Chapter 46

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Cally's pov

I was nervous. Well, I was more than nervous, I was scared. It had been a month now, Chuck had been here for up to a month. Which meant the next Greenie would come up in the box. Which means that, if I was right and my memory wasn't failing me right now, it was going to be Thomas.
     Thomas wasn't going to be such a big of a deal, I mean, he was the last male Greenie that there was going to be, but that wasn't it. The problems would start when the girl would come up the next day. Maybe not directly after she got up here, but eventually, she would do something that would affect all of us.
    My memories were starting to get clearer in the past few days. The waves I've had still were annoying and confusing, but it was like the things I remember from the movies were becoming clearer. And what I remembered scared the living shit out of me.
    I had decided to tell Alby some of it. Not everything, though. I had told him that I knew the next Greenie would be  called Thomas and that there was going to be something different about him. I didn't tell him what, and I didn't tell him about the girl or the consequences of her coming here. I didn't want to cause panic or that he would do something painful to them, like banishing. I didn't think that would be a good solution, but I also knew that my opinion wasn't going to be of any influence of what would happen after I told him.
     I didn't tell anyone else except for Alby. Again, I didn't want to cause panic. Unfortunately, I wasn't that good in hiding my nervousness. Newt, Ezra, Minho, and Chuck all noticed that there was something going on with me. They would ask me about it almost every day, and it just made me more nervous and on edge. They just didn't seem to give up, but so was I. I was determined not to tell them.
     Even though my mood became worse and worse every day that had led up to this day, Chuck's mood became better. The insecure and shy boy that had come out of the box had disappeared completely. He wouldn't cry anymore at night. He was this big ball of energy that most of the other Gladers couldn't stand, but I loved it. The positive energy he had around him made me feel a little better. Unless I was tired, then I could strangle him with my bare hands.
     Today, Chuck had been extremely enthusiastic, I think it was because today was the day the new Greenie would show up. All day, he had been asking me and the others when the alarm would go off.
     It was just after lunch, my M.R. duty had been done for some hours, and the alarm hadn't gone off yet. Normally, it would go off during my shift, but not this time, apparently. I thought it was weird, but Newt didn't seem to worry about it.
     Right now, Newt was working in the Gardens, and I was lying in the grass with Bark near him. I was trying to ignore the screams that came from the Homestead, but I just couldn't.
     Three days ago, Ben got stung by a Griever. He almost managed to get himself back into the Glade, though. The last few feet, we had to drag him, but that didn't matter.
     A few hours after Minho, Clint, Gally, and some guy, who was apparently named Frank, got him on a bed in the Med-room, the screaming had started. The first time I heard the awful screams of somebody going through the Changing, it wasn't that bad compared to now. This time, Ben's almost constant screaming was a reminder of when I was the one going through it.
     Right now, instead of one, there always had to be two people in the Med-room at all times. Why? Because Ben wasn't handling it that well, and he kept freaking out. Slamming his arms all around and kicking his legs as if he was trying to hit something.
     Every time something like that happened, I felt pretty useless. Ben was big and muscular. Compared to him, I was small and weak. I couldn't hold him down or get control over him in any way. I even tried sitting on him a few times. He just threw me off.
     "Can he just shut up already?" I asked no one in particular.
     "It's still gonna take some days, Cals, nothin' to do 'bout it." Newt answered  me in a monotone voice without looking away from the berries he was picking from the bushes.
     "I knoooow," I whined, "that doesn't make it less annoying, though."
     I could hear Newt chuckle, "Are ya just gonna keep bloody complaining 'bout something we can't do anythin' about or are you going to help me?"
     "Hum..." I did as if I was thinking about the question before I answered him, "I think I'll just keep complaining." I turned my head to shoot him a teasing smile. He saw it and rolled his eyes at me as I turned my attention back to the sky. There weren't any clouds, the sky was clear blue, "Hey Newt," I started.
     "Did you kno-" I stopped talking and protected my head with my arm when I felt multiple berries hit my face. "What the hell, man," I said as I sat up and picked berries out of my hair and kept them in my hand. Newt didn't react. He was looking at the other side of the bush, conveniently facing away from me.
