Chapter 26

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Cally's pov

The next morning, I woke up in my own bed. It felt so good to be there. Bark lay on the ground beside me, eyes still closed. I curled up on my side, watching her sleep. Seeing her chest rise and sink rhythmically was therapeutic somehow. She looked so peaceful it was starting to make me feel the same.
     As if sensing my eyes on her, she opened hers. Immediately, Bark's brown eyes shot to my bed, as if she was checking if I was still there. The thought of her being worried about me made me smile. "I'm still here, Barky." I said as I leaned over to pet her head.
     I was planning on just laying in my bed some more, but my body had different ideas. My stomach rumbled, asking for food in a not so suddle way.
      Not long after, I was fully dressed, and we were making our way down the stairs. The joyful sounds of the Gladers were getting louder. I never thought I would like hearing that much sound at once this early.
     As I got my food, I looked around if I could see my friends. It took some time before I spotted Minho. He was sitting on a table with Alby, Newt, Clint, Gally, Zart, Frypan, Winston, and the other Keepers.
      "Let's not go there. That seems important." I whispered to Bark. I scanned the room for my other friends or people I wouldn't mind spending some time with. I saw Ben, but didn't feel like talking to him, then I saw Gideon, Fred and the new guy sitting together. Realizing I hadn't actually met the new guy yet I decided to go and introduce myself.
     "Hey guys, may I?"Gideon nodded and Fred shoved a little so I could come sit beside him. I put my plate down and took place on the spot before I turned to the Greenie. "Sooo, I think we should get some things straight. You can't go through walls, that's why they've got doors." I said teasingly. The boy's face became red again, and he looked down at the ground.
     I laughed, but Gideon and Fred didn't seem to get my hilarious joke. Granted, they weren't really there when it happened, but still. "Anyway." I started. "I'm just messing with ya, Shank. I'm Cally."
     The boy now looked up and gave me a shy smile, "My name's Guz."
     "Nice to meet you, Guz. Welcome between the four walls that is the Glade."
     The boy nodded, giving a "thank you." But I felt like he just said it to be polite. 
     Okaaaaayy, this one isn't really a talkative one. I thought as I turned my attention to Fred. "Hey Fred, why have all the Keepers gathered around the same table? Haven't seen that happening since I got here."
     Gideon was the one who answered me before Fred even got a chance. "There's going to be a Gathering after breakfast, so they're already getting together."
     I nodded that I understood, but my curiosity was yet to be satisfied. "Okay, do you know what it's about?"
     The two both shook their heads. "No clue," Fred said.
     "But if we need to know, they'll tell us." Gideon continued, "sometimes the person the Gathering is about goes in too. But that doesn't happen that often."
     It hadn't been much of an answer, but realizing the two wouldn't be able to tell me more, I turned my attention to my food. While I ate, I listened to the conversation of the three boys. Well, it was mostly a conversation between Fred and Gid, Guz didn't really say much.
     Midway through chewing on a sandwich, I got a swat on the shoulder, making me almost choke. I glared up to see Minho. He leaned on the table with his arms, totally unfazed by my glare. "Cally." Minho's voice was solemn, unlike the tone he usually used when talking to me.
     I swallowed, my glare gone. "Ow boy, that 'Cally' did not sound good. What's going on?"
     Minho smiled at me, but it did not erase the seriousness in his eyes or voice. "We're going to need you to be at the Gathering."
     For a moment, I squinted my eyes at him suspiciously, trying to figure out what I had done to be invited. "Why?"
     "'Cause you're our first point on the agenda, Shank. That's why."
     This did made me nervous. "Why? What did I do?"
     Minho shrugged, completely oblivious of my internal building anxiety. "Don't know. Newt and Alby came up with it. They'll explain during the Gathering. But don't worry, I don't think it'll be that bad."
     "Well, let me be the judge for that." I mumbled to myself before turning back to Minho. "When do I need to be there?" I glanced into the direction of the table they were sitting just a few minutes ago. Now they were all gone.
     "Now." Minho said, confirming my suspicion.
     I nodded as I got up and followed him into the same room as they had had the Gathering to decide what to do with me on my first day. It was just as dusty as it used to be then. The only places free of dust were the chairs that stood in near the back of the room in a half circle, which were already filled up with all the Keepers. A few feet away from them stood a single chair, which was meant for me. As I made my way to the single chair, my thoughts joined my anxiety, going wild. Why is this about me? Did Newt tell them what I told him? That I remember and lied about it? Or is he going to tell them right now? Would Newt do something like that? If I thought he would do something like that I would never have told him in the first place. OW! I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have told him, I shouldn't have told anyone that I knew for less then a month a secret that could be the death of me. Why am I so stupid!
