Chapter 49

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Newt's pov

The next morning, I got up before the sun, I had to show the Greenie a Griever. As I walked to where I knew Chuck normally sleeps, I saw him there too. After yesterday , I realized that I had overreacted on the Newbie and had decided to be nice to him and maybe apologize.
     I knelt beside the Greenie and shook him awake. The moment he opened his mouth to speak, I pressed my hand against his mouth, "shh, Geenie. Don't wanne be wakin' Chucky now, do we?"
     After I removed my hand from his mouth, I got up, "Come on Greenie," I whispered. When I noticed he wasn't making an effort to stand up, I leaned down and helped him on his feet. "Supposed to show ya somethin' before the wake-up," I told him.
     "Okay, where are we going?" He asked me.
     "Just follow me. And stay close." I said as I started making my way through the sleeping Gladers on the ground. I looked behind me as I heard a sharp cry of pain. Thomas had stepped on Sten's hand. I could hear him whisper sorry to him, but I still shot him a glare.
     When there weren't any Gladers lying on the ground in front of us anymore, I started to run to the wall. Wanting to be done with this as fast as possible. I stopped by the wall, looking for the window. "What are those?" I heard the Newbie whisper behind me. I knew he was talking about the Beetle blades, but I didn't feel like answering him, "when you bloody need to know, you'll know, Greenie."
     "Well, it's kind of stupid to send me to a place where nothing makes sense and not answer my questions. Shank." The last word was dripping with sarcasm, making me laugh.
     "Fair enough, Greenie. Now slim it and let me show ya somethin'." I shove some of the ivy aside to reveal the square window in the wall.
     "What're we looking for?" He asked while still whispering.
     "Just be patient, one'll be comin' along soon enough," I answered him, wanting to see the surprise on his face when he saw it.
     It took some time, but then the lights of a Griever appeared and shone on me, "out there's the Maze," I started. "Everything we do, our whole life, Greenie. Revolves around the Maze. Every lovin' second of every lovin' day we spent in honor of the Maze, tryin' to solve somethin' that's not shown us it has a bloody solution, ya know? And we want to show ya why it's not to he messed with. Show ya why those buggin' walls close shut every night. Show ya why you should never, never find your butt out there."
     I stepped away after I had said my usual speech when I showed a Greenie a Griever for the first time so he could take a look himself.
     My mind directly went to the time I showed Cally. I remembered how the light fell on her face... normally, I enjoyed seeing the reaction of the Greenies, but not that time. I intended to say the same thing, but she freaked out. She started rambling with panic in her voice. I wanted to calm her down, but then she pulled out her knife and cut herself in the arm. I was so alarmed when she did that, I didn't know what to do. Especially since she started saying that we weren't supposed to be real.
     I wanted answers so badly after that, and she gave me some, but I wanted more. Not anymore, though. Answers didn't interest me anymore. The only thing I wanted was to see her again.
     My thoughts got interrupted by the Greenie, "What is that thing?"
     "Grievers, we call 'em." I quickly rearranged my thoughts so I could answer the guy, "nasty bugger, eh? Just be glad the Grievers only come out at night. Be thankful for these walls."
     I could see that he was freaked out, I looked back at the window as I continued, "Now you know what bloody lurks in the Maze, my friend. Now you know this isn't joke time. You've been sent to the Glade Greenie, and we'll be expectin' ya to survive and help us do what we've been sent here to do."
     "And what's that?"
     I looked Thomas in the eyes, no trace of amusement on my face as I answered, "Find our way out, Greenie. Solve this bloody Maze and find our way out."
     The Greenie seemed taken aback by my answer. He seemed scared, and I knew a new wave of questions would come in a few seconds. "Look, Greenie, I'm sure you've got a thousand other things ya wanne ask me. But ya'll have to wait for the tour. Alby'll answer them. If he wants."
     "Y.. yeah, but who put us here? How do you know we have to solve the Maze?" I stuck up my hand to interrupt him, "ah! No more questions, Greenbean. Wait for Alby to pick ya up from the Homestead."
     "No buts, Greenie. Homestead, Alby, tour. Now go." I interrupted him again.
     He seemed to give up and started walking away, but then I stopped him again. "Wait, Tommy."
     He turned around and looked questioning at me, I took a deep breath before I continued. "About yesterday. I'm sorry for fallin' out at ya. It wasn't your fault."
     The Greenie seemed to consider my words before nodding, "it's fine."

A Way Back - The Maze Runner (♡Newt) UNDER EDITING/REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now