Mustard And Ketchup

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[Has anyone seen the movie 'Stand By Me'? I just watched it the other day with my dad and oh boy, Chris is cute XD but yeah I ship Chris and Gordie...anyone else? No? Okay...]

"Grab Bakugo and let's leave!" Toga begged. She whispered the next sentence to herself, but was heard by Hisashi, "this place gives me the creeps."

"Stop being a chicken. I could kill you right here and right now." That's a lie. All For One said I couldn't kill you yet so I'll let you live you traitorous bastard.

[Guys it's 1:52 am and I should be sleeping but since I haven't really updated in a while, I figured might as well. So if it's not as good as my other chapters, u know why]

Drip. Drip. Drip.

A liquidy substances dropped from the roof as it landed on Hisashi's hair, creating a small bald spot. He looked up only to see a shade of white drop onto his eye. He held onto his eye in pain, screaming. Toga immediatly put Bakugo on the ground and turned around to face 12 of U.A's finest. Ashido winked down as she floated above Hisashi's head with the help of Uraraka's quirk.


Aizawa told Inko to stay back at the resort, and after much, much, MUCH, persuasion, she finally agreed.

The group stood outside the abandoned building as they huddled in a bunch and discussed a plan. They were going to have Uraraka and Ashido sneak in quietly and surprise attack them. Everyone seemed to like the idea, but of course, Uraraka was kind of nervous. Ashido placed her hand on Uraraka's shoulder to comfort the girl, saying, "you'll be fine." Uraraka nodded, holding her fists up to her chest.

"You're right! We got this!" She giggled with enthusiasm.

Not long after, Ashido and Uraraka looked back at the group, giving them a nod, before entering the unforesaken building. Ashido stood in front of Uraraka, waiting for Uraraka to do something. But she didn't do anything. She just stood there, thumbing around with her thumbs. Ashido turned around to see what was taking her so long. "What's the matter?"

Uraraka took a long sigh before frowning at the ground. "Would it be so bad if we just let them take Bakugo? I mean, he's constantly mean to everyone, and shows no appreciation, and he always thinks he's better than everyone else." Her anger rose up, but soon settled as she concluded her testimony. "So would it really be that bad if they took him?"

Uraraka has been acting overly obsessed with Midoriya lately and Ashido and the rest were able to tolerate it, even just a little, but for some reason, this set off Ashido. "You know Uraraka. That's a new low even for you. Look...I love you and all but you need to stop being selfish for once. You've been acting different ever since you and Midoriya broke up. But this isn't about you and Midoriya and your guys' relationship. It's about saving one of our classmates who's in harm. Let me remind you, you're the one that broke up with him, not the other way around. And if you regret that, then talk with Midoriya on your own time. Don't make Bakugo suffer just because it satisfies your selfish needs. Besides, how would Midoriya feel if he found out you just let them take him because you were jealous? And yeah, Bakugo is really obnoxious and all but he doesn't deserve to be tortured by The League Of Villains. He's one of us! So get your priorities straight and once you decide who's side you're on, let me know." Ashido glared at her with fury in her eyes; like her enemy was standing right in front of her. She breathed in slowly, and then breathed out, trying to calm herself down.

Uraraka's bangs glided over her eyes. She spoke in a low voice, "you're right." This caught Ashido with surprise because she didn't know that her speech would get through to her. What have I been doing? Was I really okay with letting one of our classmates get captured just because I was jealous? Even if it is Bakugo; he doesn't deserve that. I need to forget about Deku and start worrying about my future as a hero. From now on, I will only focus on my duty as a hero in training. Uraraka darted her eyes at Ashido with sharp determination, cutting through the air with a knife. Ashido smiled as Uraraka walked up to her, activating her quirk once she tapped onto Ashido's back. Soon Ashido was lifted up into the air and she moved to above Hisashi's head. She allowed her acid to slip from the tips of her fingers as it trinkled down through the air and landed onto the top of his head. Hisashi slowly looked up, only to have another drop of acid fall into his eyes.

Not long after, the rest of the class barges into the abandon building, blasting, kicking and destroying the building in as many ways as possible, causing rubble to fall from the roof.

Once Toga put Bakugo down to cover her head from the falling debris, Iida used his jet legs and rushed over to pick up Bakugo, and then over to Midoriya. He carried one body on each shoulder, zooming back to the rest of the group, where Recovery Girl was waiting. "Here's Midoriya and Bakugo. I still have to get the others." Iida quickly rushed back over to where the others were, only to fall face flat on the ground. Soon, a purple mist has started to fill up the room, causing everyone to render themselves unconscious. This gas was not any ordinary gas. It was a sleeping gas. Mustard was the user.

Mustard walked to where Hisashi laid unconscious and pulled him away and out of the building, where Dabi awaited to take him back to their base. Mustard glanced back at Toga who was lying on the cold hard ground, before he turned his back to her and walked away.

Hours passed before soon enough, everyone slowly began to regain consciousness. "What happened?" Iida sat up as he gripped onto his head in agony.

"My guess is Mustard." Aizawa stated.

"Where's Ketchup?" Kirishima joked.

"Really dude?" Kaminari shook his head in disappointment. [Just like my father does]

"Mustard is part of The League Of Villains and he has a quirk that allows him to put people to sleep with his gas."

"Wouldn't he be put asleep too?" Uraraka questioned because she was familiar with his quirk.

"Normally, yes. But I'm guessing that the mask he had on prevented him from breathing in the gas."

"Hey! That's cheating!!" Ashido wined as she sat crissed crossed on the ground.

"They're villains...they don't have rules."

"Still not fair..." Ashido mumbled as she crossed her arms.

Suddenly, a wearily voice groaned from across the room, as the group saw a silhouette sit up slowly. Sero immediately wrapped his tape around the body once he realized who it was. Aizawa slowly walked forward to the tied-up girl. As he got to about 5 inches away from her, he stopped and glared down at her, removing his cloth from around his neck and his eyes glowed vibrant red. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right here, right now?" He threatened, glaring into the very essence of her soul.

"Because..." a weak voice appeared from the right of them, as both of them looked over to a girl slowly sitting up while holding onto the side of her stomach. "She's my friend."

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