Edited 17-12-24
"Rise and shine, Newbie!" Minho's voice easily sounded through the thin wood of my room's door, waking me up instantly. For a moment I entertained the thought of getting up, but that thought got dismissed rather quickly as I turned around in my bed, snuggling between the warmth of my blankets and mattress.
Newt had indeed made good on his words and after I'd gotten back to my room after working with the Cooks a solid wooden bed stood in the corner where my sleeping back had been before. Complete with mattress, pillow and a blanket. The sleeping bag, that still had been on the ground, quickly got claimed by Bark as her personal sleeping place.
Unfortunately for me, who did not feel like getting up any time soon, Minho had other ideas as his response to my silence existed of him banging on my door. Bark, who until now had been laying calmly on her sleeping bag, jumped up, responding to the loud sound by trying to overrule it with her own barks.
"Come on, Cally! I know you're in there!" Minho managed to get over the noise Bark was making. "Your stalker is giving it away!"
I growled in annoyance as I pushed myself out of my bed. "Bark, quiet!" I bit at the dog, not really expecting her to understand the command, but apparently, the dog was trained better than I gave her credit for because she stopped barking, instead, she started scratching her paws against the door, shooting me looks as if to ask me to open the door already.
"Cally! Open up." Minho's voice way too loud for this early in the morning if you asked me.
"What?" I bit at the guy while I pulled the door open, not realizing Minho had been leaning against it. The boy lost balance and almost fell to the ground, but managed to catch himself on the door frame just in time. If I hadn't just been forced out of my bed, I would have laughed. Only to my surprise it was Minho who started laughing.
"What?" I repeated louder this time, not hiding my annoyance from the guy, nor my confusion at his sudden burst of laughter. I barely knew him, but somehow Minho did not seem like the guy to laugh at himself for stumbling, he seemed more the kind of guy to yell an insult at someone who laughed after seeing him stumble.
"You're looking great, Greenie." Minho managed through laughs. "Don't change a single thing."
Realization dawned on me and I signed deeply. "It's my hair, isn't it?" I asked in my dry morning voice, knowing my hair can get a bit crazy while I sleep and I hadn't bothered to braid it before calling it a day. "As if your hair looks that perfect first thing in the morning." I waved my hand towards the guy's neatly styled and shiny black hair.
A big smile stayed on Minho's face after his wave of laughter had died down, pulling one hand through his hair, even after that is neatly bounced back into place. "It does, actually, thanks for noticing."
"Oh shut up." I growled, weakly slapping him on the arm before grabbing a brush and combing it through my hair a few times, pulling out some knots. "Was there a reason that you woke me up this early, Pretty boy? Or do you just like ruining my mornings?"
"I had to tell ya you're with the Med-jacks today." He said with a shrug. "So, now I've done that, let's get breakfast."
I let out an amused huff of air, "You really want to eat all the time, don't you? Every time I see you, we're either eating or going to get food."
"Well, that's because I'm always in the Maze, and when I'm back, I'm bugging hungry." He answered, crossing his arms as he turned, pushing himself off the door frame. "So, are you coming or what?"
Quickly, I pulled my purple shirt over my head, wasting no time to walk downstairs with him, Bark following us.
I found that I enjoyed the Asian boy's company, despite his massive ego and constant sarcasm. Or maybe because of them a little too. In a lot of ways, he did remind me of my brother Ezra, if he'd been a jog instead of a nerdy mechanic. On more than one occasion I had to bite my tongue not to respond to something that Minho said with an inside joke I shared with my twin... In those moments I also kind of hated Minho for being like Ez... It made me miss him even more than I already did.
"Are you gonna wear that shirt every day?" Minho broke the silence.
I glanced down at my sweater. "Well, not every day, but it is my favorite shirt."
Minho raised one eyebrow at me. "It's your only shirt."
A frown formed on my face. "Yeah, that's true. But I don't think you've got some spare clothes for me, do you?"
"We do get new clothes every week, I've never paid much attention to it, except for the ones we use for the Runners. You could ask Alby if there are any clothes that'd fit you." He eyed me up and down ones before continuing, "shouldn't be that bugging hard, you ain't that big."
