Chapter 16

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Moonpaw sat in her nest. She was happy for her sister, and yet, jealousy rooted in her heart. It was like some dark force she couldn't rid herself of. She knew she should be happy. And she was. Proud, even. But deep down she knew her littermates should have been up there with Bluestripe, receiving their warrior names as well. She deserved it. Sunpaw, Fogpaw; they all did. And yet Bluestripe was made a warrior before them, even when they had all been apprenticed together, just because she had happened to be on the patrol when the ShadowClan cats crossed the border and attacked. Moonpaw scowled. She would find Swiftclaw and show her she should be made a warrior, too. And Sunpaw and Fogpaw. They certainly deserved it.

But fear also pricked at her. What if she wasn't made a warrior because she couldn't breathe as well as the others? What is she didn't pass her assessment? What if she wasn't ready? No, I am, she told herself firmly. And I'll be better than Bluestripe. She shook her head. She was being selfish. She would be made a warrior soon, even if her sister had been made one before her. She growled at herself and padded out of the den. She spotted Swiftclaw at the fresh-kill pile and hurried over.

"Do you think I'm ready to do my assessment soon?" she asked. Swiftclaw turned to face her and dropped the vole she was eating.

"Perhaps," her mentor sighed. "Be patient. Your time will come. But I can't rush your training. Now let me finish this vole so we can go out and train."

"Okay," Moonpaw mewed cheerfully. Under her breath she muttered, "you sure can make an effort to take me out, though!" She picked a mouse from the pile and sat down beside Beecloud. She was more happy for him than her own sister. He was older than her and deserved to be made a warrior sooner.

"Hey," she greeted him. He looked up at her, finishing the last morsel of his own mouse. He immediately smiled when he saw Moonpaw.

"Oh, Moonpaw! Hi!" he meowed warmly, flicking his tail to beckon her to sit beside him. She did, and started on her own mouse. 

"How's being a warrior coming?" Moonpaw asked, taking a bite of her mouse. "Great," Beecloud replied without much enthusiasm. Moonpaw looked at him.

"Don't you enjoy finally being a warrior?" She cocked her head in confusion. Beecloud shrugged.

"Of course, but... It gets kind of quiet and lonely in there without a cat like you," he muttered, staring at the ground.

Moonpaw smiled. "I'll be with you someday," she whispered, giving him a playful poke with her muzzle. He purred

"How's having Bluestripe out if the den been for you?" Beecloud asked. Moonpaw didn't move from him as she replied.

"Well... I'm just a little sad we weren't made warriors together," she admitted. "But having her out of the den is just fine!" she joked. "Just as not having you annoying furball always padding after me is helping me get a good night's sleep!" Beecloud purred all the louder.

"But I wouldn't pad after any other cat, Moonpaw," he murmured under his breath. Moonpaw stared at him gratefully.

"Moonpaw!" Swiftclaw's commanding yowl made her jump.

"Gotta go," she called to Beecloud as she bounded toward her mentor.

"Ready?" Swiftclaw asked, already making her way to the entrance. Moonpaw nodded and hurried after her.

She breathed in the forest-scents as she padded after her mentor. The trees were alive with newleaf's life. Birds chirped in the trees, mice squeaked under dry, fallen leaves. The air was crisp and frosty, for the weak morning sunshine had not yet warmed the forest. It's amazing! I could stay here forever! I-

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