Chapter 1: Painful Years

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Alex POV

I groaned then coughed up blood, dizzily looking around. I groaned hearing muffled rounds of bullets along with the annoying alarm blaring, flashing red and white, then looked beside me seeing a professor hold his bleeding side before getting shot in the head. I rolled my head around then tried moving but was strapped tight to the chair. As I squeezed my eyes shut, a sharp pain in my neck made me jump with a scream of pain. I collapsed seeing double figures with black spots then heard a crash with the scientist getting killed. My eyes forced themselves open as a hand touched my burning forehead.

"Don't you die on me darling." Joker said growling, banging his hand near my head. I closed my eyes groaning before succumbing to the darkness.

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" I gasped sitting up as freezing water splashed on me. I shivered while looking around the dark room giving shuddered breaths. My dyed hair mixed with light brown as my once tanish skin held a pale hue. I gasped while looking around before jumping when I got shocked. I let my head fall to the side while the door opened, revealing bright light, then a pair of heels and two boots headed my way. I gave a tired glare as Dr. Q smiled at me.

"It's been two years now, why don't you just help us?" She asked adjusting her glasses, looking me over. Over my dead body.

"He's not coming anytime soon." She said with a sigh. I remained still as she moved hair from my face, exposing the still dark J.

"Joker is the reason you're in this mess." Dr. Q said clicking her tongue. I won't betray him. I won't kill him.

"There's better things to fight for out there Alex." She said frowning, releasing a deep breath. Someone like me doesn't deserve another chance. I know they'll kill me before I get a taste of freedom.

"We won't even kill him." She said taking me for gullible. I may have been here for awhile, tortured endlessly in this darkness, but my heart stays the same. I lifted my head while shaking, the needle they put in playing with my nerves, and gather the spit in my mouth before aiming it on her face. She turned away and removed her glasses while standing up. I grunted as she backhanded me with a scowl.

"You'll fall to our mercy soon." Dr. Q said walking away with clenched fist.  I watched as the door closed then opened a few minutes later. I balled my fist and moved against the restraints as a man and woman, the best torturers here, entered and stood in front of me. I glared at them but they remained impassive. 

"Such a stubborn one." The woman, Frankie, said touching my face. I pulled away and balled my fist. I grunted as she lifted my head up to the point it was hard to breath. I groaned as she tightened her hand around my jaw until it became unbearably painful. I panted while looking down once she let go.

"What should it be this time Brian?" She asked as they opened multiple suitcases with different torturing devices. Why don't they just kill me? Better yet, let me kill myself.

"Let's try the new device." He replied looking at me with a smirk. I turned away as he trailed his hand down my face to my chest then ripped my already damaged shirt open. I closed my eyes as Linda headed over with a suitcase. Please get me out of here one way or another.

"Last chance." Linda said grunting. I remained quiet making them hum. I opened my eyes as they each held something different. I didn't have time to see as Linda hit me in the temple. I groaned getting blurry figures and grew nauseous. I yelled through clenched teeth as Linda slowly broke each of my fingers then Brian sat in front of me. I panted feeling the stinging pain and repeatedly blinked to stay conscious.

"This won't hurt much." He said putting his hands on my chest. I turned away as he cut my bra off leaving my chest bare. Sick fuck.

"Don't rush yourself." Linda said crossing her arms. I gritted my teeth as he groped my breasts then smirked satisfied. I'm gonna kill them. I gasped with a jump as cold water spilled over me then I got shocked again. I dropped my head exhausted and didn't even fight them as they tortured me. I rolled my head dizzy and began blacking out as Linda hit my temple until i did.

"Oh, you're awake now." The man, known as the scientist, said bored. He slipped some medicine into a needle and injected my arm. I laid my head back down seeing double figures and passed out. I woke hearing the alarm blare and groaned getting a pounding headache. I moved my fingers feeling them back in place and didn't feel the drafts hit my exposed chest. I looked beside me to see no one. Now's my chance.

I groaned and grunted trying to get free but it was futile. I was exhausted and injured. I banged my head back panting with burning tears in my eyes. I'm trapped, in my body, in this place. I'll never get free again.

"Oh god help me!" I gasped trying to look up as the door slammed open, the blaring intensifying. A man limped over then collapsed on the floor. What-What's happening? I quickly began looking around for some use of escape but the man was too far away. I groaned and began struggling against the bonds screaming.

"Why?" I cried putting my head back. I weakly looked at the door as the scientist stumbled in with blood on his coat and began rampaging through things. I sniffled as hysteria was happening outside this cube; people screaming with explosions and rounds getting fired off.

"Help me! You have to let me go!" I yelled dryly, trying to reach for him. He squeezed a needle and looked at me horrified. No. No, no, no please no! I screamed in frustration while trying to move away as he neared me.

"This is for everyone's good." He said injecting the needle into my neck. My eyes widened as my heart skipped a beat then I jumped up before falling down numb. The room spun as things began getting disoriented and slowly dark.

"I'm a hero." He whispered before his brains got blown out. Blood splattered onto my face as he fell dead. I closed my eyes groaning as sweat slid down my skin with my stomach twisting making me nauseous. I shivered even though I was burning up.  

I woke up and groaned feeling how burning hot it was. I lifted my head hearing explosions and the sound of water boiling and sizzling. I opened my eyes and looked around to see I was hanging by my wrist above boiling acid. I groaned and looked to where the chain could hang from that led to a control panel. 

"Oh shit." I groaned trying to move over to the ledge, which was impossible. I looked to the door as it burst open with people coming in shooting rounds and throwing grenades. I turned away feeling the heat intensify, my skin drying out from the heat sizzling any sweat on me. I smiled and gave a chuckle as I looked at Joker come from the smoke laughing manically.

"Joker! Joker!" I yelled kicking my legs. He turned around confused then smiled and ran to the panel and gave me time to swing over before releasing me. I screamed in pain from the burning metal as I held the ledge. My fingers!

"Darling!" Joker said kneeling but immediately standing as he felt the heat. I held his hand and looked down as the chain burned. I'm gonna die. Don't let me go.

"Pumpkin!" I gasped as he got shot in the shoulder, leaning over the ledge grunting. I held his hand tight, the heat torturing my skin, and worriedly looked at him seeing his face scrunch in discomfort.

"I'm fine. Hold on." I held the burning ledge, biting my lip hard, as he stood up and began shooting more reinforcements. The ledge began creaking, slowly giving up.

"Joker, I can't hold on!" I yelled trying to pull myself up. I screamed as my arms  were getting burned then shook my left hand in pain. I'd rather jump right into the acid and get this done with.

"I'm coming!" Joker replied as the metal broke making me fall. I screamed kicking my legs as my heart sunk and thumped rapidly.

"Joker!" I screamed seeing him rush to the edge before getting swallowed in the burning acid. I gave gargled screams as my flesh instantly burned then closed my eyes seeing blood pour out my mouth and blacked out. Maybe I was dead for good. Maybe I'd wake up and forget everything. Maybe this was all a dream.

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