Sunkit sighed and smiled. "Yes," she answered. "We'll be able to hunt and have our first taste of fresh-kill caught by ourselves! And the ceremony is tonight! Life will be so different."

"Yes, yes... And mind Vinestripe and Robinfeather or Bluekit don't hear about our exploration," meowed Moonkit.

"Fine," mewed Sunkit, flicking her tail. "As long as you don't make a fool of yourselves. The ceremony is at sundown. It won't be long now before then. You know, Moonkit," she paused suddenly, and her sister stopped snickering, "Maplestar doesn't have to make you an apprentice if she doesn't find you worthy enough."

"Right," acknowledged Moonkit quietly.

It seemed like forever until at sundown Maplestar's voice sounded from the Highrock, calling everyone to a Clan meeting. Vinestripe entered the nursery in order to escort her kits to the rock. They bounced with excitement.

"Now, kits," their mother began, "be on your best behavior. An apprentice ceremony happens once in your lifetime."

The kits nodded, rolling their eyes.

"We know," Moonkit muttered. Vinestripe looked pleased enough, although the displeasure in her kits' eyes was evident.

"Right. Now you must look presentable!" She bent down and covered her kits with furious licks, picking them up by their scruffs when they tried to squirm away. Finally, she stopped and looked down lovingly at them. "All good," she murmured.

"About time!" Bluekit squealed. "My fur feels all spiky and hard!" she complained. Vinestripe ignored her.

"Oh! There's your father coming now," she meowed, nodding towards a brown and white tom walking towards them. "Robinfeather!" she called. He bounded up to her.

"The kits look ready if that's what you were going to ask," he remarked smugly after nosing the kits each in turn. He nodded towards them. "I'm so proud of you four! Wow! Apprentices!"

"Yep," they grinned in unison.

"I'm so excited!" Fogkit squeaked. "Real apprentices!"

"Well, yea. I'm excited, but at least I'm not obsessed," Sunkit muttered, giving her brother's ear a quick lick. "Of course this day would come!"

Moonkit nodded vigorously. "Yep. Today's the day."

Vinestripe nudged them to their paws. "And now's the time," she murmured. "Get off your lazy rumps and go find a seat in the front of the crowd."

"Okay!" Sunkit, Bluekit, and Fogkit scrambled to find open spots to sit, but Moonkit stayed behind, listening to her parents' talk.

"Think they're ready?" Vinestripe was murmuring into Robinfeather's ear.

"Of course!" he huffed. "They've been ready since the day they were born."

"But Moonkit..."

"Come on, Moonkit! The meeting's starting!" Her littermates dragged her off before she caught the rest. She glanced back once more and caught the word "disorder". Then Vinestripe and Robinfeather broke away, settling down near other warriors.

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