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I didn't really know where I was, all I knew was I was chained to a wall in little to no clothes. The vampires told me my name was June and that I was to be sold at the next 'pet' audition. Since I was a female human, with a rare blood type, I was the perfect little bidding war. When the owner of the shop told me that, I might have hit him. That's why I was chained to this damn wall. When the vampires caught me they erased my memories, all I knew was something was telling me I had to get out of here and back to someone. Since I've been here I've been trying to get back to the unknown person. The harder I fought the more I got beat.

The vampire stood at my door smiling wildly at me. "Don't act stupid its time to shine." He said opening my cell's door. I had already figured out after my fourth whipping that I wasn't getting out of here, my only chance was to be sold and escape a home. So when he undid my chains I just simply put my head down. The owner stepped into the back room and told one of the female guards to get me washed up and dressed up correctly. I followed and stayed quiet. I had to be sold I need back to that person before something happened.

I stood in a line with the other human girls. I had my make up done to what was said to be perfection, I have on light blue underwear, which wasn't under anything, but instead out in the open for everyone to see. My dark red hair was curled to frame my face. I knew my bright turquoise eyes stood out. I knew I was different, but I didn't know how. Every vampire that came into the shop before told the shop keep I was a strange one. We were moving to the back stage area. I could hear the low roar coming from the crowd just behind the curtain which made me want to make a run for it now. I couldn't do that now though, because I was chained to the other twenty something girls. They told me when they chained me to these other girls I was last because of my blood and it wouldn't be right to start a bid war right off the bat.

Fucking blood suckers I was trying to will the sun up faster so they would burn in hell where they belonged. The girls before me were sold then dragged from the stage. Every last one of them screamed shortly after being dragged from the stage. One man had bought most of them besides one young girl. She was maybe twelve, lucky for her a older looking woman bought her and wouldn't let the man have her. She didn't scream, but she wasn't dragged from the stage the woman had walked up to the stage grabbed her and paid. They were gone as fast as the cash had been handed off. The guard behind me kept pushing me towards the stage, I had my heels planted as good as I could in these six inch heels. He just pushed harder causing me to almost fall flat on my face. I caught myself and slowly walked out on to the stage. The lights were blinding I couldn't make out anything past the stage.

"Last but not least we have the beautiful June. Her rare O negative blood type makes her the best little snack. Her eyes make her different also her turquoise eyes glow as though she is extremely powerful. She stands five foot five inches tall, her boobs are a perky D's. She a small fit handful, don't let her looks fool you this beauty is a ball of fire, she can be trained like the rest I promise. We're going to start the bids at six hundred and fifty." The owners words echoed through the large area. I simply stood there with my head held high not really paying attention to anything besides numbers. Each time the bid went up by fifty. What happened next shocked me and the owner. A man yelled over all the other people bidding, "eight hundred thousand" the number was way over the two thousand bid we were at. I looked at the owner he glanced at me and swallowed, then yelled sold over the small roar that broke out about the high price. He took my arm gently then walked me to the office area.

The man who had bought me walked in looked me over, then took his jacket off and handed to me. He mumbled about how he didn't want the other people to get the wrong idea. He handed the owner a check, he then quickly slipped a collar onto my neck. It had a leash, what am I a fucking dog now. It was a ruby leash and collar it blended in with my hair you would miss it unless the lights hit it the right way. I gave both men a mean ass look and low growl. The man with the leash gave a soft pull before saying "She's perfect, my sons need a challenge in their life." He gave a small laugh which caused the owner to laugh. The man stood and started to pull me out when the man I learned to despise spoke up, "My lord what about your receipt and her papers?" The lord threw his hand over his head before telling him to mail it to him because his sons would be home in less than a hour.

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