Part 5

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Not long after standing around Allura speaks up.

"Coran and I have business to attend to. I'm sorry to be leaving you all to this. But please."

She turns and looks directly at me.

"Don't give up. I have a hint at who might have caused this. Just tell them. It'd make everything easier."

    With that her and Coran walked out and down the hall to the control room. Shiro looked at me before sighing and leaving the room as well. I stood up ignoring the still bloodied petals on the floor. As I made my way to the door someone pulled at my wrist and stopped me. I turned to find Pidge. She looked frightened and there were tears welling in her eyes.

"Please Lance."
She whispered so only I could hear.

"Don't do this to yourself. Don't even do this to us. You're an important part of this team and we can't have you dying."

"I can't. I'm sorry. If I tell them they'll reject me. Nobody would want to date me anyways. I'm to clingy and touchy. I'm an obnoxious flirt."


She shook her head gripping onto my wrist tighter.

"You're important. Especially to us. You're our friend. We- we can't live without you. You don't even know how he'll react!"

I tensed.

"How do you know it's a he?"

She rolled her eyes and let out a little laugh.

"It's hard not to know. You literally stare at him all the time."

"What! No! He's never around!"

"He is. When we talk to the blade. You always stare at him."

I look down blushing.


Her face softened.

"Please. Tell him. You don't know how Keith will react."

"Maybe. But I made it pretty clear I didn't like him."

"It was an obvious cover up. I'm not stupid. He never believed in it anyways. You created that rivalry. Not him."

"Yeah yeah. Can I go now?"

She let go and sighed.

"Please don't die."

"I can't promise anything."

With that I walked out the door, her watching tearfully after.

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