     I sat down on the chair and looked around the room, trying to distract myself and dismiss my thoughts. Most of the Keepers were talking with each other, not paying any attention to me. But I still felt like they were judging me. Not able to stand the feeling, I started rubbing my arm, and I bit down on my bottom lip as an attempt to calm myself down.
     Finally, Alby got everybody silent and took out a clipboard with some things written down on it. "Okay, Shanks. Let's get it over with. Before we continue, Cally, don't talk unless asked a question, understood?"
     I nodded, remembering the rule from the first time. "Yep."
     Alby turned back to the circle of Gladers and continued. "Okay, first things first. Newt, talk." While Alby sat down again, Newt got up. He shot me a quick look, the first he had given me for two and a half weeks. He didn't look angry, just sad, almost apologetic. 
     Not liking the look in his eyes, I started to chant to myself as if Newt could somehow hear my thoughts. Please don't tell them. Please don't. Anything but that.
     Ignoring my silent bagging, Newt took a breath and started talking. "Okay, so, we all know Cally is one of the newest Runners we've got. And as you may have noticed, her reaction to a Griever Sting is far worse than a normal Sting. She's reckless, too reckless to be a Runner. She clearly can't handle being in the Maze anymore. Alby and I think we should assign her to another job."
     My head shot up, what? To reckless? I didn't start the race, that was Minho. Not me. How could he say that?
     Alby nodded. "Okay, what do the others think about that? Minho, you're the Keeper. What's your opinion?"
     Minho got up, clearing his throat. "She's a good Runner. She's faster than all of us, and she learns almost just as fast. She can be reckless at times, but not more than the rest of us. I think now she knows she has been too reckless, she can change that. I don't think assigning her to something else is the best solution."
     I silently thanked Minho, trying my best not to talk as I was instructed.
     Minho sat down, and Alby himself got up again. "Personally, I agree with Newt. I always had my doubts about her being a Runner. She's too reckless, and we can't have that in a place like the Maze. It's too dangerous for her and the Shank she's with. Besides, her reaction to being stung is way worse than we ever saw before. If she gets stung again, I don't know if she will do something more dangerous."
     Almost all the Keepers in the room made agreeing noises. In the meantime, I was biting down on my lip way harder than before to make sure I didn't say anything.
     Alby looked around the group of Gladers and spoke up again. "So, does anyone else have something to say about this?"
     I stuck my hand in the air, and I wanted to say something. But since I wasn't allowed to speak up, I would've had to wait until Alby asked me. Alby looked around the circle of boys but completely ignored me. "No one? Well, okay then, let's vote."
     I couldn't stand not being able to talk anymore. I had to say something. "Seriously?" I started, my voice filled with disbelief. "What I think doesn't matter. You're just gonna decide for me?"
     Alby shot me a look. "Slim it. We didn't ask you something."
     "Yes, you did. You asked if someone had anything to say about it, well I do."
     "I was talking to the Keepers, not you. Now shut it."
     "What's the point in even having me here if I don't get a say in this?" I was trying my best to sound reasonable, but of course, my voice had its own agenda. 
     Alby seemed done with me. "If that's what you think, then by all means, leave." When I didn't get up, Alby turned back to the group. "I thought so."
     I sunk back into the chair, arms folded over my chest while sending a death glare at Alby's back. Again, I was biting down on my lip, I started to taste the blood that was dripping in my mouth. 
     "So, everyone who's for assigning Cally a new job, raise your hand."
     I looked around the group of people, hands got raised. First Newt and Alby, then also Zart, Frypan, Winston and the two other Keepers who's names I still kept forgetting. The only ones not voting for the statement were Minho, Clint and Gally.
     "Okay, then it's decided. Cally will get another job. Which one of you want her?"
     A few hands got raised, Clint's, Winston's, Zart's and Minho's.
     Alby shot Minho an annoyed look and he started lowering his hand. I smiled at him, it was nice of him. Now Alby turned himself to me again. "Well, Cally. Choose. Med-jack, Slicer or Track-hoes."
     I rolled my eyes, I could try arguing, but I was pretty sure that wasn't going to work. So I decided to accept defeat and just choose another job. A sad sigh escaped my lips as I gestured to Clint. "I would like to join the Med-jacks."
     "Any objections?" Alby asked the group, but everyone stayed silent or shook their heads. "Okay, congratulations, starting tomorrow, you're a Med-jack." Alby stated.
     "I'm overjoyed." I made sure my sarcasm was dripping off my words, adding an eyeroll for dramatic effect.
