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Cody swung our joined hands back and forth as we walked. He had a slight skip in his step that I think is the cutest thing ever in this moment. We stopped at a tent I'm sharing with Set It Off. "It's going to rain." All the boys had showed up long before we did and Maxx is now pointing uo at the sky. "Great first stop and we have rain." I pouted, I didn't want Warped to be cancelled. "The shows will still go on. The fans love it and so do we." I turned my attention to the visitor, Mark. "That's cool. I have always wanted to perform in the rain." I giggled at Cody, he has the funniest ambitions. "Cody we have to be at the stage in 10." I grabbed Cody's hand and we jogged toward Journey's Right Foot stage. I go on right after them and I can feel my nerves bouncing around in my body. Cody looked as if he'd throw up any second. When we reached the stage, I pulled him inside. "Cody you'll do great. I believe in you and your band believes in you." I pressed my forehead to his and I heard him breathe out deeply. "I love you." He smiled. "I love you too." "Go rock that bitch." He laughed loudly and kissed me quickly before running up onto the stage. Our recording labels put out the songs we performed on YouTube, so when I heard the crowd cheer for the boys, I wasn't surprised. I leaned against the wall that lead to the stage. "Hello guys! Some of you may know us from Equal Vision Records' YouTube channel. And if you don't, then we're Set It Off." Cody looked to the side, his eyes finding me and a smile lit up his face. I winked at him and I saw him laugh slightly. "Cody stop flirting and sing." I laughed at my best friend. Maxx can be an idiot sometimes. "Alright everyone this is the song that got us famous, Me W/O Us."

Cody ran backstage, picking me up in the process. He's sweaty as fuck, but I don't care. "You were so good!" He kissed me, harder than normal. I pulled back and he smiled. "Later, I have to go on now." He set me on his feet and the guys congregated to the side to watch me. I ran out on stage, my Converse making slapping sounds against the floor. I grabbed a microphone. "Hey guys! I'm Amelia or Lia. I got signed to Equal Vision Records for my cover of Be Somebody. I sang that song because I had just lost a family member that I was close to. I want to sing it again and I hope you enjoy it."

"Lia!" I turned and smiled at my brothers. I ran over and jumped into the arms of the three. I haven't seen them since I moved to Cody's bus 2 days ago. We were just way to busy to say hi to each other. "We saw your preformance. You were amazing!" "Thank you guys, when is yours?" Em smiled and moved his hair out of his face. "2 hours, want to get some lunch?" I looked back, seeing Cody wave me off with a smile. I nodded a thank you at him before turning back to my family. "I am famished." I hooked arms with Rem and we walked toward the Warped lunch tent. "I can't wait to hear your song." The boys said they wrote a new song and wouldn't let me hear it. "It's going to be good." "What's it called?" They shared looks and nodded at each other. "Morning Light."

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now