Rooming Together?

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   "Your partners will be your seat mate on the bus."
    Bakugo grunted, "I have to sit next to this nerd for two hours?!"
    "Yes you do. And no killing each other."
     "Well if you don't want me to kill him then don't fucking make me sit next to him. Are you stupid or somethin'?!? Or are you just looking for a fucking death wish?!"
     "It's final Bakugo. Now please stop arguing. Your voice is so freaking annoying." Mr. Aizawa rubbed his temples.
     Bakugo's face turned even more red in anger. "WHAD'YOU SAY YOU CATERPILLAR-EMO SHINSO WANNA BE?!!?!?"
    After Bakugo calmed down a bit, everyone was able to board the bus. Bakugo entered the seat first and aggressively placed his elbow on the sill of the window. He then placed his chin in his hand and stared out the window. Midoriya awkwardly made his way to where Bakugo was sitting and slowly sat down next to him. Bakugo turned his head and glared at him. "Tsk." He then resumed to his original position. What's his problem Midoriya thought in fear.
    Bakugo still hasn't moved from his position, and tried to ignore Midoriya's existence. Midoriya kept wanting to talk to him, lifting his right finger in the air, but putting it back down and closing his mouth.
    "Uh Kacchan." Midoriya turned his head only to see Bakugo falling sideways. Bakugo's head landed on Midoriya's shoulders and he widened his eyes in surprise. His face became super red, worried about what will happen will he wakes up and what Midoriya should do. What can he do? He sat there, tensed up, feeling very uncomfortable.

[A/N- I know it's cliché but it's so freakin cute!!]~   "Hey Kacchan

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[A/N- I know it's cliché but it's so freakin cute!!]
"Hey Kacchan. We're here." Midoriya lightly tapped his shoulder, hoping to awaken him. However, the sleeping beauty does not respond. He's definitely gonna kill me for doing this but...Midoriya scooched over to the right and into the aisle of the bus. Bakugo's head slammed against the leather seat, waking him up from his slumber. "OW WHAT THE HELL DEKU!!" Bakugo immediately stood up and was about to throw a punch. Midoriya crossed his arms in a shape of an X in front of his face.
     "I'm sorry Kacchan! It was the only thing I could think of to wake you up!"
      "Tsk..." Bakugo lowered his fists, placing them in his pocket and just walked in front of Midoriya and put the bus' door. Woah. Did he just...not hit me?
   Everyone crowded into the lobby of the resort they are staying at. Mr. Aizawa stood in front of everyone. "Your partners will also be your roommate."
     "But my partner's a guy." Uraraka said with obvious concerns
      "And Iida's partner is a guy as well. We do not discriminate or provide special treatment based on gender."
       "That wasn't my point...." Uraraka mumbled quietly under her breath.
"Anyways, I will hand one of you from your partners a key and on the same keychain of the key is a white oval thing that tells you your room number." Each partnership received a set of keys with the room number, just like he said. "The rooms are small. Each room includes it's own bathroom and balcony. However, the hotel could only afford one bed per bedroom. So you and your partner can either share the bed or one of you can sleep on the floor. That's up to you. Now go away so I can get back to my nap." Mr. Aizawa slumpily walked away while the crowd remained and chatted amongst themselves. Soon, everyone dispersed and made their way to their designated hotel rooms to unpack.
"Like hell we're sharing a bed. Your sleeping on the floor you damn nerd!" Bakugo slammed his suitcase on the bed. Midoriya, too afraid to object, quietly placed his suitcase on the ground and kneeled to unpack. "I'll take the closet. You can take the stupid drawers." He huffed, while placing his clothes on hangers that were already located in the closet.
It was ten at night. The two guys were getting ready for bed. Bakugo just got out of the shower so he had his pajama pants on with no shirt. His towel was wrapped around his neck.
Ring Ring! Midoriya reached down for his phone, "hello? The hospital?" Bakugo's ears picked up as he sat up on his bed. Midoriya was sitting at the edge of the bed, with his feet dangling. "No, that's great! Yeah. Okay. Thank you, I will!" Midoriya's face changed to a wide smile as he hung up. He turned back and looked at Bakugo. Without thinking, he jumped on top of shirtless Bakugo, wrapping his arms around his neck. "My mom's okay!!!"
Bakugo's eyes widen with excitement but stayed calm. "That's great and all but GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU IDIOT!!" Midoriya's face turned super red with embarrassment. He slowly used his arms to push himself up, but they gave out and made him fall back down, with his face coming face flat onto Bakugo's chest. He immediately lifted his head and they stared at each other's eyes with shocked expression. Both their hearts were beating fast.
After a moment of staring, Midoriya snapped out of it, coming back into the real world. He got up from the bed. "I-I'm sorry...." in order to clear his head, Midoriya walked over to his drawer, grabbing his pajamas and an extra pair of boxers. He then walked into the bathroom and closed the door. He turned on the water, letting the water lightly tap against the floor of the tub. His breathing was intense as he stripped down and hopped into the shower. However, he didn't do anything but sit down with his knees bent, letting the water trinkle down on top of his bare feet. Kacchan.... His face turned red just from thinking about him.
Midoriya kept shuffling and turning on the ground, which kept Bakugo awake. Bakugo growled in anger as he tried using his pillow to block out the noise. After a couple of minutes, realizing the pillow failed, he raised it in the air, throwing it at Midoriya. "Shut the fuck up Deku!" Midoriya immediately sat up, blinking a couple of times before noticing Bakugo.
"What happened?"
"You won't shut the fuck up with your tossin' and turnin'!" Bakugo sat up in his bed. Midoriya glanced down at his bed sheets.
"Sorry. I guess it's just more uncomfortable sleeping on the ground. I'll try not to be so loud anymore." Midoriya laid back down, bringing the blanket up to his ear, turning away from the bed. After ten minutes, the shuffling continued. Bakugo's eyes opened with anger and he stood up from his bed, providing loud stomping noises in doing so.
"DEKU!!!!" Bakugo inched closer. Midoriya looked up at him, sitting up on the floor. Midoriya looked at approaching Bakugo with fear. Suddenly, he was lifted off the ground and thrown onto Bakugo's bed. "If I let you sleep here, will you shut the fuck up already!" Midoriya nodded. Bakugo approached the bed again.
"W-wait. You're sleeping with me?"
"You think I'm just gonna sleep on that nasty old fucking ground while you get a comfy bed?!?!"
"Well I did...." Midoriya mumbled under his breath.
"What was that you twat?!?!!" He snarled as he went under the covers.
"Tch. Just stay on that side of the bed and we won't have a problem." Midoriya silently agreed as they both turned away from each other, facing in the opposite direction.
"Good night Kacchan." Midoriya closed his eyes and attempted to sleep. Bakugo opened his left eye and just 'hmph'ed, closing both his eyes.
   The two continued to sleep. However, they were no longer in the same position as before. By now, Bakugo was turned to the side Midoriya was facing, and had his arms wrapped around his chest. While Midoriya continued to face the way he fell asleep in. Midoriya hands were gripping around Bakugo's arms that continued to wrap around his body. They both were too asleep to wake up. [A/N- Yes I know that's a weird sentence]
     Everyone was already eating breakfast in the lobby. Once Midoriya and Bakugo walked into the room, everyone looked at each other. "Sleep well~?" Kaminari snickered. The two were highly confused. Bakugo ignored his question and went to grab an apple. He then sat at an empty circular table, placing his feet on top of it and taking a bite out of his apple. Midoriya walked over to the table with Uraraka and Iida.
"Why's everyone staring?"
Uraraka and Iida glanced at each other and then at Midoriya. Uraraka side, folding her hands. "Iida, show him."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." As on cue, Iida reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. After a couple of finger movements, Iida handed Midoriya his android.

