22. Making a Decision

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Chapter 22: Making a Decision


I was simply walking down the school hallway the next day when I was suddenly slammed into the lockers. Rubbing my head where it had hit the hard metal, I looked up at Shawn, who seemed rather angry.

"We had a deal," he said.

"What?" I honestly had no idea what he was talking about. Between everything that happened last night with my mom and Regal, and now with a rapidly forming headache, I couldn't remember whatever deal he was referring to.

"You know what. I just overheard Ryan. He was telling Courtney how you kissed him last night. You said he was mine."

Right. That deal. Why did I ever agree to that?

"He'll only be yours if you talk to him," I said. "I'm not going to change his mind, even if I tried to. That has to come from you."

He still had me trapped against the lockers and I tried to get out. He just pushed me back even harder. My head was really starting to hurt now. Why wasn't any of the other kids in the hallway saying anything about this?

"That still doesn't give you the right to kiss what's mine," he said.

Suddenly, Shawn was being pulled off me. The scene reminded me of all the other ones where Ryan had come to my rescue recently. Including the part where I had to yell at him to not start throwing punches.

When the two of them stopped trying to fight each other off, I spoke up. "You guys need to talk. Do that." I looked at Ryan. "Don't hit him."

Then I walked away, even though I didn't want to. Why did it hurt to tell them to talk? Didn't I want my group of friends to be whole again? Shawn used to be part of us. If this was how he joined us again, shouldn't I be happier?

My mind kept going back to yesterday when I was at Ryan's house. I clearly pictured the drawing I had done last night which was currently sitting in my backpack in my locker. Dad's words echoed through my head I do approve of Ryan. Why wouldn't he? Ryan was amazing and sweet and all-around perfect. And he actually wanted me.

I only made it to the end of the hallway before I turned around and quickly walked back to the two of them, finally making a decision. They were still standing in the same spot, and it looked like Shawn was actually telling Ryan what was going on.

"The truth is..." Shawn was saying when I walked up to them.

I stepped up before he could continue and grabbed Ryan's hand. "Sorry Shawn. I've changed my mind." Then I started pulling Ryan with me back down the hallway.

"Sam?" Ryan asked. I didn't turn around or stop. I just needed to get him away from Shawn right now. "Sammy, you're worrying me. What's going on?"

I stopped walking to look at him. He didn't normally call me Sammy, but I think I liked the sound of it coming out of his mouth. It was weird.

Before I could change my mind - again - I asked, "Do you want to go out with me?"

A huge smile broke out on his face. "I've been waiting for you to say those words for years."

I couldn't help smiling back. "Is that a yes?"

He nodded his head before leaning over to capture my lips with his. It lasted only a second before I was yanked backwards by the collar of my shirt.

I coughed trying to open my airway back up, which didn't help my growing headache at all. Meanwhile, I was completely unable to tell Ryan not to punch Shawn. I could only watch as Shawn was hit so hard he fell to the floor, clutching his bleeding nose.

Shawn glared at me. "This is your fault, Sam," he said. "Why do you always need to get everything? I wanted one thing. Why did you have to take that from me?"

I didn't get to say anything before a teacher was stalking over to us, probably having seen what had happened. She immediately sent Shawn to the nurse, Ryan to the principal's office, and me to class. I didn't want Ryan to get in trouble, but there was no use arguing. I would either end up late for class or also in trouble. I was lucky enough that Dad and Poppa didn't mention me being sent to the principal's yesterday. I wouldn't be able to avoid that talk if I was sent there again today.

So I hurried to class, making it to my seat just as the bell rang. Jaime looked up at me, with a silent look that said I was lucky I made it on time. I was lucky I even knew which class to come to. By the time I got to my seat, my head was throbbing and I felt dizzy, but at least I could breathe.

I knew I should be fine now that I was sitting, but I still couldn't bring myself to concentrate on the class. My thoughts kept bouncing back and forth between what Shawn had said and what I had said. I couldn't believe I had actually asked Ryan out. And now, because of it, Shawn got mad and Ryan punched him. Ryan was going to get suspended and it would be my fault.

Jaime nudged me and I jerked my head up. I saw the teacher standing in the front of the room saying something, but I couldn't make out the words. I couldn't focus on her, unable to even keep my eyes open.

The world was starting to spin, so I muttered out a quick "I'm gonna pass out" hoping Jaime at least heard before everything went dark.

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