Chapter 7

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Cally's pov

"Rise and shine, Greenbean!" Minho's voice sounded through the door of my room. Not feeling like getting up any time soon, I ignored him. But this didn't go so well, since Minho started banging on the door, waking up Bark. The dog was startled, causing her to bark at the door trying to protect us.
     "Come on, Cally! I know you're in there! Your stalker is givin' it away!" I growled as I pushed myself out of my bed.
     Some builders had made me a bed yesterday while I was working in the kitchen. I recalled Gally was the Keeper of the group and decided to thank him when I had the chance. But for now, getting Bark to stop was the only thing on my mind.
     "Bark, quiet!" Apparently, the dog knew more commands than I gave her credit for because she stopped barking, instead, she started scratching her paws against the door.
     "Cally! Open up." Minho's loud voice was audible again. Way too loud for this early, in my opinion.
     I pulled the door open, not realizing Minho had been leaning against it. The boy lost balance and almost fell to the ground, but he caught himself just in time.
     "What?" I growled at him while rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands. To my surprise, Minho started laughing.
     "What?" I repeated louder this time, not hiding my annoyance.
     "You're looking great, Greenie." Minho managed through laughs. "Don't change a single thing."
     "It's my hair, isn't it?" I asked in my dry morning voice, knowing my hair can get a bit crazy while I sleep.
     A big smile grew on Minho's face after he had gotten control back over his body. I punched him on the arm before grabbing a brush and combing it through my hair a few times. "Anyway, what do you want, Prettyboy?"
     "I had to tell ya you're from the Med-jacks today. So, now I've done that, let's get breakfast."
     "You really want to eat all the time, don't you? Every time I see you, we're either in the kitchen or going to get food."
     Minho shrugged. "Well, that's because I'm always in the Maze, and when I'm back, I'm bugging hungry. Are you coming or what?"
     Quickly, I pulled my purple shirt over my head, wasting no time to walk downstairs with him, Bark following us. I found that I enjoyed the Asian boy's company, and he wasn't in the Glade that much.
     "Are you gonna wear that shirt every day?" Minho broke the silence
     "Well, I think so. It's my favorite shirt."
     "It's your only shirt."
     A frown formed on my face. "Yeah, that's true. But I don't think you've got some female clothes for me, do you?"
     "We do get new clothes every week, I've never paid much attention to it, except for the ones we use for the Runners. You could ask Alby if there are any clothes for you."
     "Thanks for the tip, man. I'll ask."