I glared at him through slitted eyes, "the fuck do you mean by that?"
Minho did not seem to realize what he'd said could be taken as inappropriate as he just shrugged, "you know, most of us are a lot bigger then you, you'll probably fit into most clothes we get."
"Mhm..." I decided to drop it seeing I didn't think Minho meant anything else than he'd said. "Thanks for the tip, dude. I'll ask."
We took some food and sat down on a table. As always, it didn't take long before more boys came in.
"Good morning, Cally." Fred said as he sat down beside me, he'd probably been up for a while now to help make breakfast.
"Morning, Freddy." I didn't exactly feel like talking, but ignoring him felt wrong.
"Did you sleep well?"
"As a rose." I responded, trying to make my voice sound interested in the conversation. Something told me I wasn't exactly succeeding. "Not that they sleep, but you know what I mean."
Fred let out a small chuckle. "You ready for today?"
"Yep," I made the p plop, feeling my patience running a bit thin this early in the morning, but I tried my best to ignore it. What did not help though, was Clint sliding into the seat next to Minho.
"I'm happy to hear that." The Keeper of the Med-jacks chimed in. "you're mine today."
I messed a little with the sleeve of my shirt, plucking on the edges in an attempt to calm my mind a bit. "So I've heard, are you gonna make my day hell like Frypan did yesterday?"
Clint acted as if he had to think about it, tapping his chin with a finger, "haven't decided yet."
"Well, I hope you're going to do better as a Med-Jack. You don't want this shank in your kitchen, that's for sure." Fred teased, softly poking me with his elbow, a big grin plastered on his face.
Some of the other guys laughed, while I barely managed to shoot him a smile. Freddy was being cute and welcoming, it wasn't his fault that I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. We had Minho to thank for that.
Still not really feeling very social today I zoned out of the conversation, part of me really craving a cup of coffee right about now.
While the rest talked on around me, my eyes fell on Alby and Newt as they walked into the room, deep into what seemed to be an important conversation. I observed them a bit, wondering what they were talking about. Unfortunately I didn't know them well enough to read their faces properly just yet.
For a split second I thought they might be talking about me, that I made some misstep and tipped them off that I'm not supposed to be here. Especially when they looked around the room clearly searching for someone and stopped when they spotted our table. Alby brought his fingers to his mouth and a loud whistle ripped through the room. My heart jumped, fear rushing through me. Only subsiding when the Glade's leader didn't motioned for me to join them, but Minho.
While Minho got up, Newt's voice called through the room as well. "You too, Clint!"
Without protest, the both of them made their way over to the table of Alby and Newt on the other side of the room.
I turned myself to Fred, curiosity and slight anxiety taking the upper hand. "What do you think they're talking about?"
Fred looked over to the other table, seeming not really interested. "Keeper things, I guess. Something important, but not so important that they need a Gathering."
"Moooorning, Fred! Morning, Cally!" Gideon and Mike came sitting across from us on the table, ending our topic of conversation before I could ask anything else.
"Morning, guys." I greeted them, their enthusiasm getting on my nerves already.
"Slept well?" This time, it was Mike asking. I knew it was meant well, but something inside me just snapped at getting the same questions again. A deep sigh escaped my lips, "Yes, I've slept well. Yes, I'm ready for today and Med-Jacks. What about you?" Immediately I regretted what I'd said and how harsh it had come out of my mouth.
"Wow, sorry, didn't know you would get angry," Mike raised his hands in the air, sounding a little offended, a hint of hurt in his tone as well.
Again I signed, this time to help me relax a little, pulling my hand over my face and through my hair. "Sorry, Mikey... I'm not angry, I guess I'm just not a morning person."
"Good that." Gideon said before biting into his sandwich. And with that, everything seemed okay again.
I'd finished my food and now my eyes were wondering around the table, I noticed Minho had left his plate with two entirely still untouched sandwiches still on it.
