15. Basement Kisses

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Chapter 15: Basement Kisses


I was sitting at my easel, staring at a blank canvas, when I heard the doorbell ring. Both Dad and Poppa were home, so I knew one of them would answer it. It's not like I wanted to talk to anyone right now anyway.

It was finally Saturday and I was enjoying the quiet. I had also finally been allowed to take the brace off my wrist for good, as of yesterday. I wanted to paint something to get my mind off everything that happened this week, but I didn't know what to paint. I kept thinking about what's been happening at school. Grant hadn't left me alone the rest of the week. He never touched me, but his words still hurt. I hadn't seen Shawn around though, which I was grateful for, but it didn't mean I wasn't worried that I would run into him at some point.

All I really wanted this weekend was to be left alone. So far it had worked out to plan, and all I had to do was not open the group chat that had been blowing up all morning.

I knew I shouldn't try to push my friends away. I just needed a day to be by myself right now. Was that too much to ask for?

Maybe it was, because the next thing I knew, my bedroom door was opening and Ryan was strolling inside like he owned the place.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, putting my brush down.

"Your dad let me in, since you obviously don't know how to check your phone."

I rolled my eyes. "And you apparently do know how to use a door."

He laughed. "Sometimes I'm civilized. But seriously. Pack a bag, you're spending the night at my place."


"Movie night. Your dads already said yes, so you have no excuse."

I sighed but got to my feet. Looks like my quiet weekend was over. I quickly tossed some extra clothes into my backpack before slinging it over my shoulder.

"Ready?" Ryan asked.

"If I have to be..."

He smiled. "Stop being so grumpy, even if it is kind of cute."

I stopped in my tracks. "Please don't say stuff like that," I said. "I know how you feel and everything, but you also know that I don't feel the same way. So please don't."

He looked a little hurt, but the look was gone after a second. "Sorry. I won't do it again."

I really hoped he wouldn't. It was bad enough knowing he liked me. I didn't need to hear him telling me I was cute all the time too.

Dad had offered to drive us both over to Ryan's house, but Ryan had brought his bike over, and since it was still light out, we decided to ride back. It wasn't very far to his house anyway.

I've always loved the feeling of riding my bike fast down the streets. With the wind blowing by me, I felt almost invincible.

Ryan and I came to a stop at an intersection, having to wait until the light changed for us to cross. The comment he had made before we left my house had been completely forgotten in favor of our usual jokes and banter along the way.


I stopped laughing at whatever joke Ryan had just made and turned around. I couldn't tell who had said my name, not recognizing any of the people also waiting to cross either. There were a bunch of other people in the world with the same name as me, so whoever said it probably wasn't even talking to me.

Then a woman stepped forward. "Sammy Carr? Is that really you, all grown up? You look just like your father." She looked frail and sort of old, like around the same age as my parents, maybe even a little older. I had never seen her before in my life, at least not that I could remember.

I shook my head. "That's not my name. Sorry." I had both my father's last names. So unless she knew me as a baby, before Dad and Poppa got married, then I don't know why she would be calling me that.

"Sam," Ryan said.

I looked back at him only to realize the light had changed. I kicked off the ground, ready to get as far away from that woman as soon as I could. There was something about her that felt off.

We got to Ryan's house a few minutes later, tossing our bikes in the grass by the garage. That's when Ryan finally mentioned it. "So who was that woman back there?"

I shook my head. "I have no idea. I hope I never run into her again though."

The conversation was cut short when Courtney suddenly appeared next to me, pretending to knock me over with her bike. I laughed, putting my hands on her handle bar to keep her a safe distance away. Jaime placed her bike down right next to mine before helping me push Courtney away. Maybe it was a good thing I came out with them. I was definitely having more fun in these few minutes than I had all day by myself.

Once inside, none of us could really agree on a movie to watch, so of course, Courtney decided we needed to play spin the bottle. I was very much against the idea, honestly not really knowing the rules all too well, but she insisted.

We were playing with a water bottle that Courtney had brought with her, which she spun first. When the bottle stopped, it landed on Ryan, and she was more than happy to lean over and give him a short little kiss on the lips. I felt sick at the idea of me having to kiss any of them, or one of them kissing me.

Jaime spun next, and my heart sunk when it landed on me. As much as I loved Jaime, I have never once wanted to kiss her. She leaned over anyway, pecking me on the lips. It wasn't so bad, since it was so quick. I didn't have to think about it.

After a couple more rounds, I had kissed both Jaime and Courtney a few times, but not Ryan yet. I'm sure he was waiting for it to happen, but I was dreading it. Every time either he or I would spin, I would hold my breath and wait for it to land on one of the girls.

He spun the bottle and I watched it spin, then come to a stop on me. I looked up at him to see him smiling. "It was about time this happened."

I shook my head. "I don't want to play anymore."

"Oh come on!" Courtney said. "You stop now, at your only chance to kiss a guy during this game? What kind of gay guy are you, Sam?"

I sighed, reminding myself that she was the only one of us who didn't know what happened on Monday. "Fine."

Ryan moved closer to me, lifting my head up slightly before bringing his lips to mine. Flashes of our last kiss went through my head, but this one was different, maybe because I was expecting it this time. Or maybe it was something more, because I soon found myself kissing him back.

"Maybe we should play this more often."

Courtney's words snapped me out the kiss and I pulled back, even sliding just a bit closer to Jaime. Ryan, too, seemed surprised at that kiss, and he quickly got to his feet, clearing his throat.

"I think we should be done guys," he said. "Uh... pick out a movie. I'm going to get some popcorn." With that, he practically ran up the stairs and out of the basement.

I stared after him, feeling my lips tingle. I've never felt anything like it before. I honestly didn't know one kiss could feel that good.

"Damn, Sam," Courtney said. "There something going on between you two?"

I shook my head. "Nothing." Although maybe there might just happen to be something a little more now. I wasn't sure if I was as opposed to that idea now as I was this morning.

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