We took some food and sat down on a table. As always, it didn't take long before more boys came in. "Good morning, Cally." Fred said as he sat down beside me.
     "Morning, Freddy." I didn't really feel like talking, but ignoring him felt wrong.
     "Have you slept well?"
     "As a rose." I responded in a monotone voice. "Not that they sleep, but you know what I mean."
     Fred let out a small chuckle. "You ready for today?"
     "Yep," I made the p plop. I felt my patience running a bit thin this early in the morning, but I tried my best to ignore it.
     "I'm happy to hear that." Clint sat down beside Minho, "you're mine today."
     "So I've heard, are you gonna be hard on me?"
     Clint did as if he had to think about it, "haven't decided yet."
     "Well, I hope you're going to do better as a Med-Jack. You don't want this shank in your kitchen, that's for sure." Fred said while softly bumping his shoulder into me. The other guys laughed, I just smiled at him. Still not really feeling very social today. Man I want coffee. Never knew how much I needed my coffee until now...
     After some time, Alby and Newt walked in. They were busy talking about something. I wonder what it was, but I didn't know them good enough to read their faces. Were they talking about me? Maybe Newt had told Alby that I know something I didn't want to tell. No, that can't be it. Why should he already tell Alby if he didn't even know what it was?
     A loud whistle ripped me out of my mind and got me to look up. It was Alby who was gesturing Minho to come to them. While Minho got up, Newt called over: "You too, Clint!" Not even questioning it, they both walked to the tabel from Alby and Newt on the other side of the room.
     I turned myself to Fred, curiosity and slight anxiety taking the upper hand. "What do you think they're talking about?"
     Fred looked over to the other table, seeming not really interested. "Keeper things, I guess. Something important, but not so important that they need a Gathering."
     "Moooorning, Fred! Morning, Cally!" Gideon and Mike came sitting across from us on the table.
     "Morning, guys." I said, their enthusiasm getting on my nerves a bit.
     "Slept well?" This time, it was Mike asking. I knew it was meant well, but something inside me snapped. A deep sigh escaped my lips, "Yes, I've slept well. Yes, I'm ready for today and Med-Jacks. What about you?"
     "Wow, sorry, didn't know you would get angry," Mike said with his hands in the air, sounding a little offended.
     Again I signed, this time to help me relax a little, "sorry, Mikey... I'm not angry, I'm just not a morning person."
     "Good that." Gideon said before biting into his sandwich. And with that, it seemed to be okay.
     When I looked beside me, I saw that Minho had left his plate on the table with two sandwiches still on it. Quickly glanced over to see if he was paying attention to us, he wasn't. The boy's back was turned to us. Still a bit hungry and out of food myself, I picked one of his sandwiches and started eating it.
     It took some time, but eventually, they were done talking. Minho and Clint came walking back to us. This time joined by Newt.
     "Done eating?" Clint asked me, I nodded and got up to go with him. Ready for my first day with the Med-Jacks.
     "Wait." Minho's voice stopped me. "Didn't I have two sandwiches left?" The question wasn't directed to a particular person as he looked around us, hoping that one of our faces would give away who had taken it.
     I smiled at him, not caring about the consequences. "Yes, you did."
     Minho looked at me through his slit turned eyes, something in them gave me the impression that he was going to kill me.
     "What? I could've spit in it, this was my revenge for yesterday." I tried to save myself, only Minho didn't react, he just kept looking at me like that.
     Then he shot toward me with all the speed of a Runner. I jolted back by the sudden movement and tried to get away from him. I ran through the room with Minho on my heels, jumping on and over tables to get on the other side, hoping Minho would trip. But the Keeper of the Runners followed with no hesitation. Bark had started barking at us, trying to stop us from running around and ending up hurting each other.
     "Guys, stop it." Newt said, joining Bark in her efforts. Only he was not really convincing enough to make us stop. "Cally, stop running!" He called to me.
     "Me? I need to stop?" I threw a chair to the ground, making Minho slow down. "That shank is hunting me!"
     "Minho, stop it!" Newt called to him now after an annoyed sigh, but Minho didn't listen either.
     "I'll get ya, Greenie! That was my food!"
     "Exactly! It was, not anymore!" You could practically hear the smirk on my face through my voice.
     Seeing there was almost nowhere to go anymore inside, I set my mind on getting out of the Homestead. The Doors to the Maze hadn't opened yet, and there was still a little red glow in the sky from the sunrise. Minho was still after me, gaining as well. Only now there wasn't anything for me to throw or drop. Only he wasn't the only one chasing after me, Bark had joined as well. The dog was fastert han us, so it didn't take her long to catch up with me.
     I don't really know how it happened, but Bark got in front of me, making me trip over her. I rolled a few more feet before coming to a stop. I sat up strait, it hadn't hurt, but I did have to spit some sand out of my mouth.
      Bark greeted me by licking my face and waking her tail against me. 
    "You okay, small one?" I asked her, scared I had hurt her by crashing into her at full speed. But she seemed okay.
     Before I knew it, Minho had reached us, he grabbed me, and trew me over his shoulder. "HEY! Put me down! You son of-"
     "Nope!" Minho interrupted me. "Say you're sorry!"
     "What? Are you fucking serious?"
     "I'm dead serious!" He said, even though I could hear the slight chuckle in his voice.
     "Hey! Slintheads!" Newt had come running after us, clearly pissed. "Stop it. Minho let her go."
     Noticing the edge in Newt's voice, Minho gave in without protest. "As you wish." Before I could realize what was happening Minho let go of my body, dropping me on the ground.
     With a dull plop, I hit the ground. "Auch! That was just mean." I tried to sound angry, but I couldn't suppress my smile. Minho shrugged, also a big smile on his face.
     "That was so childish." Newt said while offering me his hand to help me stand up, which I accepted.
     "Well, what's the point in growing up if you can't be childish sometimes?" Even though my words were phrased as a question, we all knew it wasn't meant that way.
     A smile tried to creep up Newt's face, but he quickly wiped it away. "I guess. Just don't do that too often. The Sloppers aren't happy with the mess you guys made. And neither are Alby and I."
     A bit ashamed of what I had done, I started rubbing my arm. "We'll help them clean it up."
     "We? Speak for yourself, Greenie. I'm heading for the Maze in a few minutes." Minho stated, leaving no room for any form of negotiation.
     "Well, fine. I'll help them. I helped make the mess, I'll help clean it up."
     "No need, Greenbean," Newt said. "Ya need to go to Clint, he's upstairs. Waitin' for ya. Let the Sloppers do the sloppin'."
     "Okay, well, see you guys later then. Don't get lost."
     "Ha, ha, you're funny." Minho answered sarcastically.
     In response I flipped my hair over my shoulder, "I'm fucking hilarious." I said before I turned around and walked back towards the Homestead, my little girlfriend walking beside me.


Newt's pov

I watched as Cally and Bark walked away before I turned to Minho, who was also watching them. He was the one who broke the silence. "She's a weird shank, don't you think?"
     I shrugged. "She's different. In more then the obvious way." My mind went back to our conversation from the night before, she knew something... and I needed to find out what it was.
     We started walking towards the East door, the one we both had to go through. "She's dealing with it pretty well." Minho spoke up again.
     "Right now, yeah. She did freak out yesterday. When I showed her one of those bloody Grievers."
     "That ain't a surprise, dude. I remember the first time I saw one, it terrified me." My friend's sentence ended with a shudder.
     "Well, that's the thing." I started, knowing I could trust Minho with this. "I don't think the Griever was what was buggin' her. There was somethin' else."
     This got Minho's attention. "Like what?"
     "I don't know. It was like she just realized what was going on. As if she just woke up from a nightmare, realizing it was real."
     "Doesn't sound that weird to me." Minho dismissed it.
     "I can't explain it properly." I said through a sigh. "You should've seen it."
     The awfully loud sound of the opening doors filled the Glade. Little sparks coming from where the Doors scrapped the floor. "Well, I'm off. See ya later." I said before running to my own section.
     "Don't get lost!" I heard Minho call after me. I chuckled and shook my head before fully focusing on the path before me.
     There we go, off for another day in this bloody Maze.

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