Glancing over at Minho confirmed that his attention was still with their leaders. I could've just gone back to the kitchen to get another sandwich to still my yet to be satisfied hunger, but why would I when this opportunity lay right in front of me? Without giving it another thought I took one of the sandwiches from Minho's plate and ate it. Getting a few horrified looks from the guys around me.
"Aren't those Minho's?" Fred asked with a horrified expression in his eyes.
"Not anymore." I shrugged, a little put off by Freddy's expression. And now I looked at the other two boys I found equally scared expressions on their faces. "What? It's just a sandwich."
"Yeah, Minho's, sandwich." Mike pointed out the obvious, phrasing it as if it meant something.
"So?" Gideon repeated in disbelieve, shaking his head. "Do you have a death wish, Newbie?"
My thoughts went to the amount of times in my life that I had wished I would simply just stop existing, only to find that for ones I couldn't afford to. I had to get home first. "Not specifically, no."
The three exchanged some glances I could not read before Gideon eventually just shrugged, "Experience is the best teacher."
I looked over the three boys with a bit of confusion, not really believing the weird shit they'd just said. I mean, what was Minho gonna do, really? Lock me in the Slammer?
With that, the conversation flowed over into the next subject. The more the sleepiness subsided my crankiness went with it and I started to happily join in on the joking and talking with the boys. I hadn't even noticed when Clint and Minho had rejoined our table, this time with Newt in tow, until the Keeper of the Med-jacks addressed me.
"Done eating?" I nodded in response. "Then lets go."
"Alons-Y." I mumbled while getting up, ready for my first day with the Med-Jacks. Only to be stopped in my tracks by Minho's voice.
"Hold up." I looked over my shoulder to see what was going on to see the Asian guy looking at his plate. "Didn't I have two sandwiches left?" The question wasn't directed to a particular person as he looked around us, scanning our faces for any indication of guilt.
I kept my expression pretty neutral if I say so myself. But I could see Fred and Mike exchange a look, seeming not to do great under the accusing eyes of the Runner. My eyes grew wide as I saw Gideon give in too, I tried to silently tell them not to look my way. But then, all three of their pairs of eyes fell on me.
"Newbie?" My heart skipped a beat and my mask of innocence fell. He didn't even say anything else, the amount of accusation in that one word enough to understand what he meant. And if it hadn't been, the glare he send my way was enough to send a prickle of fear down my spine.
I laughed nervously, "What?" Minho did not say anything as he threateningly took one step closer to me. "Okay, fine! I took it," I broke, taking a step backwards, not looking away from the slowly approaching guy. "This was my revenge for yesterday, I told you I would spit in it." I tried to save myself with the only argument I could muster, bumping into a wayward chair behind me as I kept inching away from Minho. "Feel like this is a fair compromise."
Minho shot towards me with all the speed and agility of the most experience Runner in the Glade, and I did not waste another second before bolting into the other direction, throwing the chair I'd bumped into on the ground right in front of Minho's feet. Making him jump aside, earning me the few precious seconds to create the distance I desperately needed.
I ran through the room with Minho on my heels, jumping on and over tables, hoping my pursuer would trip or I'd outlast him through the obstacles.
The wishful thinking of an idiot. Of course a guy who'd spend who knows how long running for his life wouldn't be thrown off by some mere tables and chairs. He followed without hesitation and a cat-like grace I hadn't expected from the guy.
The moment Minho had started giving chase and the first chair clattered to the ground Bark had lost it. She ran from side to side, trying to keep up, barking at the top of her lungs. I wasn't sure of she thought we were playing or if I were in danger, but I did not have the time to figure it out nor calm her down as I barely escaped Minho's hands by sliding to a stop and jolting back into the other direction, forcing an annoyed groan from Minho before he came after me again.
"Guys, stop it." An exasperated Newt tried to get over my girl's loud barks. He succeeded well enough in volume, but failed in convincing either of us to give up first. "Cally, stop running!" He called out when we didn't slow down.
"Me? I need to stop?" I threw a chair to the ground, hoping it would slow him down again, only for Minho to see it coming and jump over it without hesitation. "That shank is hunting me!"