 After a couple of finger movements, Iida handed Midoriya his android

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Midoriya's face widened as he noticed what was on the picture. He didn't know what happened because when they woke up, they were back in their original positions. "W-when did this happen?"
"Hagakure came to wake you guys up, but then she saw that. Then Asui walked by and notice that. Soon, Kirishima walked in and took this photo. He meant to send that to Kaminari, but accidentally sent it to the whole class. Which makes me wonder how you and Bakugo didn't see it."
"Well I forgot to plug my phone in last night so it's dead. And as for Kacchan...." Midoriya avoided eye contact. "Heh...he threw a tantrum and chucked his phone across the room and it broke. Then he got even more mad at me for making him angry enough to throw his phone."
"That Bakugo. Don't go falling for a guy like that." Uraraka and Midoriya looked at Iida with shocked expressions.
"I don't even like Kacchan like that. Plus, I'm dating Uraraka."
"D-d-dating?!?" Uraraka's face turned a bright shade of red. She knew they were dating but didn't expect him to say it out loud.
"I'll be back." Midoriya stood up, still with Iida's phone in his hand. Everyone in the lobby became quiet and watched as Midoriya walked over and grabbed Bakugo by the arm, bringing them both away from the lobby.
All that could be heard from the lobby were explosion (that didn't damage anything) and Bakugo yelling, "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT?!??!!?? IM GONNA KILL THAT ROCKHEAD, GOOD-FOR NOTHING STUPID KIRISHIMA!!!"
"You better run" Jiro laughed as Kirishima ran out of the room, causing his chair he was sitting in to topple over. He then, tripped over another chair, trying to escape.
Everyone started to laugh. "I'm okay!" He then got up and left.

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