38. Final Decision

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Chapter 38: Final Decision


As soon as the recess was called, my parents and I headed for the hallway. Well, Dad practically dragged Poppa out there and I followed behind, not wanting to be left alone in the same room as Sarah, especially not right now.

"What was that?" Dad demanded of Poppa. They had stopped walking in a quiet corner with no one else around, which was probably a good thing.

"I'm not your freaking boy toy, Allen. I'm your husband. She has to understand that."

"I know, I know." Dad sighed. "I love you, Mika. It doesn't matter if she doesn't believe that, because she means nothing to me. Not for quite a long time. You should know that by now, Mika."

Poppa nodded slowly. "I know. I'm sorry." He then turned to me. "How are you holding up, Sammy? There was a lot going on in there."

I shrugged. What was there to say? Frankly, I was still a little shocked at what had happened. "Well, at least I know for sure that my mother hates me. It's good to have confirmation, you know?" I tried to laugh it off, but not even I was convinced by that. My eyes started tearing up a bit. It really did hurt knowing my own mother hated me so much when I've done nothing to her except exist.

Dad pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back tightly. Maybe they were right and I shouldn't have come. I didn't need to hear her say all that stuff about me.

"Sorry to interrupt." I backed out of Dad's hold to see that Mr. Borden had approached us. "I just wanted to ask if everyone doing okay after that."

Dad nodded. "Yeah, I think so. Have her actions in there affected the potential outcome of this case at all? Do you know?"

"It just might swing things in our favor. With her unwillingness to cooperate with you, and especially hearing the way she treated Sam, this case is practically going to win itself. If not, I got something in store that might."

I smiled. That was amazing news. Hopefully by the end of the day we'd be bringing Regal home with us. I was so excited.

"Plus," Borden continued. "Sarah practically confessed to wanting to kill Sam." He looked over at me. "Sorry to hear about that, I'm sure it must be difficult." I just shrugged while he continued talking to my parents. "I wouldn't be surprised if the police were to get involved at this point."

"So she might get arrested?" I asked, suddenly hopeful.

"Possibly. I know it'll be difficult to see your mom go to-"

"She's not my mom," I cut him off. When I saw the taken-aback look on his face, I apologized. "Sorry. It's just that she's never been a mom to me and she never will be. Not like I need her in my life anyway." Why would I even want her in my life anyway?

"Of course."

Mr. Borden then started talking about specific details and I stopped paying attention, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I had meant to use it simply to distract myself, but was surprised when I saw three texts from Ryan waiting for me. All three basically said the same thing: him wondering where I was and why I wasn't at school.

Glancing at the time, I realized it would already be third period. That meant I couldn't call him, even though I really wanted to talk to him right now. So I settled for a text, briefly explaining where I was and why.

"Sam?" I looked up to see Dad stepping closer to me. "We're about to head back in. You can stay out here, if you want to."

I shook my head. "I want to be there. For Regal."

Dad smiled and ruffled my hair, which I hastily tried to fix. "You're a good kid, Sam. I'm proud of you."

I blushed, ducking my head as I followed after him and Poppa, who walked back into the courtroom hand-in-hand. I smiled at the sight of them - seeing exactly what I had said earlier. Their love was something like fate. I wanted to find something that pure too, and hopefully I already found that with Ryan.

Entering the courtroom, I noticed a new person in the room. She definitely hadn't been here earlier, unless she had been hovering in the back this whole time, and I wondered who she could be. I didn't get a chance to find out when the judge walked in and resumed the meeting.

It wasn't long before I did find out who she was. I watched as she stood in front of the judge, introducing herself as Dr. Denise Hampton. Apparently, she was a psychologist, brought in by Mr. Borden.

"Your honor," Dr. Hampton said. "Sarah Kline is mentally unstable. As her therapist, I had seen the deepest parts of her inner turmoils. I cannot safely approve of her raising that little girl when there is a safer and better suited home being offered."

"I haven't been to see you in years!" Sarah shouted, getting to her feet.

Dr. Hampton didn't falter, still addressing the judge. "That is true, but that doesn't mean I believe Sarah has improved at all. I had been her therapist since right around the time she gave birth to her son-" She gestured to me, "Sam. Sarah stopped seeing me when she became pregnant with her daughter, Regal, even after I urged her to keep up our weekly appointments. Much like with her first child, I knew she was not ready to care for her second. That is all, your honor."

With that, Dr. Hampton walked to the back of the room and took a seat by the door. I guess she had been there the whole time, I just hadn't noticed her.

Before I knew it, the judge had come to a decision. I was practically sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for him to speak.

"Based on the evidence presented today in this courtroom," the judge began, "Sarah Kline seems unsuited to be the legal guardian of Regal Kline. I recommend removing the child from her care and sending Sarah Kline to a mental rehabilitation center."

I felt like I wasn't breathing. Regal was being taken away from Sarah. The only way this moment could get better is if she could live with us.

"As for the child," the judge went on, "Attorney Borden and the Carr-Simmons family have made a strong argument for custody. With their financial stability and the relation between the two children already, I approve of Allen and Mika Carr-Simmons taking full custody of Regal Kline."

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