"Minho, stop it!" Newt tried his luck with his friend after an annoyed sigh, but he'd probably already known Minho wouldn't listen either.
"I'll get ya, Greenie! That was my food!" Minho called after me, completely ignoring Newt's words, leaping over a table, landing right in front of me, ready to grab me with both hands.
Thinking fast, I did not slow down, instead I ducked, sliding through underneath his legs to the other side. "Exactly, was." I said while pushing myself off the ground again, the amusement clear in my voice as I lost not even a second before running at full speed towards the exit of the Homestead. "Not anymore!"
I busted out of the building and into the Glade. The Doors to the Maze hadn't opened yet, A soft red glow from the rising sun still visible in the sky. Glancing behind me I noticed that not only Minho in hot pursuit, but Bark had gotten a taste of it all as well. Barking loudly as she gained ground a lot faster than Minho.
I had tried my luck inside, but obstacles weren't helping me gain ground, so speed and stamina were my last hope.
I don't really know how exactly it happened, but one moment I ran across the Glade, wind in my hair, adrenaline rushing through my veins, and the next Bark flashed in front of me. I couldn't stop, only thinking about not hurting the dog I tried to jump to the side. My foot slipped on the remains of morning dew on the grass and I collided to the ground, rolling a few feet before finally coming to a stop. With a grown I pushed myself into a sitting position, feeling a painful strain in my shoulder, spitting some sand out of my mouth. "Ugh... I hate sand..."
Bark reached me first, coming to a sliding stop, tail wagging, chest heaving from her sprint. Happily the dog pressed her head against my arms, forcing her way in between them so she could reach my face, her little wet nose inspecting me thoroughly before trying to lick my cheek.
"You okay, small one?" I asked her, still a little worried even though I had managed not to crash into her at full speed. So worried, I hadn't even noticed it when Minho reached us.
He grabbed a hold of my upper arms and before I knew it I'd been thrown over the guy's shoulder. I yelped in surprise and horror before yelling at him to put me down.
"No way, Greenie!" Minho just yelled back. "First you apologize!"
"What? Are you fucking serious?" I couldn't believe it, all of that, just because the guy wanted a fucking apology?
"Dead serious!" He shot back, although I could hear a hint of a laugh in his voice as he bounced me around.
"Hey! Slintheads!" Newt had come running after us. I'll admit, I found it quite hard to focus on him while hanging upside down, but even from my position one thing was very clear. Newt, was pissed. "Stop it. Minho, let her go."
Noticing the edge in Newt's voice, Minho gave in without protest. "As you wish." Before I could realize what was happening Minho jerked me forward and let go of my body.
With a dull plop, my butt hit the ground. I hissed as a jolt of pain shot through my body, which disappeared as soon as it came. "That was just mean." I tried to sound angry, but I couldn't suppress my smile. After brushing my hair back out of my face I could see Minho shrug, a big grin lighting up his face as well.
"No, that, was childish." Newt stated while offering me his hand. I accepted his offer and let him help me stand up.
"Well," I started, smiling up at him, my face flushed from the exercise while combing some leaves out of my hair with my fingers. "what's the point in growing up if you can't be childish sometimes?" I ended my rhetorical question by pulling my hand through the top of my hair, shaking it a little to let it all fall back into place, hoping it looked presentable again.
A hint of a smile tried to creep up Newt's face, but he quickly wiped it away. "Just- don't do that again. The Sloppers aren't happy with the buggin' mess you guys made. And neither are Alby and I."
Realizing the mess we must have created a bit of shame washed over me and I started to rub my arm a little. "We'll help clean it up."
"We?" Minho joined in. "Speak for yourself, Greenie. I'm heading for the Maze in a few minutes." The guy did not leave any room for negotiation, and honestly I did not really care enough to even try.
"Well, fine. I'll help them. I helped make the mess, I'll help clean it up." I crossed my arms over my chest about to send a backhanded comment about not feeling too good for that kind of thing unlike some people, but Newt spoke up again before I could.
