Chapter 31

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It was not long after the battle until ThunderClan noticed that their deputy had disappeared. Darkspot was tending to wounds while Emberfur made poultices. Sunstorm had refused to take her kits out; she did not want them to see the dark side of Clan life until they were older. Blood seeped into the grass.

Swiftclaw's vigil was held that night. It seemed so wrong that Redflame could not be there for his mother's vigil.

"My kits!" Bluestripe wailed. "And Redflame! They're all gone!"

"What do you mean?" Stormstar asked her. But it was clear that they were indeed gone as he glanced around. "They couldn't have just... taken them!"

"Redflame was badly injured and my kits are too young to resist a warrior carrying them," Bluestripe breathed heavily, grief gripping her. "We must get him."

"We will, Bluestripe." Weaselnose touched his tail to her in a friendly fashion. "But we're not battle-fit at the moment. As soon as ThunderClan is strong enough, we will get them back."

"I need them now," Bluestripe murmured. How long would she have to wait? Falconwing had rushed into the nursery to check on Sunstorm and it was unlikely he knew yet. Tinyblossom said nothing - she was Redflame's sister and she hung her head low while Fogcloud brushed against her pelt.

Beecloud let out a growl. "What is the use of capturing a Clan deputy?" he mewed. "To hold them hostage?"

"A Clan is not as stable without a deputy," Stormstar replied calmly. "If I were to die, who would go to the moonstone?"

No one said anything; they were afraid now.

"It's only fitting that we pick a stand-in deputy," Stormstar meowed a bit louder. "Beecloud will replace Redflame while he is gone."

Beecloud's eyes grew wide. "Me, Stormstar?" he mewed disbelievingly.

"I believe that you are a warrior loyal to his Clan and clever enough to lead," Stormstar nodded. "And yes, Bluestripe - we will attack ShadowClan once everyone's wounds are healed. We cannot last long without our true deputy gone."

"And my kits," Bluestripe wailed.

"Remember, they are with their father." Stormstar pressed his nose into her comfortingly. "No honorable Clan would do kits any harm."

The blood had soaked into the ground at last, and Sunstorm brought her kits out of the nursery. Watery starlight soaked each pelt. Tinyblossom went over to Falconwing and whispered something in her brother's ear; Falconwing flattened his ears.

"He's not dead," Sunstorm whispered comfortingly.

"I know. That's what worries me," Falconwing growled. "Why do they have him there? I'd feel better if he was with StarClan now, safe and surrounded by cats who love him."

Beecloud and Stormstar were muttering together; Redflame was Stormstar's son, and one of Beecloud's best friends. The whole Clan seemed restless, afraid that their friend or relative was being held hostage by an enemy Clan.

"Stormstar," Strongheart meowed heavily, "I've made my decision."

"What decision?" Stormstar asked him, looking at him intently.

"I want to go join the elders' den," he replied.

Stormstar dipped his head. "I understand," he mewed. Dismissing himself to Beecloud, he leaped onto the Highrock and yowled the summons. Every major event in Clan life called for a ceremony, and it was time for Strongheart's.

"Oakleaf, would you like to join your brother in the elders' den?" Stormstar asked him politely.

"Don't be mouse-brained," the tom growled. "I may be old, but I have a lot in me. I'm not ready to stop yet." he muttered almost to himself, like he were trying to convince himself too.

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