Part 7

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He left. It's only me now. Somewhere in me I wish I could just yell at him I love him. I probably could. But I won't. It's impossible for me to sleep. I robotically get up and walk to the lounge. It's empty. I sit and curl into a ball. Tears soon follow. I wish I wouldn't die. I want to be able to go back to my family. I don't care how long it takes. I want to go home. I hear someone shuffle into the room and let out a small tiered sound. I don't look up because I know i'm crying.


Keith steps towards me and gently taps me on the shoulder.

"You okay?"

I ignore him. After I sit there for a while he sits next to me. Neither of us talk. I finally lift my head and look at him. He's watching his hands as they idly tap against his leg. He glances at me and his head lifts all the way when he notices my tears.


He whispers.

"What. Are my eyes all red and puffy?"

He shakes his head.

"No. Beautiful."

I freeze at the words and he quickly tenses.

"Oh uh. Sorry."

I shake my head and laugh.

"Nah. It's fine."

A small blush takes place on his cheeks and across his nose.

"Um. So. Have you decided what you're gonna do yet?"

"I-I think I need to tell them."

"You probably should. They'll probably return your feelings."

"That's the thing. You never know what's going on inside their head. How am I supposed to know? For all I know they could say they don't love me back. Then i'm left to die..."

"Don't think about it that way."

More tears start to fall.

"I don't want to die. I want to at least see my family again."

"Then you will."

I look at him. He's staring at me with determined eyes. Their violet color flashing beautifully. I love him. Oh god I love him so much. I'm dying because I love him so much. Goddamn flowers have grown in my lungs because I love him so much. Stupid hanahaki. It's pushing. I was giving up. I thought I wasn't gonna see him again. If I don't tell him I will die. I'll die knowing that he was right there in front of me. I could've grasped him and held him close. But instead i'm letting myself give up. Thinking there's no hope. Maybe there is. He called me beautiful. The thought of it makes me blush. Then I feel it. The dreaded feeling of a cough. The worst part is I never know which one will kill me. I cough. Keith immediately senses what's coming. I cough more and more. They become more violent. Wracking my body. Keith quickly slides over and starts rubbing my back again. Whispering soothing words into my ear. I can feel him shaking. He's scared. Just as scared as me. I cough and breath as much in as I can. Waiting for the moment I can't. It happens. I take in a breath but it cuts off and leaves me without air. I gag and try to suck in air. Nothing works. I cling to Keith in fear. What if this is the one that kills me. I'll never get to say I love him. Never get to see my family again. Never get anything. I'm exhausted but I push myself to cough. Force the petals to come out and stop clogging my throat. I try. Keith can tell i'm trying. He's patting my back now. Helping me cough. I cough once more. It's loud and with it comes petals and blood. The most I've ever seen. There's more blood than usual and it coats the petals. I suck in giant breaths of air. Finally able to breathe again I cling to Keith. He wraps his arms around me protectively and holds me. We sit there in silence.

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