Part 4

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I've stayed locked up in my room. Away from everyone. I've had some bad fits. They're getting to the point where they're clogging my lungs. I'm getting closer to not being able to breath. I'm just waiting for that one attack that'll end it. More and more flower petals fill my trash. You'd think I worked at a flower shop if there weren't blood stains all over them.

"Paladins! Please come to the lounge! There's a surprise waiting for you all!"

    I perk up to listen to Shiro's message. A surprise? For us all? I really don't want to leave my room. I know that if I go out I might have an attack and someone will find out.

"I should probably go."

    I mutter under my breath while standing. I pull on my jacket and leave my room. As I near the lounge I hear energetic screams and yells. I freeze. What the hell? I peek into the room and I can feel my stomach drop. Keith is standing there in his mamora armour. Everything about him is the same. Pidge is clinging to him and he's patting her head while Hunk hugs him from the side. Allura and Coran are watching a few feet away waiting for their turn to welcome him back. Shiro is watching proudly as everyone welcomes him. His eyes scan over everyone before resting on the doorway. He spots me and smiles widely. I quickly stop staring and shut my slightly open mouth.

"Lance your here!"

    Everyone turns to look and Pidge releases herself from keith to stand. Hunk let's him go to and stands nearby. Keith has a small smile playing at his lips and it grows when he locks eyes with me. I immediately lose myself in his violet eyes. How can they be so damn pretty?

"Nice to see you again Lance."

I don't speak. I'm afraid to speak. To even open my mouth.


    His eyes turn to ones of concern. I feel the silent trail of tears slip down my face. I ignore everyone else as he steps towards me. When he sees my tears his pace quickens until he's standing directly in front of me.

"Lance? Why are you crying? Is something wrong?"

I reach up and hastily wipe at the tears.

"God dammit."

He snorts.


"Why'd you have to come back? I thought you were gone. I made myself except that. Except that you were never coming back. God dammit."

His face softens and he gives me a sad look.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it affected you this much."

I shake my head.

"It's not your fault. It's mine. You just left. You didn't do anything wrong."


It's quiet for a second before Allura calls out.


He turns to face her.


    He takes a step towards her and my body reacts. A violent cough escapes my lips and everyone turns to stare. I sink to my knees as more violent coughs come out. Keith is the first one at my side. He's rubbing my back and Pidge is soon next to him. The coughs keep coming and I know there's bound to be flower petals on the floor soon. I gasp for air but it's cut off and I choke. The petals have clogged my airways.

"He's choking!"

It's Hunk.

"What do we do! What's wrong!"

"Just try to help him! Talk to him!"

I continue to violently hack. My body shaking as I gasp for breaths but none come.

"Hey, come on. Take a deep breath. Calm down."

    I focus on Keith's voice. His comforting words. They way he rubs my back. I feel it before it happens. The coughs get worse for a moment then i'm spitting the petals onto the floor. A mix of blood and red rose petals. It's kind of like a pretty horror picture. I let out a few last coughs before collapsing to the side in Keith's lap. I take in giant breaths and keep my eyes closed. Keith doesn't stop rubbing my back. I can tell everyone is figuring out the situation and what just happend.

"I-I'll go get some water."

Hunk quietly whispers.


I open my eyes and glance at Pidge who's staring wide eyed at me.

"This. You just. Is this. Is this hanahaki disease?"

I let out a small whine and nod my head afraid to speak.

"What is hanahaki disease?"

We all look to Shiro then back at Pidge for an answer.

"Well, it's really rare. I- I never thought it was real."

"What is it Pidge?"

She looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"It's technically a disease where you like someone and because you like them flowers grow in your lungs. It's born from one sided love. Because of those flowers in your lungs you end up coughing them up. Blood and flower petals."


Shiro's shaky voice filled the room.

"What happens? How do we cure it?"

"Because of the flowers they end up blocking your lungs. Crowding them until you can't breathe anymore. It has three ways for it to end. One, the love is returned. Two, there's a type of surgery that will remove the flowers. In doing so it also removes the feelings of love for the other. The third option is death. You don't do anything and the flowers grow until you can't breathe anymore and you die."

The room erupts in small gasps. Shiro turns and looks at me.

"Lance. How long has this been going on?"

"About, five days."

He turned to look at Pidge.

"How long until the flowers usually take over?"

"Maybe a week and a half."

He turned back to me.

"Lance. Who do you like."

It wasn't a question. It was a demand.

"What. No. I- I can't say that. Not out loud."

I looked at them and Pidge rolled her eyes.

"I know who it is. You should do it Lance. None of us want you to die."

"But, I can't."

"The surgery then?"

Pidge narrowed her eyes at Shiro.

"That's almost a 75% chance of him dying. A surgery to remove flowers from someone's lungs is almost near impossible."


    It's silent. Even as Hunk rushes back in with water. He hands it to me and steps back along with everyone else. We all just stare at the floor. There's not really any other options. I have hanahaki disease. It's killing me. And i'm not about to confess to Keith.

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