Chapter 5: Hanging On...

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Alex POV

What am I doing? What am I doing? I giggled then hit the wall yelling. I held my head hearing echoed whispers and laughs. Am I insane? Crazy? Who am I?

"You want something from me." I let my head go and looked at Dr.Q chuckling. I crept over to her bed and stopped behind her head. I slammed my fist beside her head making her inhale deeply with a jump.

"What could you possibly have that I want?" I asked moving my face closer to hers. I'm gone. I hummed as she opened her eyes and sniffled.

"You want a new start-" I groaned moving away and ran a hand through my hair laughing.

"You want a new life and I can give that to you!" She yelled making me frown. I exhaled deeply and wiped my eye as a tear threatened to fall. I don't deserve another chance. I don't want another chance. Not without my Joker.

"You'll just turn on me and kill me." I replied picking up a wire, heading back over to Dr. Q. She shook her head crying making me chuckle.

"I won't! I swear!" She yelled as I slipped the wire around her neck. Like I'll fall for that.

"It's bad to lie~" I sung tightening it.

"I only did this to try and get Joker! He shouldn't walk freely." She yelled panting, eyes wide with fear. I looked down feeling numb but shook it off.

"And you're playing hero because?" I asked amused, attaching the wire to a electric circuit.

"Because he killed my family! Just like he did to yours!" Dr. Q yelled making me pause. Ethan...

"Don't you dare say that again." I spat through clenched teeth, drawing my hand across her face. I turned away and grabbed a bucket of freezing water and dipping my finger in. Cold enough.

"I can help you, let me help you!" Dr. Q yelled struggling against the straps. Help me?

"I don't want help. I don't want anything." I replied blank, looming over her. I put the bucket at my feet and walked around the hospital bed with a groan, my blood rushing in anticipation.

"You try to deny it but a part of you longs for love and warmth." She said making me look at the light bulb. I closed my eyes getting haunting flashbacks and balled my fist.

"I don't want it anymore." I replied opening my eyes and getting the bucket. She shrieked as I dumped it on her face and body. I put the bucket down as she shook giving gasps.

"You remember what you told me?! I asked what would you do once you got better! Do you know what you said?" Dr. Q stuttered trying to look at me. My heart jumped as I remembered the dumb shit I wished to have. I was sweet and gullible.

"No." I replied fixing my bandages on my hands, slipping my gloves back on.

"You said you wanted a family and live without a burden. You can start over and find that love and warmth you want." She said making me stand beside her. I looked at her sickly pale face then her tears.

"I can give you that, I swear." She whimpered shaking her head. I do wish for something normal but people like me aren't meant to do normal things.

"I don't want or need anything from you." I replied pulling the handle down, the circuit shocking her making her scream in pain. I watched satisfied then gave her a does of adrenaline before holding a plier-like tool. I opened her mouth wide then added the gag and locked it to keep her mouth open. I tightened the knobs holding her head in place then removed the wire from her neck, a purplish black line there. 

"Would you like some laughing gas or any oral gel?" I asked smirking, her eyes widening. She tried to speak but it came in a hum and muffle. Guess not. I shrugged and ran my gloved hand across her teeth.

"Should it be a wisdom or front tooth?" I asked chuckling, tears falling out her eyes. Oh well. I held the pliers on her wisdom tooth making her struggle but laughed while letting it go.

"Scared ya, didn't I?" I asked patting her cheek. I grabbed her front tooth to the left and managed to pull it out making her scream in agony. I put it on the tray and chuckled, loving every second of this.

"I really want that wisdom tooth but they fun can't end yet." I said as she sobbed. I took out two more teeth then sat her up letting blood pour out her mouth. So messy. I cleaned her mouth out then put in granulation tissue then began removing the mouth gear. I sucked in a sharp breath and punched Dr. Q in the face as she clomped down on my fingers. 

"Well that hurts." I hissed shaking my hands. Once the pain subsided I lifted her shirt, exposing her stomach. I grabbed a jar with a hungry rat, knowing she was petrified of them, and a lighter. I put the jar on her stomach and chuckled as she screamed and begged me not to.

"You're gonna let the poor guy starve? How rude." I clicked my tongue as she sobbed, pleading with everything she had. I clicked the lighter letting the flame go and moved it against the jar making the rat squeak and move.

"Please, I'll do anything!" Dr. Q cried then screamed as it began scratching her stomach for an escape. I looked up hearing the door open then continued my task until he stopped with his hands in the air.

"Darling, darling, darling." Joker said walking over. I shook my head hearing voices and whispers.

"How long have you been down here?" He asked glancing at Dr. Q then the jar then at me. For a few days but it doesn't matter. Nothing matters.

"Why don't you come with me-"

"No, I want to stay here." I pulled away from Joker and watched as Dr. Q squirmed in agony. I felt my heartbeat pick up as he gently and slowly put his hand over mine. I flinched seeing someone else's hand and jumped as his held mine.

"You're hurting my feelings darling." Joker said turning to me, moving his hand. I looked down feeling the guilt and shame. I let someone take advantage of me. I was useless. Maybe if I didn't try to get that stupid necklace things would've changed. Maybe if I just stopped being weak I'd have enough strength to fight. I betrayed him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered letting the lighter and jar go. I maneuvered pass him and headed to my room, locking myself in the bathroom. I sat in the tub and covered my face sobbing. I hate myself.

"I hate my life." I hit the wall then balled my fist. I laid my head against the tiles feeling dirty and numb. I removed my clothes and ran a hot shower, letting the heat burn my skin. I pulled on my hair shaking and slapped myself, trying to snap out of it. What is wrong with me? I screamed hearing the whispers and screams. The touches, laughter, voices and the screams made my head hurt. 

"I'm stuck in my body. I'm stuck in hell." I mumbled leaning against the tub. I watched as a drop of water slid down slowly, my heart slowing, and gave a ghost breath. I got out feeling my body numb with steam and put a nightdress on. I laid on the bed and began tracing the cuts on my wrist to my forearm. I closed my eyes sniffling and tried to fall asleep but i woke feeling a hand touch my shoulder. I screamed and ran off my bed into the corner holding my legs.

"I'm not gonna hurt ya." Joker said getting off my bed. I shook feeling my heart thump rapidly. He came over then the image of the men did too making me turn away sobbing in the corner.

"I'll stay right here. Want me to stay right here?" Joker asked standing a few feet away from my bed. I glanced at him seeing his hands up.

"Leave me alone." I whispered hearing the voices. I turned away burying myself in the corner hearing devilish laughter and squeezed my eyes shut.


"Leave me alone!" I screamed covering my ears. I shook my head as the faces came and went while smirking.

"Fine!" I jumped as my door slammed then slowly looked up as it went quiet. I turned and held myself sniffling and crying on my legs. What am I going to do?

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