"No need, Greenbean," The blonde said, motioning towards the Homestead with his head. "Ya need to go to Clint, he's upstairs. Waitin' for ya. Let the Sloppers do the sloppin'."
I glanced from Newt to Minho, not entirely sure if I should insist on helping or not, before eventually just giving a shrug. "Okay, well, see you guys later then." I started my way towards the building before turning back to the guys and shooting them two finger guns. "Don't get lost."
"Ha, ha, you're funny." Minho's sarcasm clear as always.
In response I flipped my hair over my shoulder, saying, "I'm fucking hilarious," before turning back around and actually made my way towards the Homestead, Bark following in my footsteps.~.~.~
I watched Cally and Bark for a moment as they walked away before turning to Minho and punching him in the arm.
The shank flinched, "What was that for!"
I ignored the anger in his voice and glared at him, "for chasing the Newbie around and causing a bloody mess, that's what."
I stuck up my hand, silencing Minho. "She is new, you are a bugging Keeper, I expect better from you."
Minho rolled his eyes at me, crossing his arms, "Whatever, man. Ain't the worst thing I've done. Besides, do you think she did that on purpose?"
I looked at my friend with crossed eyebrows, "What?"
"You know," Minho started to flip his head around, using his hands as if he were messing with his non existing long hair. "The hair thing while she said all that klunk, 'what's the reason for growing up-' You were totally staring."
This time I crossed my arms, looking away from Minho and back at Cally, who'd almost reached the Homestead at this point. Hoping my hair did enough to hide the slight embarrassment I felt. Yes, I had been a little distracted by her hair and the way the purple had a bit of a shine to it when it moved, but Minho did not need to know that. "I think she was just fixing her hair, Minho."
"Whatever," Minho's eyes also fell back on Cally, right before she entered the building and disappeared from our sight. "She's a weird shank, don't you think?"
I shrugged. "She's different. In more then the obvious way." My mind went back to our conversation from the night before, everything she'd said from the moment she'd shown up in here until now, especially after seeing that Griever... Something was off, I could feel it, something she wasn't telling us...
The doors of the Maze had opened in the meantime and without saying anything we started our way to the East door. "She's dealing with it pretty well." Minho spoke up again. "At least since locking herself in her room."
"Right now, yeah." I agreed, my mind not able to let go of the pure terror on her face right before she had drawn that bugging knife on herself. I could feel its weight in one of my pants pockets where I still had it. "She freaked out pretty bad the day before, when I showed her one of those bloody Grievers."
Minho just shrugged, beginning to stretch, and I followed his example. "That ain't a surprise, dude. I remember the first time I saw one, it terrified me." A shudder went through my friend at the memory
"Well, that's the thing." I started, not seeing the harm in sharing my thoughts with Minho. "I don't think the Griever was what was buggin' the Shank. Not entirely anyways. There was somethin' else."
This got Minho's attention, curiosity entering his eyes and voice. "Like what?"
"I don't know... It was like she just realized what was going on. As if she'd just woken up from a nightmare, realizing it was real."
"Doesn't sound that weird to me." Minho dismissed my worries with a wave of his hand.
"I can't explain it properly." I gave up through a sigh. "You should've seen it... Still kind of bugs me."
"Mm," My friend responded, looking me up and down with a raised eyebrow before shrugging. "We'll keep an eye on the Shank, as long as it makes you stop bugging me about it."
I rolled my eyes, "Oh, slim it. I can tell she's growin' on ya." I finished my last stretch, rolled my shoulders a few times before deciding the conversation was over. "Well, I'm off. See ya later." I didn't wait for a response before running to my own section.
"Don't get lost!" I heard Minho call after me, making me chuckle and shake my head before fully focusing on the path before me. Here we go, off for another day in the Maze.~.~.~

A Way Back - The Maze Runner (♡Newt) UNDER EDITING/REWRITE
FanfictionCallidora is a normal 17-year-old. Well, as normal as a geek can get, at least. She has her family and a few friends. Cally likes her life, until she wakes up in a world she had read about. Thinking it is a dream, she loves it, but when she starts t...