Toga's Story

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[I am doing something a little different. I am writing this chapter in Toga's point of view]

[Also, I got a new puppy. She woke me up 2 times in the night and ever since 6am, I was unable to fall back to sleep. So I started writing this chapter]

"Because..." I look over to the left of me only to see a familiar face slowly sit up as she held onto the side of her stomach in pain. "She's my friend." My eyes glistened as the word 'friend' exited her mouth. I had never had a friend before. Why does that word make my stomach churn. I've always learned that friends are what make you weak. So why is it, that when she called me her friend, I feel like this?

Aizawa glanced at my while I look at Toru. "Hey..." I look over to him to see a worried expression. "You're crying."

I touch my face only to realize that I was. My nose starts to scrunch up as I sob out into loud tears. Aizawa started to panic, not knowing what to do.

"Mr. Aizawa!! Stop making girls cry!" Ashido teased.

"I-I didn't do anything."

I wiped away my tears with the bottom of my palm. "It's okay. I just- I just never had a friend before." I glanced back over at Toru, who has suddenly collapsed once again as she laid on the ground. Worry rush over me as I struggle to get up because of that kid's tape. "Let me go."

Aizawa looked at me for quite some time, studying my eyes, making sure I was a good person after all. He let out a small sigh, "Sero. Release her."

"Uh...are you sure?"

Aizawa hesitated to answer the question, as he continued to stare into my eyes with an untrusting glance. After a while, he responded with a low voice. "Yes."

Suddenly, I feel my body's tight grip relax as the tape retracts back to the boy. I glance over at Toru before immediatly scrambling off the ground to rush towards her.

"I can heal everyone."

"What? How?" Uraraka asked

"I have a second quirk."

Gasps and whispers exchanged amongst the students. Aizawa came forward and asked, "a second quirk? I've never heard of anyone who has 2 quirks."

I glance back at him, "why do you think All For One wants to keep me alive, even after I betrayed them?" I look back down at Toru's ailing body as wounds, scratches, and knife cuts fade into the depths of her skin.

"Betrayed them? How did you-"

I cut him off, trying to explain the situation. "Have you ever wondered how Toru is alive, even after she was captured by the League Of Villains?" No one said a word, not even thinking about that factor. I continued to speak, "it's because I took her place and transformed into her."

"But why?" Shoji asked, joining in on the conversation.

"I owe her my life..." I took a breath before telling my story. "A couple years ago she saved me from getting blasted into a million bloody pieces."

"Fine. Just save them all."

I looked back with sadness, "I can't save them all" [Previous Chapter Reference]

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