Chapter 12: Pass It All...

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Alex POV

I sniffled while placing my folded clothes into the purple suitcase then tried to wipe my burning eyes, my cheeks numb and sore from crying, but it was futile. My heart was screaming at me to think this through, to stay longer, but my mind was bent on its words.

"It's for the better." I muttered to myself, repeating it every second to stay tight. I zipped my suitcase up and placed it with the others before pulling on my natural brown hair, it pulled into a messy ponytail. I placed my hands on my hips looking around the room then picked up a purple teddy bear Joker got for me when I brought up my liking for them. I smiled then began sobbing, my knees shaking before giving out. I looked at the teddy bear with blurry eyes, trying to pull myself together.

I had to go, I had to. I sniffled and feverishly wiped my puffy face that burned. I clutched the teddy bear then felt my heart ache. I felt sick as my stomach grew heavy, the air becoming dense and felt myself shake. I had to go now. Joker left an hour and a half ago and I don't know when he's gonna come back so I have to hurry. 

I quickly stood and, with much thought, threw the teddy bear in my suitcase and grabbed the handle and began walking out. I briskly yet quietly headed down the empty hallway and carried one suitcase down the stairs then got the other one. As I lifted the handle back up my heart dropped with I heard a click of a gun, the person inhaling deeply. I slowly turned releasing the handle of my suitcases, my heart pounding in my ears with my eyes sealing shut then opened them once I turned. I gave a little breath of relief as Harley stood at the top of the staircase with her gold pistol directed at me, frowning deeply with blue eyes filled with burning rage, a little dark glint to them.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked swinging her bat too, lifting an eyebrow. I bit down on my teeth feeling my jaw flex and kept silent.

"No, no, no. You won't hurt my Puddin' like this." She said shaking her head then laughed, cocking it with a wide grin.

"Hey, you want him, you can have him." I replied holding my hand up slightly, my heart getting squeezed so tight at those words, my eyes burning, threatening fresh tears. I began walking away as she stared at me with wide eyes then growled.

"Don't take another step." Harley said in a threatening tone, raising the gun to my head. I licked my lips and swallowed, stopping in my tracks and putting my hands down.

"We had something, something special that no one could understand, and you took that from me." She said in a shaky voice, eyes watering as she began descending down the stairs slowly.

"You can have him." I replied taking a step back, glancing at the door. I could just shoot her but my gun isn't on me. Yippee.

"He loves you! He won't look at me the same anymore!" She screamed shaking violently, her finger on the trigger. As she was halfway down the stairs I felt my muscle tense with my heart ascending louder like an orchestra building suspense.

"He will." I assured, lying easily. I don't know if he'll get over me. Maybe... he will.

"No, you took my Puddin' from me, and you have to pay for that." Harley spat through clenched teeth, rushing down the stairs with a glare that could kill. 


"You have to pay!" She screamed tackling me, the weight making me stumble back into the hard, cold wall. I grunted and grabbed her hand with the gun and pointed it to the ceiling and wrapped my finger around the trigger making shots go off, the bullets shattering the chandelier making itching pricks hit my skin. I grunted as she punched my side then wrapped her hand around my throat but I quickly punched her in the chest making her fall back with a groan, a hand to her chest as she coughed. 

"My Puddin'." She muttered hoarsely as I rubbed my aching side then ducked as she swung her bat, it connecting with a vase making it shatter. I screamed and held the bat, us wrestling over it, then felt an overwhelming wave of pain in my head before falling, it beginning to throb. I rolled onto my back with a groan, cupping my forehead, then rolled out the way as Harley smashed her bat where my head used to be. 

After more failed attempts I got up and elbowed her on the head and landed blows along with her before she caught me off guard, hitting my back. I shook feeling my body ache all over and panted then turned to Harley wide eyed as she held the bat up, ready to strike down on me with all her might, then she grunted and fell over going unconscious.

"Are you okay?" Dr. Q asked dropping the shovel, rushing to my side. I held her hand and stumbled to my feet with her help, the room spinning, everything moving as if it had feet.

"I-I'm fine. Let's go." I replied looking at her serious, her nodding. She got one of my bags while I got the other and rushed out and to the garage. I found the keys to my car and we loaded it up then drove to the airport, Dr. Q talking throughout it all, assuring me and reminding me of my dream. My body was tingling with millions of spiders and poisonous snakes, chills repeatedly scratching up my spine as it was hard to breathe. 

I kept looking over my shoulder with a frown, my heart pounding as a dark feeling dwelled on me. What if I got caught by cops? What if Joker found me? What if this was a setup? I snapped back to reality as Dr. Q held my hand and began leading me to a restroom. Once the door closed she turned to me with a frown, eyes filled with concern as I shook rubbed my arm full of goosebumps.

"Hey, don't worry." She said softly, me jumping out my skin as she placed her hands on my face. "He can't get you."

"Thanks, that makes me feel better." I replied nodding, not calming one bit. She rolled her eyes with a smile and scoffed, caressing my cheek.

"Just calm down a little before people get suspicious." Dr. Q said looking into my eyes making me nod. After calming slightly we left out and waited for our plane to start boarding then left, the air slowly becoming breathable and lighter. Almost there. Almost... there.

I smiled then bit my lip feeling my heart thump in my ears in relief, the plane taking off. I turned to Dr. Q to see her grin then hold my hand and pat it. I looked out the window and chuckled. I made it. I'm free. But, have I really dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life? My grin fell into a frown as I slumped in my chair, pulling my sweater closer as my eyes watered, it feeling too cold and dark.

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