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"What do you mean I have to go to boarding school?" "Lia you have a talent and you're incredibly smart, Another Way Music School is the best place for you. You leave next week."

A week passed in a blink of an eye. Before I knew it, I am standing in front of the boring black and white school. School already started 2 months ago, and I am the only one to start late. Mom laid her hand on my shoulder, "I'm going to miss you." I scoffed and turned to face her, a scowl tugging down my lips. "If you're going to miss me, you wouldn't be sending me here." She huffed and rolled her eyes at me. "Amelia we've been over this. You're going to love it here. I'm going to get someone to help you with the boxes, I'll be right back." She rushed off into the school, leaving me by the car. I opened up the trunk of the car, staring down at the boxes I had packed. "Amelia? AMELIA!" I jumped and sent an icy glare in Mom's direction. "This gentlemen will help you, he'll show you your room as well." The boy looked me up and down before smiling softly, "Amelia is it? I'm Rian." I held out a hand and he shook it. "Nice to meet you." "Likewise." Behind him is a giant cart made of metal. Like the ones' you'd see in the Harry Potter movies. We moved in a swift pace, expertly stacking the boxes on top of each other. "All done." My mom made a choking sound. She looked like she is holding back tears and failing miserably. "Mom, I'm only going to school, except I won't be coming home until Christmas."

"I know, I know. I can't help it though. Be good." I rolled my eyes and cracked a small smile, "I promise I won't get into too much trouble." She knew I wouldn't step out of line, I took my studies very serious. "Call me every week and I expect amazing reports." I nodded and brought her into a rigid hug. I'm still mad at her for sending me away. "Go on Mom, it's starting to sprinkle and I want to get inside." She hesitantly got into her car, not leaving until I walked into the school. "I'm so sorry about that." Rian chuckled and shook his head. "My mom was the same way. I've been going here since 7th grade and she still gets choked up." I smiled, happy that I'm not the only one with an overly emotional parent. "Your room is in the back of the school and I hate to say it, but you are required to stay with the opposite sex." I gaped at him, my cheeks flushing. "Are you serious?" He nodded, his face scrunching into an unreadable one. "There were too many fights between the same sex, so the school decided to change it. You can opt to change into a friend's room, but since you started so late in the year, I'm not sure you can." I sighed and motioned for him to lead the way. "You have two days to settle in before classes start, it is the weekend after all. There is no uniform, just don't be inappropriate. Ear piercings are okay, anything else no. If you have tattoos, make sure they're not visible. Dyed hair is okay, as long as it's not too distracting." I sighed and nodded, playing with my pastel purple hair. "Your hair is okay. Erm...breakfast starts at 5 and ends at 7:30. Classes start at 8, ends at 2:30. Lunch is inbetween 5th and 6th hour, you are allowed off campus. Dinner is at 5 and ends at 8. Curfew is 11 and the library is open from 5 to 11." We stopped by a hallway to breath. "Do you know my roommate?" He nodded and smirked. "Everyone knows him, he's a dick." I groaned and ran my hands through my wild hair. "Just my luck. Anything else I need to know?" "Choose your friends wisely. I suggest hanging with me and my group, we'll take care of you." I nodded and we stopped at a purple door.

He knocked and handed me a key with a purple lanyard. "Do you want my number? We could hang out later." I thought for a moment before nodding, "I would love that, write it on my hand." I handed him a pen and he scrawled a number on the back of my hand. He walked away just as the door opened and a boy with the most beautiful eyes ever stared right at me. "Hiya roomie."

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now