The End!

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Thank you for reading this! This is honestly one of my quickest stories. It's basically a one-shot that I cut up into pieces. This story was definitely not the nicest one. Hanahaki disease is pretty bad and kind of bad to think about. Hanahaki disease IS NOT REAL! IT IS FAKE AND MADE UP! IT CAN NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN! YOU ARE SAFE. But seriously. Coughing up blood and flower petals. Scary. So, yeah I hope you enjoyed. I read into hanahaki disease and read a fanfic about it so decided why not do one myself! I enjoyed it but I definitely could have done better. Anyways! I'm rambling! So, hope you enjoyed. Sorry about my other stories. I get so many idea's and go off on a writing spree and usually get writers block for some of my older ideas. It's very rare that I finish a story. This is my first in a long time. So, yeah! Thanks for reading!

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