Part 8

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It's not long before there are footsteps pounding down the hall. Hunk and Pidge turn the corner. They're both tense but when they spot us they both visibly relax.

"Oh thank god."

Pidge dashes forwards with Hunk hot on her trail. They both avoid the petals and blood on the floor and envelop me and Keith in a hug.

"We heard coughing! Are you alright?"

I smile at Hunk and nod.

"Also. I don't want to die. So, I've decided to tell them."

Pidge and Hunk both smile and step away. I turn to Keith and he looks at me confused.


He looks at me and tilts his head.

"You also told me to tell the person I love how I feel about them."

He nodded.

"I did..."

"I will. I'll tell him how much I love his hair. I love the way it flows. I love how it looks silky and how much I wish I could run my fingers through it. I love his eyes. They show all his emotions and their the prettiest color I've ever seen. I love his personality and how he's so laid back but always ready for anything. I love how he deals with my crap and is actually a really nice person. I love him. I love everything about him. I love him so much I got this damn illness that's making me confess to him how much I love him."

He stared at me with widened eyes.

"Wha-why are you telling me this?"

I rested my hands on the side of his face and rolled my eyes.

"Because I love you. I love you so much but I tried to hide it. Look how that turned out."

I let out a sarcastic laugh but was cut off by Keith jolting forwards. The kiss was uncoordinated and messy. We pulled back laughing before gently coming together again. This time our lips fit together nicely. It was long and sweet. Until there was a cough from behind us. We both broke apart and turned to look at Pidge and Hunk. Hunk was looking at the floor embarrassed and Pidge was grinning.

"Now that that's finally over with. Please save the make out session for elsewhere. Preferably where i'm not around."

We all laugh before Pidge starts again.

"So, now that you confessed and he returns your feelings there should be one more attack. The last one to finally get rid of the leftover flowers. There shouldn't be any blood but this one is a tough one. Your body has to clear out all remaining flower petals and to do that is a lot of work. You might struggle to breath and you'll be exhausted afterwards. When it happens come get me. Okay?"

We both nod.


She smiles.

"Great! Now you should both get to sleep. Just in case. You'll need lots of energy for the final attack."

I yawn and she turns to leave.

"See you tomorrow."

She raises her hand in a wave then walks off down the hall with Hunk trailing behind her.

"So, you love me?"

I'm not expecting the question and turn to face Keith. I don't hesitate when answering.

"Yes. I love you."

A blush ignites along his face and he avoids my eyes.

"So, what does this make us?"

I feel the blush break out across my face as I answer.

"Um... Boyfriends I guess. If you're okay with it of course!"

He looks at me and smiles a full, rare smile.

"I'm more than okay with it."

    I smile in return and peck him on the nose with my lips before moving to kiss his cheek, then the corner of his mouth before kissing him fully on the lips. His lips are sweet and taste like sugar. I enjoy the kiss before breaking away to yawn. He grins.

"Guess we should get sleeping beauty to bed."

I roll my eyes and sigh, leaning my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. I quickly drift to sleep.

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