Part 1

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It's not normal. It's impossible. I always thought it was a story someone made up. I was wrong. It's real and it hurts. I thought I had dismissed these feelings. The petals in front of me say otherwise. The feeling had always been there. Hidden but there. Now that he's gone it's become to much. On our missions we barely see him. The last time I saw him in person was two months ago. He's always standing in the back when we talk to the leader of the blade of mamora. I always watch him but he never looks at me. I may have acted like I didn't really care and I was fine when he left but I wasn't. It hurt more than it should have. That's probably why this awful disease came. I'm not really that scared to be honest. He's not here. I know that's an excuse for me not to tell him. But it works. Between this and my homesickness I might as well just go. I doubt i'll see my family any time soon. This sickness will kill me. I could do the surgery but I probably wouldn't make it through anyways. I should probably tell someone but they'll probably figure it out eventually.

    I scoop up the blood speckled petals. They're a ruby red color. Before I can think about it anymore I toss them in the trash and walk out my door. My mind keeps running through it. He won't love you back. Like he would even care. You're the one that started the stupid rival thing. He thinks you hate him. Before I can come up with something else someone calls out my name.

"Hey Lance!"

I turn and see Hunk walking towards me smiling.

"Oh, hey."

He stops in front of me and frowns.

"Hey, you okay?"


I wave him off.

"Just thinking"

"Oh, well I made cookies and was just coming to find you!"

"Oh, okay."

He cocks his head at me.

"You sure your okay buddy?"
I plaster on a fake smile and nod.

"Yep! Let's go get those cookies!"

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