1. Secret Love Affair

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Chapter 1: Secret Love Affair


"Get off of there," Poppa said, trying to shoo me off the counter.

I didn't move. For some reason, I've always loved sitting up here, being able to see the whole kitchen from this spot. I knew he'd let me - we've been doing this exchange since I was ten.

"I'm so bored," I complained, tossing aside my sketch book as I watched him move around the kitchen while he got ready for opening in a couple hours. "Why am I even here?"

Technically, I was here until Dad got off work, before he and I went to Nana's and Grandpa's for the weekend. I could have stayed home to wait for him, but then I wouldn't get to see Owen today if I did that. He was the real reason I was here.

"No one's keeping you here," Poppa said, "but if you want to do something, fold the napkins, will you?"

I sighed, jumping off the counter. I guess I could do that until Owen got here. I just really wanted to see him today. It's been too long since we were alone together.

Owen and I had a weird relationship. No one - definitely not Poppa - knew about it. It wasn't that I was afraid to tell them I was attracted to guys, of course not, but it was the fact that I was in love with Owen, who was employed by Poppa and five years older than me. Me being sixteen and him being twenty-one, I knew my parents would freak if they found out what we were doing with each other. But I felt that I was old enough to make my own decisions. They couldn't control my life like that.

I had gotten through folding six napkins when Owen walked through the kitchen door. I glanced behind me and, not seeing Poppa anywhere, smiled at Owen. As far as Poppa knows, Owen and I barely even talk to each other. I wanted to keep it that way, at least until I was eighteen and they couldn't say no to our relationship anymore.

Owen walked over, sliding his hand along my waist as he gave me a quick kiss on my lips.

"We can't..." I started, suppressing a moan. I loved the way he kissed me and the way his light stubble rubbed against my soft cheeks. If I could kiss him all day, I would. "My Poppa..."

He kissed me again. "Shh. He's out in the dining area."

I rolled my eyes. "You're going to get us caught one of these days."

He kissed me again. "Nah. You're just paranoid."

I pushed him gently, making him take a step back. He was a ton stronger than me, so I knew I couldn't have actually made him move. But he let me push him, so it worked. "Go do your job before Poppa fires you for touching me."

He walked to the walk-in pantry, his hand on the handle. "Come with me. He's not going to see us."

I sighed. He knew I couldn't resist him. With one more glance towards the door to make sure Poppa wasn't about to come through any second, I grabbed hold of Owen's outstretched hand and let him lead me into the pantry.

Before the door was even closed behind me, Owen had his lips on mine, pressing my back up against the shelves. I moaned, letting my hands run up and down his toned body. He was so fit and so manly. I loved it.

"Sammy?" Poppa called a few minutes later, his voice barely making it into the pantry.

I pushed Owen off me and straightened out my shirt. I then looked at him, panic filling my eyes. How were we going to explain us being in here together? I was supposed to be folding the napkins!

"Sam! Where did you go?"

Owen reacted before I could, grabbing a couple jars of tomato sauce and dumping them into my arms. "I asked you to help carry stuff. Go. I'm right behind you."

I smiled, leaning up to give him one more kiss. "I love you. See you next week."

He didn't react to my words, like always. I knew he wasn't good with his emotions, and I just happened to feel overly emotional. All I knew was that I loved Owen with all my heart, and I needed to tell that to him whenever I could, even if he has never said the words to me yet. I knew he would, when he was ready.

I pushed open the door with my foot, stepping out into the brightly lit kitchen. There, standing by the door to the dining room, were both of my fathers. They looked up at me when I walked in and dumped the jars onto the counter I had previously been sitting on.

"Oh hey," I said as causally as I could. "You're here. Um, he asked me to help him carry some stuff so I did. And Poppa, I only got like five napkins done. I think those things are harder now than they used to be and I didn't have much time to even come close to finishing."

I heard Owen try to hold back a snort as he placed whatever he had grabbed next to the sauce. He was so inappropriate. I just really hoped my dads didn't catch on.

"It's fine," Poppa said, eyeing the ingredients next to me. "Linda will do the rest when she gets here."

He then walked over and pulled me into a hug, which I struggled out of. I wasn't a kid anymore. I didn't need him hugging me like that, especially in front of Owen.

Poppa smiled before messing up my hair. "Have a good weekend, bud."

I honestly didn't know if I would. I wanted to stay here, maybe sneak into the back alley with Owen at some point. I didn't want to spend two days at my grandparents' house because Dad was going there to fix something or other and made me go too so that I could help. "Grandpa's not as young as he used to be," Dad had said. "I need your help this weekend." Of course I had no choice.

"Bye, Poppa," I said, grabbing my bag from under the counter where I had stuffed it earlier. I then looked across the kitchen, wanting to at least smile at Owen, but he was already busy chopping up some vegetables. He didn't even look up at me as I left with Dad, but I guess that was a good thing so we didn't give anything away.

As soon as Dad and I got into his car and started driving away, I asked: "So what exactly are we going to do this weekend?"

"The railing on the steps in their house is coming loose. We're going to fix it so that it doesn't end up breaking when one of them tries to lean on it."

"Oh." I guess that made sense then. I still didn't want to be going and I definitely didn't want to be doing any work like that. I wasn't a big fan of any kind of physical labor.

"Cheer up, bud," Dad said. "It's been awhile since you've seen your grandparents. I'm sure Nana's making you cookies like she normally does."

Okay, her cookies will make this whole trip worth it. Maybe I could sneak some back for Owen. I'm sure he'd love to try them.

A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to the sequel to The Way of Fate! If you haven't read that one yet, I highly suggest doing so. I really hope you all enjoy this book!

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