Part 2

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When we make it to the kitchen everyone is already at the table eating away. I sit down next to Pidge and Hunk sits next to me. Hunk drops three dark red cookies in front of me. Red. The color i've grown to love and hate. I pick one up and nibble on it. I see Pidge look at me confused from my side.

"Hey you okay dude?"

I glance at her and she's frowning.

"Yeah. Just got some things on my mind."


She sits up and smiles.

"Well you can talk to us if you need anything."

She gives me a hard pat on the back. Bad idea. I feel the cough start to rise and try to hold it back. That's an even worse idea. A loud strangled cough erupts from my throat. Pidge yanks her hand back worriedly.


More coughs come afterwards. They hurt but nothing is coming up yet. Shiro stands up and leans across the table as I cough roughly.

"Lance are you okay? What's wrong."

I shake my head and put my hand to my mouth to cough. It's not a lot. Maybe eight red rose petals. I cough them into my hand and lower it. I cough a few more times before it comes to an end.

"Sorry. Guess I might've got something stuck in my throat."

Everyone is staring at me in worry and shock.
"Are you sure you're okay?"

I give a weak nod.

"I think I just need to lay down."

They all nod and I stand to leave. The rose petals squeezed tightly in hand.

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