14. Guardian Angel

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Chapter 14: Guardian Angel


After the encounter in the hallway, I felt paranoid. Everywhere I went, I was watching out for either Ryan or Shawn. I didn't expect Shawn to approach me again, but I couldn't tell with him anymore. And I kept avoiding Ryan, still trying to put off that conversation we needed to have.

Art class wasn't so bad - even with Grant still in the class. Miss Randi must have moved him yesterday or something, because now he was sitting at the table closest to her desk instead of with me. She didn't mention anything about that to me, so I didn't bring it up either. I now had the whole table to myself, which I didn't mind at all - it would give me more room to spread out for the larger projects.

But then the real trouble came right after art class. I was at my locker, grabbing the books I would need for the rest of the day, when my locker was suddenly slammed shut and the books I was holding fell to the floor. I looked up, expecting Shawn, maybe Courtney if she was feeling like joking around. Instead, I was shocked to see Grant standing there, one hand on my now-closed locker and an evil-looking grin on his face.

"So I heard you're not only a little teacher's pet, but you're also a little fairy, huh?"

I didn't say anything, not wanting to provoke him any further. I don't know how he found out. This is exactly why I didn't want the school to know.

Grant leaned closer to me and I could clearly see his yellowing teeth. "You should have just minded your own business in class. Then I wouldn't be stuck next to that bitch's desk. But you know, the only good thing is that now I don't have to sit next to your faggoty ass anymore. Have fun at that table by yourself. That's all you deserve, since nobody likes you."

"You don't know me," I said. I meant it to be a forceful statement, but it came out more like a whisper. "Leave me alone."

He laughed, finally backing up out of my face. "What was that? Little kitty trying to be a lion? Yeah, right. Funniest thing I've heard all day. Maybe you're good for something after all - I needed a good laugh."

"Please..." I hated feeling like I needed to beg. I just wanted to be left alone. Why couldn't people understand that?

Suddenly, Grant was spun around, a hand on the collar of his shirt. I stared at Ryan, who was about ready to punch Grant across the face. The scene was way too similar to what happened on Monday. He was like my own personal, sort-of-violent guardian angel. It was a weird thought.

"Ryan! Stop!" As much as I didn't want to talk to Ryan right now, I couldn't just stand by and let him get suspended for me. "Don't hit him."

Ryan didn't let him go. I think he even tightened his grip a bit when Grant started laughing again.

"Protecting your little boyfriend, huh?" Grant asked, smiling. "How romantic. Now I have two gays to beat up."

Grant quickly freed himself from Ryan's hold and pushed him up against the lockers, an arm pressing up against Ryan's neck. All I could do was watch, shocked. I didn't know what was happening.

"Don't you fucking touch him," Ryan grunted out, struggling against Grant's hold. Was Grant really strong enough to hold back Ryan? I didn't think anyone was stronger than Ryan.

"Hear that, fairy?" Grant said, looking at me. "Your boyfriend's trying to threaten me. I don't know... maybe I should..." He pressed down more, and I could tell Ryan was started to have trouble breathing.

I grabbed at Grant's arms, suddenly needing to do something. But with one broken hand and absolutely zero upper arm strength, it was as if I was trying to tear down a building with a plastic spoon.

Then he was gone, dropping Ryan and walking off down the hallway just as quickly as he had appeared. I knelt next to Ryan, wanting to make sure he was okay, just as the bell rang.

"If he ever bothers you again, tell me," Ryan said. "But right now you should go to class. I'm fine."

I shook my head. It looked like his neck was going to bruise. "I should get you to the nurse." I stuck out my hand, ready to pull him to his feet. "Come on."

He looked at my hand for a second before taking hold of it, accepting my offer to help him up. Once he was standing, I quickly gathered up my books from the floor. Then we started walking down the hall to the nurse's office.

"I thought you hated me," Ryan confessed quietly.

I shook my head, but didn't look at him. "How could I hate you? You're one of my closet friends."

"I know. And I shouldn't have kissed you. I feel like I ruined something by doing it."

I sighed. "Can you at least tell me why you did it?"

He didn't say anything for a moment. "I don't know... It honestly felt like the right time to do it in the moment, but now I'm not sure."

I stopped walking, finally looking at him. "I don't want things to change between us, Ryan."

"What if I do?" His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. "I've always liked you, Sam. Since the day we met."

"I don't even remember that day..." I admitted, slightly embarrassed. "It was so long ago."

He smiled a little. "Second grade. Recess. You were on the swings. I was jealous because you could get so much higher than I could at the time. I thought you were so cool." He chuckled, mostly to himself. "I was watching you when you slipped off and landed wrong. I helped bring you to the nurse."

"When I sprained my ankle." I shook my head. I had completely forgotten about that. I never realized someone else had been watching me.

I shook my head again, this time snapping myself out of the memory. "Speaking of nurses, we need to get you to her."

"I'm fine, Sam. Really. You should go to class."

I shrugged. "I'm already late. And besides, I don't like seeing you hurt either, because you're one of my best friends. It's going to stay that way, okay? I'm sorry, but I'm really not ready to even think about moving on right now."

I felt bad that I was basically rejecting him. But I honestly wasn't ready to even think about other guys. Owen had been my world and, now that he was gone, I needed to figure out how to get over him. I was starting to, and the thought of him didn't hurt so much anymore, but I just wasn't ready. I especially wasn't sure if I wanted to date Ryan, even eventually. Like I told him: I didn't want things to change between us, and dating definitely would, whether it be good or bad. I'd much rather stick to the friendship I was comfortable with than risk anything else.

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