     I squinted my eyes at him with a small smile on my face, "Anyway, what I wanted to say," I continued as I got up from the ground. Newt followed me with his eyes for a moment, but then started to pick the berries from the bush and put them in a bucket. "The sky actually isn't blue. It's purple," I continued while walking closer to my blond friend. "Our eyes just filter the colors we see, and since it's easier to filter blue for our eyes, we see blue instead of purple."
     "That's interesting," Newt said, "I mean, it's useless information, but still."
     I took some berries from the bucket without him noticing, "I know, but that's just me. I may not be beautiful, but I do know a lot of useless information." As I finished that sentence, I dropped the hand full of berries inside of the back of Newt's shirt.
     Newt jolted forwards, "bloody..." I laughed as I took some steps back. Newt turned to face me and threw the berries he held in his hand at me. I protected my face with my arms before grabbing more berries from the bucket and firing them back.
     We locked eyes for a moment, and I knew he was thinking the same thing as I was. I glanced down at the bucket in front of me, and at the same time, we jumped towards it. I was lucky that I was closer to it than him, letting me reach the bucket first so I could snatch it away. I ran a few feet back, so there was a distance between us.
     Newt backed up a little, raising his hands, "Cals," he started, "think this through, are ya really goin' to do this?"
     I laughed at his question, "com'n, Newton, you've known me for what, five months? What do you think?" I finished my sentence by throwing another hand full of berries at him.
     Newt busted out laughing when all of them mist the target, "your aim is bloody terrible!"
     "Ha, haha, ha, ha. Very funny, Newt. I'm good at running, not throwing." I threw another hand of berries at him, this time, they did hit the target. I jumped up, "HA! See that! Not that bad now, am I?"
     Newt laughed and ripped off more berries from the plant and threw them at me. I laughed as I tried to dodge them, but I couldn't avoid all of it, making one hit me in the eye. "Au! That was my eye, you Shuckface!" I exclaimed while still laughing, "you're so dead!"
     The berry fight went on for quite some time, we laughed while firing hands full of berries at each other. The little things left stains on our clothes and skin as they snapped.
     I reached inside the bucket again so I could let another rain of berries hit Newt, but I didn't feel anything. I looked down to see that the bucket was empty.
     Newt seemed to have noticed the delay in my attack, "what's wrong, Cally? All out of berries?" Amusement clear in his voice.
     I looked back up at Newt, "Slim it, Newton! I'm not giving up yet!" I looked around me if there were still whole berries lying near me, but of course, there weren't.
     "Hey!" I laughed as I felt more berries hitting my body. "Stop it! I'm unarmed!"
     "Ow, really?" Newt asked, laughing as he, again, threw berries at me.
     "Okay, Newton, you asked for it." I dropped the bucket to the ground and tackled him. Newt, who didn't expect to be tackled, fell on his back and growled as he hit the floor. I recovered quickly and pushed his shoulders against the ground. I laughed, "Ow, I'm sorry, did that hurt?" I asked, not really sounding concerned in any way. "Ready to give up now?"
     Newt chuckled before he easily pushed me off, turning us around so now he was the one pinning me to the ground. Making me let out a small yelp. Newt had a big smile on his face, "No, are you?"
     I laughed, "I forgot you're stronger than me for a second there."
     "Well, I am. But that isn't that hard now, is it?"
     "Hey!" I exclaimed, trying to sound offended, but failing miserably because I was still laughing.
     "Are you two finally done?" We heard a voice from beside us. I turned my neck to see Zart standing there with his arms crossed.
     "Howdy, Zart." I greeted him while trying to suppress a laugh.
     I felt the weight of Newt's body get lifted from me as he got up. He offered me a hand and pulled me up as well, "Yeah, we're done." He said, he also still had a big smile on his face.
     Zart, on the other hand, seemed less amused, "Go clean this up, will you?" He said with a heavy sigh.
     I saluted, "Yes, Sir!"
     Zart rolled his eyes before turning around and walking away from us. The moment Newt and I locked eyes, we busted out laughing again.
     "Well, that escalated a little," I said.
     Newt looked around us, shook his head when he saw the damage, and then glared up to me with a smirk on his lips, "I'm pretty sure that's an understatement, Cals."


Edited: 25/12/20

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