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[A/N- in case you're wondering, Izuku has his bookbag. But he didn't have extra pair of clothes, so he just slept in his school clothes]
Bakugo used his sleeve to wipe away his tears. Not even he knew that he was crying. "Just go away Deku!" Midoriya remained for a second while Bakugo turned to face the window to his right. He covered himself with the blanket and pretended to go to sleep. All the ripped up pictures scattered onto the floor. Midoriya sighed and went back to the mattress. He covered himself with his blanket and turned to his left, facing the wooden closet door. Midoriya covered himself and quickly fell into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, Bakugo didn't even blink a wink [A/N- a saying I literally just made up that means "didn't close his eyes/sleep"]

I hate you, Deku. I hate you so much...
"Good morning Izuku" Midoriya slowly walked into the dining area where Bakugo and Mitsuki were sitting, eating cereal. Bakugo glanced up at Midoriya as he sat in the seat across from him. He then stared at his cereal, taking another bite out of it, completely ignoring Midoriya's presence. "Here! Let me pour you a bowl."
"Thank you." Midoriya still felt a little uncomfortable, but Mitsuki was being so welcoming, he was able to relax a bit.
"Are you two walking together?" Mistuki asked as she placed the bowl on the table, in front of Midoriya. Midoriya was a little dumbfounded, not knowing whether Bakugo would want to.
Bakugo closed his eyes and placed his palms at the edge of the table, scooting his seat back, "No." he then walked around the table and out the front door, slamming it. The slam echoed throughout the room, leaving Mitsuki and Midoriya in shock, not knowing what to say.
"I apologize about him." Mitsuki looked down at Midoriya with an apologetic look.
"It's okay. It's nothing new to me." He continued to eat his cereal.
"I got to go to work." Mitsuki went to the counter and picked up her purse. "Lock up when you leave. Oh and there's a spare key under the mat in front of the door." She put her right hand up in the air, so the back of it was facing Midoriya. She waved goodbye and opened the front door, leaving Midoriya all alone. He sighed, and got up from his chair after finishing his cereal. He picked up the bowl and limped to the kitchen. He washed the bowl off and placed it on the drying rack.

"Deku!" Uraraka stopped her conversation wth Iida once she spotted Midoriya walk into the school. "Does your leg still hurt from yesterday?"
"Yeah. I need to see Recovery Girl."
"Wait. What happened yesterday?" Iida questioned.
"Deku got attacked by a villain." Uraraka explained.
"Woah! Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I just hurt my leg in the process. Kacchan came to my rescue."
  "Here put your arms around me. I'll help you to Recovery Girl."
  "Thanks Uraraka" Midoriya smiled at her kindness. You know she likes you, right? Those words echoed throughout his head. He glanced up at Uraraka who was looking straight ahead, focused on the task at hand.
"Uraraka?" Midoriya continued to look up at her.
"Yeah Deku?"
"Do you like me?" Uraraka's eyes widened and face turned red. She stopped walking.
"Wh-wa-why would you-"
"Oh uh no worries. Kacchan told me that you did but I didn't know whether it was true or not."
Uraraka used her free arm to rub the back of her neck, "pffft n-no! I mean I do. But not like that! I m-mean as a friend. Yeah. Heheheh..." she lied.
"Well I like you, Uraraka." Her eyes widened.

"I asked Uraraka if she liked me." Midoriya was sitting on the mattress, watching Bakugo throw a baseball up in the air over and over.
"And why should I care?"
"She asked me out on a date. It's tonight at seven."
"Still don't care." His words contradicts his thoughts. Bakugo was highly intrigued.
"Well I'm telling you because I have nothing to wear."
"Not my problem."
"Come on Kacchan. Pleeeease"
"Ugh! You're so god damn annoying!" Bakugo sat up and marched out the room. He then walked out of the house. Midoriya sighed and got up. He found Mitsuki in the kitchen, chopping onions. She turned around to put them in a pot and noticed Deku. "Oh hey Izuki. I hope you like French onion soup" she said while using her right hand to scrape across the tilted cutting board to make the onions fall into the pot.
"Uh yeah. I do."
"Did you need something?" She stopped to talk to the kid.
"Kind of. But it looks like you're busy. I'll come back later..."
"Nonesense. What do you want?"
Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck and glanced down on the ground while a blush shaded his cheeks. "It's just- I kind of have a date tonight and I don't have access to my clothes, so I got nothing to wear."
"Well, you can look through Katsuki's closet. If you still can't find anything you like, then I'll take you to the store." Midoriya nodded.
"Thank you!" Midoriya raced back to Bakugo's room. He was about to open the wooden sliding door, but then realized something. Kacchan would KILL me if he knew I went into his closet. But his mom did say I could. Oh well....
Midoriya opened the door and gazed amongst the clothes that were there. He put his hands near the pole, sliding each hanger to the left as he looked through the clothes. His eye was caught on this one white shirt. Hung around the shoulder of it was a green, sweater. He grabbed the hanger it was attached to and took it out of the closet. However, his sweaty hands lost the grip and it fell on top of a familiar looking box that had the scrap book in it. Midoriya reattained the outfit and he noticed something poking out the sides of the scrapbook. He quickly turned around and gently placed the hanger on the mattress he slept on. Then he turned back to the box and got down on his knees. He grabbed the scrapbook and gently opened it to the page where that thing was sticking out of. A tear dropped on top of it.

 A tear dropped on top of it

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Did Kacchan do this?

"Oh my god Izuku! You look so good! I need to take a picture and send it to your mom! To bad she can't see you go on your first date."

[A/N- there's like no fanart of Deku wearing normal clothes]

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[A/N- there's like no fanart of Deku wearing normal clothes]

"Well I got to go now, otherwise I'll be late!"
Midoriya waved goodbye and was about to leave through the door before Mistuki asked, "do you need a ride?"
He looked back, "no. It's in walking distance. Thank you anyways."
"To bad this soup went to waste" she laughed.
"I'll eat it tomorrow. Sorry you went through so much trouble." Midoriya chuckled guiltily.
"Ah! It's no problem. Go have fun Izuku!" She smiled and Midoriya returned it, giving another wave as he left.

[A/N- I don't want to rush things between Katsuki and Izuku! But I promise, when it comes, there'll be sooo many Katsudeku moments ❤️❤️]

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