We're a family...without him.

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   Sasuke and I walked the streets of Konoha without saying a word.  He needed his time to think over what Kakashi had said.  I knew my brother well enough to know he would stop at nothing to get his dream accomplished.  His face gave away everything.  His eyebrows scrunched up letting me know his mind was elsewhere.  His face held an unpleasant scowl, letting me know his thoughts were not good.  But I could also see his eyes, slightly scrunched but deep inside I could see the fire and determination setting in.

     He must of noticed I was watching him, because he turned to look at me and his face softened.  I lowered my eyes and suddenly my shoes became interesting.  "I... I know he taught you Saori but he's gone.  He left us and he doesn't care.  We're a family....without him."

  I nodded my head and felt my heart begin to pound.  "S-Sasuke you know I can't help it.  He's still my big brother, just like you."  I immediately released the mistake of my words when his face contorted with anger.

   "I am nothing like him! I will never leave you!  I will never hurt you!"  I tried to grip his arm but he pulled it out of my grasp and left.

   I lowered my eyes to the ground and began walking towards the surrounding forest.  I didn't mean it like that.  Sasuke..you know you were always my favorite.  I sighed as I sat down and noticed how dark it was becoming. 

   Sasuke would be worried.  I stayed there a little while longer and then decided it was best to get up.  I stood up and then noticed how unusually quiet it was.  No birds chirping, no crickets, not even the russeling of grass. 

  I reached into my bag and gripped my kunia.  I activated my Sharingan and watched the forest quietly.  Nothing.

  I turned quickly and ran threw the forest heading back towards the house.  The house was in view but I stopped abruptly when I saw three figures.  Black and red cloaks.  Sasuke!

   I ran quickly and slammed the door open.   

    I was staring into the eyes of my brother.  His red Sharingan eyes cold and unfeeling, stared back into my own.  His hair had grown longer but he kept it tied back in place.  His face showed small signs of aging but his facial structure looked stronger than ever. 

  His body held in an uptight position, looked almost as if he was ready for any attack.  His cloak laid tangled in a heap on the floor.  I watched as his muscles tensed. 

   He seemed to be planning something.  The way his eyes scrunched slightly and the way his jaw unintentionally clenched.  I still remembered everything about him even though he had been gone for so long.  I involuntarily took a step back when he took one towards me.

   The other two behind him looked slightly terrifying.  There was a red head that looked almost bored while holding my unconscious brother.  The other blond one looked angry.  His face was scrunched up and looking towards Itachi.  Over all they both proved to be a threat to me and my brother.

  I gathered my courage and looked towards him.  "What are you doing here?"  His eyes seemed to watch me for hours, when in reality it had only been several seconds.  "I've come to retrieve something of mine."  His chilling voice sent a shiver through my spine.  It was cold, void of any emotion.

   "And what's that?"  His eyes watched me like a snake about to eat its prey.  "You."  My mind didn't comprehend what he had said until I felt a blow to my stomach.  I doubled over and then felt him jam his elbow into the back of my neck.  I felt an agonizing pain and my vision blurred. 

   I fell to the floor and then heard a soft voice," I didn't believe the rumors.  Has she actually got it?"  Kakashi. 

   All I heard in reply was, "Yes.  She will be coming with me."  Suddenly the darkness began pulling at me and I happily obliged.

The Third Uchiha-She was made to bring us out of the darkness.Where stories live. Discover now