I Am...

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I Am... poem

Who I Am

I am silently intelligent

I wonder why I am smart

I hear people laughing at my stupid mistakes

I see A's on my report card

I want to get out of high school

I am silently intelligent

I pretend that books are like movies in my head

I feel the need to write something amazing when

I touch a blank piece of paper and a pencil

I cry whilst reading sad stories

I am silently intelligent

I understand that nobody is perfect

I say "It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more"--J.K. Rowling

I dream that I will write something that will turn out amazing one day

I try my best to get the best grades that I can

I hope that everyone will be surprised when I turn out to actually go somewhere in life

I am Jessica *middle name* Brooks


Yes the part of my poem that says "It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more"--J.K. Rowling is from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and of course, Albus Dumbledore is the one who said it. I love Dumbledore! Why did he have to die?!?!

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