Chapter 77

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Cally's pov

Even though it felt like my whole world just came falling down on me, I didn't have a lot of time to process it, let alone find peace with it.
     Ezra and I stayed in the Deadheads for about half an hour or so, talking a little more about our lives, letting the panic and anxiety through from time to time, getting it out of our systems now we could. The next part of the plan would aquire our full attention, no time to have an axistential crisis in the middle of the maze after all. So it'd have to wait.
     When Ezra and I got back, we found the rest of the Glade already in full motion. The Gladers were busy preparing everything for the attack, or the escape. It kind of depended on if the Shank was going with us or stayed in the Glade.
     Ezra was quick to spot some of his Builder friends and joined them. I didn't know exactly what they were doing, but that wasn't my concern right now. It took me some effort, but eventually, I found Clint. I hoped I could help them out with my Med-Jacks skills, but they had everything under control. The only thing Clint and Jeff were supposed to do was making sure all the packs we would take with us into the Maze all had a syringe of Grieve Serum in them and that was all taken care of. 
     Not really knowing what to do to help, I made my way back outside, where I got greeted by a loud bark from my favorite Glader. A smile came on my face as I knelt down to pet the brown dog.
     "Cally!" I looked up when I heard somebody call my name. It was Chuck. He was handing out what seemed like bottles of water together with Teresa. The little boy waved at me, his dark curls bouncing on his head as he started to run into my direction. Subconsciously, my smile grew a little wider as I waved back.
     I realized I may not be sure if Darren was real, but Chuck was real, just like all the other people that surrounded me. The moment he came to a stop in front of me, I hugged him. Chuck was a little confused but hugged back anyway after a little doubt.     
     "Everything okay?" The boy asked me once I let go of him, slight concern in his eyes and voice.
     I forced a smile while I ruffled his hair. "I'm fine, Chuckster."
     Chuck tried to dodge my hand, but when he couldn't, he pushed it away instead, a small chuckle escaping his lips. Yes, I was lying to the Shank, but right now wasn't the moment to make the guy even more worried.
     Before he could ask something else that might make me break down in front of him, I asked him something. "Have you seen Newt? I want to help but don't know how." Chuck nodded his head and pointed at a spot near the Bloodhouse.
     "He and Thomas are busy with making and handing out weapons."
     "Thanks, Chucky." I said, shooting him a smile before making my way to the Bloodhouse. Bark started following me again while I made my way inside the building. The smell of blood on dead animals stung on the insides of my nose, I would never get used to it. Not that I would have to. In a few hours, we would be out of here. If that meant if we were back in the 'real world', all dead or just put inside another simulation wasn't clear, but at least we would be out of this deathtrap.
     Soon, I found myself in the main room of the building where a big group of Gladers were working on making improvised weapons. There were broomsticks with points and the tips covered in barbwire, shovels with broken glass attached to it, and more.
     The moment I had walked into the room, Thomas noticed me. He bumped Newt with his elbow, who had been talking with Sten about something. Once he saw me, he shot me a hesitant smile before both of them made their way to me. Just as I had done with Chuck, the first thing I did was hug Newt. I needed to feel he was there.
     Newt didn't hesitate as Chuck had done, he immediately wrapped his arms firmly around me. "How're ya feelin'? He mumbled in my ear, unaware of the goosebumps he caused to appear on my skin.
     I let out a deep sigh, "have been better." I mumbled back, not wanting to make it a big deal. We had other priorities. I let go of the hug, crossing my arms over my chest. "Can I do something here? Clint doesn't need my help, and I just want to do something and be useful."
     "We could use some extra hands." Newt answered. "You can sharpen sticks or put nails in 'em, whatever will make some sort of weapon will do."
     I nodded my head and wanted to walk away, but I realized something. "Hey Thomas?"
     "Yes?" He reacted, waiting for me to finish whatever I was about to say.
     "Thank you, for being honest with me. And I'm sorry for calling you a liar and all that klunk, I shouldn't have."
     "That's okay." Thomas said, a small smile on his lips. I also gave him a quick hug before making my way to the piles of sticks, ready to make some weapons.

A Way Back - The Maze Runner (♡Newt) UNDER EDITING/REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now