Chapter 10: Heartache

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Alex POV

I released a breath and fluttered my eyes open, sleep still weighing on it, and looked at the dark red curtains. I groaned while getting up and ran a hand through my hair looking next to me. Gone. Best get used to it.

I brushed my teeth then took a warm shower. I closed my eyes while rubbing shampoo in and gave a shuddered breath getting vivid flashbacks. I opened my eyes and gasped, my heart dropping, as blood poured out the shower head. I moved back with my hands to my face then blinked to see it was gone. I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around me and stepped out the steamy shower. As I blow dried my hair I shrieked seeing shadowy figures. I looked behind me then behind the curtain and left with damp hair.

I dressed and went down to the kitchen to make Dr. Q something. As I chopped carrots I grew numb with the chopping fading away. I gasped dropping the knife and sucked on my bleeding finger. I wrapped it then carried the tray of food to her.

"I have your identity done." She said smiling, eyeing the food. I sat it on the coffee table then sat in the armchair. My stomach has been twisting and turning from last night and it was nauseating me.

"What else do you have to do?" I asked trying to get my mind off this feeling. I shouldn't do this but I'm dying inside. I feel like I'm watching myself live a dull life.

"I have to find a new place for you to live, kill off all your names, then we can get a plane ticket from there." Dr. Q replied eating the porridge. That sounds easy.

"We?" I questioned taking my tea off the tray and sipping it. I leaned back in my chair as she nervously chuckled. Mhm.

"Just incase you run into trouble." She replied taking a spoonful of porridge then eyed the grilled ham sandwich. Trouble? I sighed and bit my fingernail. What if Joker catches me before I even get to leave? What if I cave in? What if he finds me again? What if he kills me?

"Are you up to this?" Dr. Q asked licking her lips. Hell no.

"No." I ran a hand through my damp hair sighing. What am I doing? How can I even do this? My eyes burned as my heart ached painfully.

"Something troubling you?" Dr. Q asked crossing her legs with a kind look. She adjusted her small glasses with a soft smile, moving her hair behind her ear.

"Other than this getaway, I feel sick. I'm hallucinating." I mumbled feeling like hell. I held my forehead groaning and put the teacup down. I squeezed my eyes shut getting nauseating memories, my stomach curling.

"You can try medicine." She advised before biting into the sandwich, cheese spilling from under the bread. Medicine?

"No, I'm done with them. If I want to start fresh I best stop doing old habits." I replied shaking my head sighing deeply. I opened my eyes and blinked them profusely until my sight went normal.

"It'll just be one pill." She said looking into my eyes, hand stretching out. I looked at it feeling my throat dry then smacked it away.

"I'll pass." I growled feeling my blood boil, my lips molding into a scowl. She sat back and held her hands visibly shaken. I looked up hearing loud laughter and yelling. He's back.

"I best get going." I mumbled standing, Dr. Q standing also with an anxious expression. I headed to the door and unlocked it then turned to her hearing her take steps forward.

"Two days left." She said smiling with two fingers up. I nodded feeling numb, my body trembling slightly as the sick feeling in my stomach worsened.

"Yeah, two." I whispered then turned away and left. I closed the door and locked it, looking at it for a moment. This is the right thing to do. I held the key and left to my room.

That night I twisted and turned, my body breaking in sweat from the heat torturing my flesh. I panted getting vivid flashes of many people I killed, Ethan, my old friends, my home, my parents and me all dead. I gasped jumping out my sleep and looked around the dark room panting.

I went to move my hands but I couldn't. I couldn't move just blink and breathe. My eyes widened and I gave a shaky breath as a dark figure crawled from under my bed onto it. I closed my eyes then opened them slightly as it touched my face. I couldn't hear what it said, much less see, but whatever it was made me squirm.

"Help me." I squeaked out then screamed in pain as it dug its hand into my chest. I writhed about while screaming at the top of my lungs then whimpered as it shushed me. My eyes widened as something clasped over my mouth and nose then a sharp pain in my chest made me jerk and give muffled screams. My body burned from the scars as blood leaked out of me. My heart thumped in my ears as I shook then felt a jolt. I gasped with a hand to my chest and throat then gagged and rushed to the bathroom. I vomited into the toilet then laid on the tiles panting, the cold floor cooling me.

"What am I doing?" I mumbled feeling like lead, my body too heavy to twitch. I turned on my back and looked at the light then released a breath as my eyes grew heavy. I reluctantly closed them but swear I saw figures over me.

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