     "If you could leave now, Cally. The rest of the Gathering doesn't involve you."
     Angrily, I got up from the chair and walked out of the room. It took me all of my self-control to not slam the door shut behind me as I exited. Not knowing how to handle what had just happened, I sat down on a bench outside the room. Only one question on my mind. Why? Why did he do that? I could understand Alby, he never really trusted me all that much. But Newt? Sure, I got stung, one time! But I'm a good Runner. Damn, I'm better then half those Shanks! And even though Minho, the Keeper of the Runners, said he wanted to keep me, the others still sided with Newt and Alby. Not fair...
     After some time, the door to the Gathering room opened, and everyone came walking out. Some of them shot me something like an apologizing look, but I didn't care. When Clint came out, he came to me for a moment.
     "Well, see you tomorrow. I need to head upstairs, but if you feel like starting today, that's fine."
     I smiled at him, I wasn't happy, but he meant well. "Thanks, Clint." He smiled back and walked away.
     Minho came out, when his eyes fell on me, he came to sit beside me. "I'm sorry, Shank, that didn't go that well."
     "Really? I hadn't noticed." I couldn't help the sarcasm, it just happens.
     Minho shot me a sad smile, "it'll be fine. Clint said from the beginning you'll be a good Med-jack."
     I nodded, already knowing that information. I didn't really feel like talking right now. At least not to him. "Don't you need to get to the Maze or something?" I asked him.
     "Yeah, I've gotta go. You'll be fine, right?" He really did seem concerned for me...
     I shot him a happier smile this time. "I will. No worries. See you later, okay?"
     Minho shot at me with a finger gun. "Okay." Was all he said with a smile as he walked away.
     I turned my attention to the door again. Almost all the Keepers had left the room, except for Newt. I walked in to see him stand in the room, looking at some papers. He hadn't noticed me at all. "Newt."
     A bit surprised, Newt looked up. "Ow, hey, Cals."
     "Hey, Cals? That's all you've gotta say to me? Just: Hey, Cals?" Newt didn't seem to get why I was angry, so I decided to help him remember.
     "What the hell was that? 'She clearly can't handle the Maze anymore,' I-"
     "Cally, listen, I ca-"
     "Listen? Nonono. I've been listening since I wasn't allowed to speak. Now you listen. I love running. I love it and I'm good at it! You know what the one thing was that I liked at home? The one thing I was good at? That didn't make me feel as miserable as I was? Street running. You kno-"
     "Cally," Newt had the nerve to interrupt me again. His voice may have been gentle, almost pleading, but I didn't care. "I'm trying to protect you, the Maze it-"
     "Protect me?" I scoffed. "First, you straight up ignore me for two weeks, and now you're trying to protect me? You have NO IDEA how to do that!"
     Newt put down the papers and walked towards me, reaching for my hands, but I flinched away. "You're saver in the Glade, wi-"
     "Ow my God. Shut up! I can make my own decisions."
     Newt grabbed my arms. He was starting to get worked up. "Yes, I know you can. You're intelligent, you're smart and creative. But this way, I can protect you-"
     I slammed his hands of me. "I'm not yours to protect!"
     We fell quiet for a long time, looking at each other. Newt looked shocked and a bit scared. Probably because until now I had never screamed at anyone before, not like that, but I still didn't care. I was just angry, and he was the person who made me feel that way. Seeing he wasn't going to respond, I turned around and walked away.
     "Cals, wait..."
     "No!" I turned back to him for a moment, anger flaring in my eyes. Anger for getting robbed of control over my life; anger for how he had ignored me, and anger for everything that had happened to me. "Two weeks I was up there. In that fucking room. Not allowed to do anything and.... and you know what?" I took a deep breath, my voice started shaking from frustration. "I, was terrified."
     Tears started to well up in my eyes but I refused to let them come out. "Everyone was telling me things about what I did... but I couldn't remember... then I started to remember things. Things that scared the hell out of me, but the only person who could help me out- tell me if those things really happened- refused to talk to me. And now you just turn around and take away the one thing that made me still feel connected to..." Home.... I couldn't say it, the word getting stuck in my throat. I took another deep breath, trying to calm down a little bit. "You know what? I don't want to know what happened anymore. Just- just leave me alone." Having said everything I had to say I turned to walk away.
     "Cally, please, I-"
     "Don't talk to me." I slammed the door shut behind me, leaving Newt in the room. Not wanting him or anyone else to come after me I didn't waist any time to get out of the building, Bark loyally following me into the Deadheads.

A Way Back - The Maze Runner (♡Newt) UNDER EDITING/REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now