Chapter 1

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Moonkit squirmed and wriggled in her nest. Her jaws parted in a huge yawn, but she couldn't sleep. One of her littermates, Sunkit, slept soundly beside her. Her rust-red fur was soft and well-groomed, and her furry chest rose and fell with rhythmic breaths. Moonkit sighed, grooming her own silver tabby fur, running her rough, sandpaper-like tongue down her paw.

Sunkit began to stir and sat up drowsily. She stared at Moonkit with sleepy green eyes.

"Why are you still up, Moonkit?" her sister murmured. Moonkit shrugged, looking away from her sister's soft green gaze.

"Couldn't sleep," she replied, settling back down in her nest, resting her head on her paws.

"Whatever you say," Sunkit whispered, drifting back off to sleep as she rolled over.

Moonkit looked around the dark nursery. She spotted one of her and Sunkit's other littermates, Fogkit, snoring softly beside their mother, Vinestripe, with Bluekit sleeping between them. Across the nursery, Littlerose and her kits, Scarkit, Duskkit, Darkkit, and Beaverkit, were sleeping soundly. On the other side of the den, Raintail, Tulipkit, and Iriskit slept. She and her littermates were the oldest kits in the nursery - the other kits had only just been born.

Moonkit jabbed a paw into Fogkit's side.

"Wha -?" Fogkit mumbled. He rolled over to stare at Moonkit.

"Why did you wake me up?" he demanded. He shook his head crossly, standing up. "Whatever. What do you want? Go and bother Bluekit!" He shook his brown and white tabby pelt. Then he sat back down, licking his paw and drawing it over his white-tipped ears. "Well?" He stared at her expectantly.

"Er..." Moonkit began, shifting uncomfortably under her brother's stern brown gaze. She looked around, making sure no other cats were awake. She leaned in closer to Fogkit. "Let's go explore," she finally whispered. Fogkit stared at her in horror.

"But - but we're only kits!" He gasped. "We could get in serious trouble!"

Moonkit rolled her eyes and smiled mischievously.

"Scared?" she challenged.


"Shh!" Moonkit gazed around the nursery, breathing a sigh of relief when she realized no cat had awoken. But her sharp eyes missed the emerald gream gleam of her sisters eyes. Bluekit was watching.

"Okay. Moonkit, I think you're crazy, but I'll go."

Moonkit gave a delighted squeal. "Yay!" Her ice-blue eyes gleamed. "Okay. Come on, follow me." She led the way out of the nursery. Peering around, she checked if the coast was clear. She looked back at Fogkit and gave a tiny nod. With a flick of her tail, they bounded off toward the back entrance and pushed through the bramble barrier.

"What if we get caught?" Fogkit whispered beside her. Moonkit shook her head.

"We won't."

"You sure?"

"Well... just come on. Follow me, scaredy-kit."

Moonkit marched into the trees. A bird fluttered out of a tree somewhere, squawking out a cry of alarm. Fogkit's fur bristled and he looked around nervously.

"What - what if StarClan gets mad that we left camp before we are apprenticed?" Fogkit stammered.

"You think StarClan cares?" Moonkit huffed. Fogkit's eyes stretched wide.

"Yes! I do think they care! I'll bet Sparrowkit is looking down at us right now, and I'll bet he's mad!" Fogkit sat down and stared at the stars, the cool breeze ruffling his fur. "I'll bet he misses us." He shook his head sadly. "I know I miss him." Moonkit trotted over and sat beside him.

"Me too." She rested her head on Fogkit's shoulder, ears twitching. "But he's probably happier in StarClan now. Of course, I wish he never died so young... But he was never strong enough. Vinestripe couldn't save him. But you, me, Sunkit and Bluekit are still here. They always said we were a big litter anyway."

"I guess." He turned to look at Moonkit. "Thanks, Moonkit."

"Of course, stupid furball!" She nudged him playfully. "Don't dwell on the past. Look at the future. We'll be apprentices soon, and then warriors!" Her eyes gleamed with happiness. "But hey. We should probably get back before Sunkit, Bluekit, or Vinestripe wake up."

Fogkit nodded. "Good idea." They walked side by side back to camp and pushed through the thorn barrier leading into the back of the clearing. They quietly nosed their way into the nursery and settled down together. Moonkit rested her head on her brother's back. This time she found it much easier to drift to sleep.

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