Chapter 4: Different Person

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Joker POV

I sighed looking out the window then banged my fist against it. I laid my head on it then moved away to down my drink. I sat my cup down and sat down on my armchair balling my fist. I don't care. I shouldn't and I don't. I looked at the necklace on my floor and got up groaning. I'm only doing this because Harley won't lay off.

I entered Alex's room and looked around but she wasn't here. I hummed and walked out and headed to the clinic since she might need some relievers. I entered to see her torturing the nurse woman.

"Darling, you're not supposed to be next to sharp things, remember?" I questioned making her glance at me, stopping the knife from going further into the woman's flesh.

"She ruined my life! She took you away from me." Alex yelled punching the woman in the face. I ran a hand through my hair while walking over. How?

"Then why am I right here?" I asked holding my arms out smiling. I looked at her as she sniffled while shaking.

"You can't stand me. You hate me." Alex replied looking away. Hate her? I hummed while walking around her and lifted her chin making her flinch. I balled my fist but released it letting out a breath.

"I don't hate you, darling, but I can't stand you." I said honest, looking into her eyes. I looked away as she began crying. Always crying.

"Why won't you tell me what's wrong?" I asked making her pull away with her back to me. Is she scared I'll hate her? Leave her? Get angry?

"Go ahead. Tell him how you cursed him when he wasn't there! Gave up and begged to be killed! How you would save yourself over him!" The woman yelled then cried in pain. I looked at Alex as she looked at the woman wide eyed and angry. I searched for years when she was going to kill me? Hell, set me up?


"Oh, is that true?" I asked walking towards her. Alex looked at the woman then to me and stammered then looked down ashamed. That's all I needed to see. I gave her one last look and began walking away.

"I-No." Alex said turning to me. I stopped for the hell of it but resumed making her sigh. I headed back to my room and sat on my bed, rubbing my eye. This is why I don't fall in love. This is why I should've given up on her. This is why I should stop. I looked up hearing a knock on my door.


"Not now." I sighed as Harley left while humming. I rubbed circles into my temple feeling a headache from the racing thoughts and feelings I was in. Should I give up on Alex?

I drunk iced liquor while throwing darts before leaning back in my recliner. I held a hand to my forehead and closed my eyes sighing deeply. I didn't open my eyes as I heard my room door open then close.

"Not in the mood Harley." I said sipping more from my cup. I opened my eyes as she sat on my bed. I put my drink down and sat up as Alex looked at her hands while sniffling. I slowly got up groaning and headed over to her and sat down. We sat in silence for awhile, the laughter and commotion from others rooms sounded like it was right out my door. I sighed running a hand through my hair. What should I say?

"You may assume I hate you but I don't. What happened yesterday wasn't me. I didn't kiss Harley but I did have too much to drink." I said chuckling. I let out a breath as Alex didn't find it funny. I tapped my leg before facing her.

"What I'm trying to say darling is I still love you. I...I haven't really welcomed you back correctly and I apologize for that." I said sincere, her cheeks flaring. I'm getting somewhere. I carefully reached for her hand and gently caressed it, not so much as getting a flinch.

"I-I won't pressure you to tell me what happened, so take your time and when you're ready I'll listen." I said nodding, giving a slight smile. My heart began to fasten its pace as Alex slowly moved closer then wrapped her arms around me. I laid my head on her and held her tight, rubbing her back gently but she jumped making me stop.

"I love you darling, always." I said kissing her head and cautiously rubbing her back. She laid her head on my shoulder and began soaking my shirt. How long will this last?

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