Part 9

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When I wake up i'm laying in my bed with Keith leaning against it sleeping. I sit up and stretch. A yawn escaping. I glance at Keith as he sleeps. He's so peaceful and calm. We're dating now. I can kiss him. Hug him. Show him off. Take him out. Cuddle with him. I sigh as I go over everything in my head. He's mine to love. I'm still in my pj's so I get dressed into my normal clothes and take a shower. When i'm done he's still sleeping so I sit on my bed and think up ideas. Mid way I feel it. The horrible feeling of the petals. I go back to last night and remember Pidge explaining how there was a last stage and it was the hardest. I grab my jacket and put it on. I run to the door to go and get Pidge but am stopped halfway. It's too late. I fall to the floor and hack. The coughs get rougher and slowly get louder. My body shivers as it tries to rid itself of the awful petals. As I cough a warm hand finds its way to me. Keith pulls me back and cradles me in his arms. Patting my back to help. A few petals fall to the floor but there are still more. I cough and cough. It's almost effortless. I can't stop coughing and the petals aren't dislodging. I'm happy I can still breath but Pidge warned me so I decide not to take any chances. I can feel my body weaken from the coughing. It's loud and shakes my body with every one. I cling to Keith's hand and it grounds me. Makes me continue. Helps me know that after this I can be free from this horrible disease. We sit there for what feels like minutes. My coughing doesn't slow and gets worse. I feel faint and like I could pass out at any minute.

"Come on Lance. I know you can do it. Don't give up."

Keith whispers. I let out a soft whimper between coughs and he kisses the top of my head. I cough loudly and petals fall to the floor. It's not over yet though. I continue to gag on the petals and more fall to the floor. The process takes at least 38 minutes before almost all of them are out of my throat. My coughing has dwindled and i'm left lying curled up in Keith's lap. Sometimes coughing up a red petal. He strokes my head and continues to give me kisses. Once I've quit coughing I relax. My body slumping in Keith's arms as he holds me. He gently picks me up and carries me to my bed. Laying me down before climbing in next to me. I curl into a ball and he wraps his arms around me. I turn to face his chest and there I fall asleep. The pain and dread of the hanahaki disease gone. It's just me and Keith. Forever and always.

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