Chapter 16: Different Ending

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Okay, last chapter was pretty sad, maybe confusing. Well, Louise died, Joker got arrested, and Joy is going to a foster family.


Joy giggled while playing with her barbie dolls, Mia chewing on their hands, as Louise watched with a smile. Louise hummed and turned her attention to the door as she heard a knock along with the doorbell and left to answer it, her smile falling into a frown although her heart skipped beats in happiness.

"You gonna let me in or what?" Joker questioned leaning against the doorframe, her rolling her eyes and moving to let him in. She locked the door after closing it and turned with a smile.

"Sweetie, guess who's here." Louise said heading into the living room making Joy look up. Her eyes widened, going brighter, and her dolls were long gone as she hurried to her feet.

"Daddy!" Joy squealed running to Joker with her arms out, him lifting her into the air making her grin wide.

"Oh, you're getting heavy." He commented with a look making her giggle.

"Mommy says that too." She replied nodding then wrapped her arms around him before moving in excitement.

"I have a drawing to show you, wanna see it?!" Joy asked pointing to the stairs, Louise leaning against the sofa with a smile. She already saw the picture and couldn't help but feel her heart skip beats.

"Sure kiddo." Joker replied putting Joy down, her running upstairs making Louise frown in worry. Once she came back with the picture she eagerly showed him and smiled wider when he voiced his opinion on it, Louise looking down with a smile, biting her lip to contain it. Several hours later, Joy running around and playing until her energy emptied then took a nap with Mia.

"Thanks for stopping by." Louise said with a smile as he took his cleaned blazer from her, Joy accidentally spilling pudding on it. "She wouldn't stop talking about you."

"Cut the chitchat and get to the point." Joker said putting it on, frowning at her with his hand up. Her eyebrows knitted as she placed her hands in her back pockets with a shrug.

"I have no point, I'm just thanking you for being a sensible man, which you should already be." Louise replied making him exhale deeply, bothered by her presence. He looked elsewhere as she fixed his tie then smiled at him with adoration, her eyes shining like diamonds making a flutter stir up in him.

"Don't give me that look." Joker said catching her gaze, disliking how his heart skipped beats, picking up its speed.

"What look?" She questioned cocking her head, smiling wider. She can't deny it, she's still head over heels in love with him. From the way he smirks to the way he treats her, like he resents her presence yet gets upset when someone else talks to her.

"That fire is dust now." He said going to remove her hands, a sudden shock from the contact making him give a silent shaky breath.

"Is it?" Louise asked entwining their hand, moving closer to him. Warmth radiated off her as her ring flashed in the sunlight, him glancing at it. Joker bit his cheek as she held his chin, making him focus on her, then gently caressed his cheek.

"You know, I never really broke my oath." She said softly, almost in a whisper, then glanced at his lips before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I still love you, I'm still by your side, and I didn't kill you." Louise admitted biting her lip, staring into his eyes. She was right, but she did attempt to break it.

"Oh, please, like you didn't betray me." Joker said placing a hand on her cheek, turning his head frowning, her eyes fluttering as she felt ecstatic, eyes swirling with passion.

"Says you." Louise whispered then moved closer, no space between them, and gently ran her hand through his hair making a chill wash over him. She hummed as he growled at her but made no move.

"No one can love you the way I can." Louise said smirking, licking her pink lips. It was his turn to be heart over mind in love with her.

"No one." Joker mumbled letting his other hand wrap around her waist, heart thumping in his ears. Louise softened as his thumb ran across her lips in a teasing manner.

"And you'll never find someone to replace me." Joker said giving a wide grin, sharpened with craziness making her hum. Those words seemed to make her heart grow bigger and deeper for him, her gulping down her nerves.

"Never." Louise replied shaking her head then gave a groan as he connected their forehead, his cologne making her dizzy.

"I love you, pumpkin." She said with a dazzling smiling, his breath hitching as his heart skipped a beat. He wasn't someone that's loved, right? She pouted and moved her hand to punch his arm making him smirk with a eye roll, her body burning in annoyance for a moment.

"I love you too, darling." Joker replied making her smile then groaned and held him tighter as he kissed her, her hold on him making his grasp more secure. Maybe, sometimes, there are such things as "happy endings".

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed~~!!🤗😄

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